Hermione was sitting on a swing large enough for two people to settle on. Wearing a lacy white dress and daffodils on her hair, she swung, her eyes focused on the setting sun. Hermione watched as birds flew by the distance. She could smell the grass and the sweetness of the garden. She kept swinging until the setting sun was there no more and the moon shone its silver light.

She stopped as she felt something touch her back. She turned her head and laid her sight toward two emerald orbs. The guy seated beside her. Hermione smiled and slid her fingers on the messy mop of black hair and moved forward.

As the distance closed in, she felt a soft and damp thin lips linger on her own. It stayed like that for what seemed like an eternity. Their breathing was warm between them, forcing her to close her eyes. Her heart beat was doing a crescendo and just couldn't quite hear the crickets anymore. She opened her eyes again and a golden light appeared followed by voices.

"It's only a week to go before Valentines!" said an eager voice across her bed.

"Do you have a date yet?" said another and both of the giggled.

Hermione closed her eyes again and shifted to her left. She clutched her heart and wished that it was all a dream. Nothing more, but maybe a little less.

No! This is so sick! That was Harry and I can't think of that about him! Consciously or not! I just can't!

But her lips were tingling and it was still damp the moment she touched it. It felt so true, but surely can't be, for other girls might hear or see Harry or whoever the guy really was, come in.

A sudden debate of theories came.

"Firstly, it may be a real guy who kissed me but I dreamt of Harry instead. Or, it was really Harry but then again, whoever it was, really risked a lot for being caught with a dorm full of girls," then it dawned on her. "Oh no, I might be have been kissing myself! How? I dunno… Moving my lips, maybe… Disgusting it may seem, but I was unconscious!"

She sat up and began fumbling on her clothes; it was all crumpled up as if somebody touched her. She blushed as she remembered the dream again. The way Harry tenderly kissed her was enough to make her stomach flip. She got out of bed and went to the Great Hall. She found Harry already eating his breakfast.

"Hello Hermione."

"Hi," she said can't quite look at him especially his lips. She sat down opposite him, her eyes glued at the empty golden plate resting in front of her.

"Ummm… 'Mione, I just wanted to ask you…" said Harry. Hermione lifted her gaze and found Harry's lips quite red.

"What is it?"

"Er…" he bit his lower lip. "Can you come with me at the garden? You know the one near the green houses? I just wanted to show you something."

"Su-sure!" Hermione suppressed a smile, unsure what was going on. "But I still have Ancient Runes after breakfast," she drank her pumpkin juice absorbing all what Harry had just said.

"No Hermione, we can go this afternoon when the classes are all over. I know you'll definitely hate me if you ever miss one minute of a lesson."

"Okay then," What is this all about? Why is everything he's saying remind me of my dream? Hermione finished her breakfast and headed up towards the East Tower still pondering on the odd coincidence of a meeting in the garden.

Her classes were like a blank space. She couldn't concentrate on everything the professors say. Her potion work was thankfully though, managed to be still good. She couldn't even wait for the afternoon come. With each passing minute on her watch, her patience grew lesser. Hermione grew alienated with herself that she was really looking forward to the meeting.

Was it a premonition? No, certainly not. But still… Argh, I hate it when I can't figure out answers to things that can't be based on facts! If there's just a book for this!

And then the end of classes came. The sky was already turning pink from the deep orange rays that spread through Hogwarts. With every step, anticipation and nervousness grew. Hermione was starting to bug herself since this was very unlike her. It was just a kiss! And there are a ninety-six percent of chances that it wouldn't come true or maybe not…

"It was all a dream! I repeat Hermione. Jane. Granger! It was all a dream!" She muttered to herself with every step she took. "I'm not even wearing a lacy dress for Pete's sake! Even daffodils on top of my head are nowhere to be found!" She raised her right hand and felt the top of her head. And yes, there were surely no flowers of any sort in there, just a bush of hazel-brown hair. She started to tame her hair when she reached the entrance of the garden, not knowing why she suddenly felt self-conscious.

Harry was sitting on a bunch of daffodils as she reached the heart of the garden. Her heart stopped at the sight but soon was relieved that there were no swings in sight.

"Oh, hi. Glad you came," said Harry as he turned around facing her. "Come here."

Not sure what else to do, she walk down to him and smelled the sweet air. The sun was already starting to dissolve from afar.

"Well, um, do you like it?"

"Huh? What like? Oh! The d-d-daffodils? They're great, r-really!" stuttered Hermione.

"Really? Brilliant! I turned it in into this arrangement you see. For Valentines; I just wondered if she would like it."

"What do you mean 'she'?" a sudden feeling rising up to her throat.

"Oh, just someone…" Harry smiled and sighed. "I just wondered if it looks romantic or something."

"Come on Harry, who is it?" Hermione said through gritted teeth.

"I can't tell you. Well, right now that is. Promise I'll tell you soon enough."

"Well, if you can't say her name, then why did you even bother to ask me to come down here?! How could I tell if it's romantic if I don't even know whose point of view I'm going to take it all from?! I'm going up now, I still have two hundred and twenty-two pages to finish reading," she said rather ruefully. She stalked out with a dash leaving Harry stunned right on the spot.

A pang of jealousy seethed through.

To be continued
Disclaimer: Solely the plot is mine. Nothing more, but maybe a little less.