Hey guys! Um, just a thought that ran threw my head.

Hope you enjoy!

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Inuyasha characters, so suck it.

The morning sun leaked threw the sliding glass door next to her bed. It shimmered across the room, landing on a face. The sun light hit her face just right and it made her skin seem to glow in perfection; a nice warm cream color. Her eyes closed, and her breath even and she sighs out in comfort. Long thick lashes shut tight as the light gazed over her eyes, and a quite moan of disappointment came from her full, light pink lips that were naturally glossy. With another loud 'humph' she opened her eyes, bright stormy blue in color that held unbelievable emotion. Right now, it was frustration in those wonderful eyes of hers. "Fine stupid world; I'm awake! Gosh." She muttered out and she lifted her head, to see the time. 7:00. It took her a minute to relies what time it was, and if she did not get up soon, she would be late.

She fell out of bed, and stumbled to her closet, which was just a few feet away. She reached in for her uniform, knowing she had to hurry now. She scrambled to get ready with the murders of "shit, shit, shit, shit!" as she went about it. Taking a quick look in the mirror to make sure she had the uniform on right, she smiled. It was her favorite one, were she had frayed the ends of the short green skirt, and pined her favorite band pins on one of the pockets. She had also bleached the normally red bandana that tied the two pieces together, and then tie-died it. Yes, she got in trouble a lot for ruining her uniforms; but she simply didn't care. She stretched a little and continued to get ready in the bath room. She went about her normal routine, brushing her hair, and putting a folded skill bandana in so it looked like a headband, and let her bangs hang in her eyes. She brushed her teeth, and smiled at herself in the mirror afterwards to make sure they were clean. Next to her right eye, was her pride and joy. A tattoo she has gotten done by a friend of hers as a birthday gift. On her face was a decoration of leopard prints. It had a meaning behind it, but she preferred not to talk about it. Her long, raven hair twisted and turned in a messy lump, showing she had restless sleep. She then went to her dresser to put on her checked knee high socks, also made by herself. Instead of reaching in and grabbing her normal school shoes, she reached in and grabbed her favorite beat up chucks. High top blacks, of course. She stood, and stretched a bit, before grabbing her bright yellow backpack, that of course had more band pins on it.

"KAGOME!!" Came a shout from out back, which made her jump two feat in the air. She sighed; relishing it was just her stupid little brother. "What is it, Souta?"

When she reached the backyard, she noticed her little brother was by the well house. "Kagome! Kagome! The damn cat went down the well! You have to help him!"

Kagome sighed heavily. The cat had done this many times already! 'gosh, wont that cat just get a clue?' she though, but still knew she loved the cat. To be honest, Kagome had the purest soul, and a heart of gold. She just had different idea's then people.

Kagome slowly entered the well house. It was dark, damp, and unbelievably creepy. Kagome could practically feel the nervousness coming off her body, and she scolded herself for being weak again. She was stronger then that! For heavens sake, she was 15 today, not a little school girl that's afraid of the dark.

She almost tripped when she reached the well, gazing in its deep darkness. But no doubt about it, her stupid cat was down there in the well, look happily up at her. "Mow."

Taking what bravery she had, Kagome climbed over the top of the well, and slid down. Closing her eyes, ready for the hit of the ground, and the hiss of her cat as she would probably land on it, she waited. She waited and waited until she started to wonder what was happing. Why hadn't she hit the floor yet? Was she still falling? What was this calming feeling she was having like she was drifting through space? What was GOING on?!

Suddenly frightened, Kagome opened her eyes, only to find that she was not any more in the well, she was in a blue mist of sorts. "w-what?" she managed to stutter before she HAD hit the ground. Her mind when completely blank and she saw black.

When she opened her eyed again, she was looking up to a beautiful blue sky, so clear and crisp it made her want to inhale its beautiful air. There was a pause in her mind. 'Wait….'

Sky?! From were had there come a sky in a WELL HOUSE? She jumped to her feat, panicking. Were she? Was she still home? Oh no! Had some one kid napped her?! She desperately moved her hands about the walls of the well, looking for some sort of latter or a strong vein for her to climb out of, frantically she gave out a little yelp, as she was ripped out of the well. She shut her eyes once more, in relief. Thank the gods…. She was beginning to feel a little claustrophobic. She opened them again…only to find her blue orbs clash with raw golden ones.

She slowly looked over the man that held her by the back of her collar. His deep gold eyes seemed emotionless, as well as his face. His skin was an ivory cream color that always seemed to glow in perfection. Two magenta stripes were slashed across his face, and a blue crescent moon was bore on his forehead. His perfect lips seem to pull back in a silent snarl and perfect, straight, white teeth shown threw. She blinked. To go along with his perfect teeth, he also had a pair of perfect long, deadly looking fangs. Her attention soon drifted to the huge fluffy thing on his shoulder. 'Is…he wearing a boa?' she asked herself, fighting the little voice in her head that told her to reach out a touch it.

She returned her attention to his face, which was emotionless, but accusing. She gave him her best bored look. "Well?" she said, as if uninterested. "Are you going to let me down?"

The man holding her (yes, I know you all know who he is!) found himself wanting to growl at her as her eyes gazed over him; no human should look at this Sesshou maru like that! He found his face some up in to that well known silent snarl. He looked at her then. No, no, mind you. Not just looked at her. I mean truly looked at her. He became fixated on her Leopard spots spotted-tattoo. He nearly gasped. Nearly. Surely this girl was not a demon? He inhaled her sent; and a sweet sent filled his nose, strawberries and cherry blossoms and one that he couldn't quite catch, along with the horrid sent of human. He narrowed his eyes. So she was mortal, despite her face-marking. It mattered not, he did not recognize the symbol of her face-marking. The only way a HUMAN could have one anyways, was if she was a demon slave, or some weaker, stupid demon has mated her. He aloud her sent to fill his nose once more. No, she was pure; which meant she had to be a slave. Ignoring what she said completely, he lifted his head in that 'I-am-better-then-you" way, and demanded. "Human wench, where is your master?"

…master? What was he getting at?! Master. Psh! As if! Kagome glared at him angrily. "Master? What with you? Just let me down already!" The - What even was this guy? Some old dude? - Snarled silently at her once more.

It was obvious to this Sesshoumaru, that the wench had no manners. Perhaps he should teach her? He stiffed a laugh at the though. She started to wiggle in his grasp, as if to free herself…it was kind of pathetic. She started to wiggle more furiously with shouts of "let me go!" and "God! Just let me go you ass!" He rose one delicate eyebrow at her. "Surely you do not want to be let go, of Sesshoumaru, demon lord of the western lands? Whores die to get in your place; quite literally" Kagome couldn't help but gasp. Demon lord? What was going on...WAIT!

"Who do you think you're calling a whore?!" she growled out, grinding her teeth, glaring at him that dared him to say 'you'.

Sesshoumaru felt him self wanting to laugh at this. A human growling; was it even possible? Perhaps he was dreaming of this? Perhaps it was just a trick him mind was playing on him?

He roughly let go of her, and turned away, hearing the loud 'THUMP' of her body hitting the hard dirt floor.

"Come, human slave, we will find your master."

Sesshoumaru turns and slowly began to walk away. She got to her feet, and brushed off her knees, that were now black thanks to the ground she had landed on. Grabbing one of the small stones that had long ago fallen from the well, she thrusted it at his head. "I AM NO ONES SLAVE YOU…YOU...BUTT HEAH!"

Sesshoumaru came to a sudden stop as the pebble bounced off his hair on to the ground. His eyes sifted to the rock now on the ground, and he growled silently. "You… Wench…are going to regret that."

Haha. I'm evil, I know. Sorry.

PLEASE….review! It will encourage me to write me! p