I Miss You


Serena was sitting across her computer monitor looking to see if she received any e-mails from Darien. She looked up ad down, and finally realized he hasn't sent her anything since November, 4 months ago. He's been gone to America for over a year now and she missed him terribly. Things haven't been the same since he left. Raye was still picking on her, and she was still doing terrible in school, but worst of all a new guy from school has been trying desperately to get her attention.

She couldn't lie, he was very handsome, but he wasn't Darien. Before Darien left, she promised she would wait for him. She still loves him, but she couldn't help but wonder why he was too busy to reply to her e-mails. She wrote to him everyday like she promised she would, but over all she only received 3 e-mails from him.

She was too depressed to keep looking at the empty inbox, so she turned off her computer and decided to head to the arcade.

"Hey Serena! Have you heard? Rita is coming back to Tokyo next week!" Andrew expressed with much excitement.

Serena looked at him with delight. "That's wonderful Andy! I'm so happy for you guys! Oh have you heard from Darien by any chance?"

Andrew didn't know how to respond. He quickly tried to change the subject. "Oh, Serena, you know how busy Darien is. Listen, you know how terrible I am with gifts. Did you want to help me pick something out for Rita?"

Serena looked down sadness filled her eyes. She looked back up and tried to suck it up. She nodded in approval.

"Can I have a strawberry milkshake?" She asked.

Andrew smiled and started making her request thinking. 'Oh Darien, I really hate lying to her for you.'

AN: I have a good story waiting to be told, but I just want to make sure you guy's like it. I have many ideas for this story so please let me know what you think and let me know if I should continue ) Thank you.