Hi! I'm here with another ¾ fic.


Wally and Kuki live in different countries Japan and Australia, and they have a friend in common that introduces them, its Abby who lives in France, they began chatting the 3 of them but after a while Kuki only talks about Wally and Wally talks nothing but Kuki, Abby arrange a date for the two of them in order to meet, and b together.

BTW I'll write their conversation and their gestures don't look at me like that; we all make faces at the MSN conversation thingy.

The nicknames usually are hard to understand so they'll just be their real names not because i'm uncraeative, well that too, but majorly because I can't remember long nicknames with a lot of symols.

Oh they are 18 the 3 of them, (you know that there's a part of the year when all of your friends that are on the same grade have all the same age, well this is that part of the year), oh btw the actions they do are underlined, and also when Abby changes the window, that will be on bold italics to wich window she went to.

Disclaimer: I don't own KND, or KND characters I own the plot.

A date to remember

By: Numbeh 013

Abby was on her room wearing her pajamas, it was cold on France, she had never seen any country that was not in Europe, but she had known a lot of friends from other countries, therefore she spoke four languages, French, English, Spanish, and Dutch, however she spoke English the most, as it is the language every one of her friends is used to.

She turned on her computer and got online, she saw that there were only two contacts online, one was Wallabe Beatles, Wally, for short, and Kuki Sanban, just Kuki. So she decided to talk to both of them at the time, it could be pretty interesting, since she knew they were totally opposite to each other.

Kuki Sanban was a Japanese girl, a girly-girl, happy and carefree, but she has pretty smart and had a very nice idea of world outside, she was an environmentalist. Wallabe Beatles, in the other hand has a bully, a sport guy, not that smart, and world was not important to him, but he was an environmentalist.

Abby: Hi Wally

Wally: Hey Abby. What's up?

Abby: Not much it's 3 on the morning here so I just have you and another friend here

Wally: Oh, why are you up so early?

Abby. Couldn't sleep

Wally: Oh

Abby: Hey wanna meet my friend?

Wally: Uh whatever

Abby: Ok let me add her to this conversation hold on.

Wally: K

In the other conversation window with Kuki

Abby: Hey Kuki

Kuki: Konnichi wa Abby

Abby: Huh?

Kuki: It's japanese for hi

Abby: Oh

Kuki: Genki?

Abby: stop using japanese

Kuki: Ok, you are grumpy today

Abby: come on, it's 3 in the morning

Kuki: Wow that's early

Abby: Yeah I couldn't sleep

Kuki: Oh that's awful

Abby: Yeah but I have you and my friend Wally to talk to

Kuki: How's Wally?

Abby: Just a friend - she smiles at the window with a evil glare

Abby: Wanna meet him?

Kuki: Sure, why not

Abby opened a new window and added Wally and Kuki for them to talk to each other

Abby: Wally this is Kuki

Abby: Kuki this is Wally

Kuki: Hi Wally

Wally: Hi Kuki

Several minutes passes by and the conversation is still dead, Abby smiled at the window as she sees that none of them is starting a conversation and shakes her head.

Abby: Hey guys how is your country?

Kuki: Well here, Japan, is really crowded; we had a tsunami last Sunday

Wally: Today is Sunday morning, here in Australia

Kuki: Well I said last sunday, that means last week, it's Sunday here too, it's 10 am

Abby: Yeah and here in France it's Saturday or Sunday ... Sunday really early 3am

Kuki: Anyway it was really small it didn't raised that huge waves it usually does

Wally: Oh well my turn, since we are talking of natural disasters and that, today we are at 50ºC, and that when you are inside, and it's only 9 am

Abby: Hey guys I'm off, I have to go to tango lessons, yeah I know a bit early huh? but those start by 5am and I have to take a bath and stuff.

Kuki: Ok bye

Wally: Yup c ya

Insatant Message: Abby has signed out

As Abby singed out (it was 5 on the morning time France) Kuki and Wally lost the link that made them chat, but the mails remain in the windows that were now blocked.

Wally copied the mail and hoped Kuki would recognize the mail.

At Kuki's Messenger pops out a window reading:

wallystar mail with nick name Wally want's

to add you to his friends list

Allow? yes no

Kuki thought who is this guy? and clicked yes, cause she was on a chatty mood

Kuki: Konnichi wa

Wally: Hi

Kuki: Genki?

Wally: No, Wally

Kuki: That means how are you

Wally: oh! fine and you?

Kuki: Fine

Wally: Cool

Kuki: ...

Wally: ...

Kuki: who are you btw?

Wally: Wally, Abby has just introduced us

Kuki: Oh that Wally

Wally: yeah my name is not that common you know

Kuki: yes I know, but it's a nick name you can write what ever you want to

Wally: True, sorry

Kuki: np

Wally: ...

Kuki: you know i must get going - she sighed and shooked her head she couldn't think of anything to talk about with him

Wally: Oh ok c ya then

Kuki: Ok bye

Insatant Message: Kuki has signed out

Instant Message: Wally has signed out

Ok I know this is not a great chapter, but I can't think of anything right now, ok, this is how chapters will be going, please if you have any idea of what I'm doing tell me I'm off.