Here ya go!

See, I promised I'd get it to you soon!

Read on, my readers!

There was nothing more than an unbelievable horrible silence that filled the room. Sesshoumaru sat on one side of the desk in is study, his mouth shut tight, and no clear emotion written on his face. The man on the other side of the desk had excitement written all over his face, his violet eyes sparkling and his smile turned up so much, you could see the dimples in his cheeks. (Idk, if he has dimples I just always imagined him with them.)

"Continue monk. Tell me about my, oh, so call 'gift." Sesshoumaru hissed out the word gift. There could be no way that that human-girl was a gift! Even if she WASN'T human, she was the most annoying thing in the 4 kingdoms to him right now.

"Well, my lord. My name is Miroku, and since I was child, I have been taught to protect and train this child. As was my father before me, and his father before him. You see, my lord, You think you hold nothing but a human, but in that case you'd be very, very wrong. She is possibly the most powerful thing on this planet at this very moment."

Sesshoumaru scoffed. "Impossible. There is no beings as powerful as demons. Thus, is why demons rule the world."

This man, Miroku, couldn't help but smile. "Yes, milord, demons do rule the world…but what of the heavens? How mighty are those beasts? Perhaps, mightier that the mightiest demon on this lower level. And what would happen, if you say…a beast was to fall from the mighty heavens? Perhaps, even one so young that it's a baby. Would that poor tiny baby be more powerful, then, maybe…even your father…?"

Miroku watches as the powerful demon lord seemed to twitch in irritation, and his fist balled. Obviously Miroku had hit a soft spot.

"Do not ever speak of my father again." He managed to growl out, in-between his teeth. "And just what type of point are you getting to? That she is some kind of god? I don't know if you've had the chance of meeting her, monk, but she is clearly no god. She can't even manage to protect herself, with out hurting herself."

Miroku nodded, as if he had already met the girl, and if he knew everything about the situation. But, perhaps…he did.

"Yes, this is because she is not trained. She grew up amongst humans, fitting in with humans. This is why she thinks she IS a human. She must be told what she really is, and brought in to training everyday to harness her goddess powers within. Only when she completes her training can she rid the world of its impureness. That is how it has been foretold to me from my father, and the father of my father told him, and so on and so forth."

Miroku leaned back in his chair with a smirk on his face, as if he was bragging as he continued, "You see. My family has been chosen by Buddha himself to protect her! That is why he placed a gift upon our family, a powerful hold in our hand that such anything away. However, he also made it our curse. You see, the hole gets bigger and each time we use it. And eventually, it will get so big it will take my whole body in with it. But, Buddha is smart. He told our family that once the great goddess rid of the world of the evil that also fell in to this world, the curse will be gone! Ahh, yes. Praise Buddha." Miroku smiled, and closed his eyes, giving a 'moment to the lord', however he had alternate motives. Miroku closed his eyes only to the point where they looked closed, and looked around. He saw the lord roll his eyes, and surpassed a giggle. He looked quite ridicules when he did that.

"Look, monk. I'll allow you to meet the Human girl, but I assure you, you have the wrong girl." Sesshoumaru stood, and walked to the door, expecting the monk to follow. "Inuk, please direct this man to Kagomes chambers once she awakens. Untill then, please direct him to the south wing and give him some empty chamber there."

Sesshomaru opened the door and Inuk was already there, a small smile on her face.

"This way, please, Lord Monk."

Okay, sorry it was so short!
but I have lots I have to do today…

Next chaper will be longer, promise : )


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