The Harry Potter Show


Disclaimer: I don't own the books Harry Potter, the Movie Harry Potter, or the actual Harry Potter. These are all good things, because if I owned the person, I would have killed him, if I owned the books, I would have killed him, and if I owned the movie, I would have killed him. So, it's all for the best.

Ron ran into the common room. 'Harry! Harry!' He found Harry. 'We're going to make a TV show! About our lives! It's going to be great! We'll have lights, and cameras, and action!'

'Who's going to write the screenplay?' Asked Harry.

'You, me, and Hermione!' Ron's ears started to turn red with all the excitement.

Harry, being the most calm and deductive person in the group (its called sarcasm, people, look it up in the dictionary!) said 'Well, we'll need people to play us, so we should set up an aud… er… an audience? No, that's not right… er… the thing where people audition for a part in the play.'

'You mean an audition?' Ron asked.

'No, that's not it, but oh well.'

Latter that same day


Daniel Radcliff walks through the door. 'Hello! I would like to audition for the part of Harry Potter.'

Harry looks at him more carefully. Not satisfied, he gets up and walks over to him. He pokes him in the arm. 'Sorry, but the spot is already taken. We'll call you if we need an extra, or something.'

'But you haven't even seen….'

'My people will call your people, ok?' Harry was getting angry, and you don't want to see him get angry! (Again, it was sarcasm! Have you people never heard of it before?)

Daniel walked out of the room looking sad. Will someone get him a tissue? He misses his mommy.

'Harry! What was wrong with him?' Hermione asked. She had thought he was hot, but she didn't want to say anything.

'He didn't look anything like me! I'm way prettier then him. NEXT!!!!' Emma Watson came in. 'She's perfect! Emma, you can play the role of… HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!'

'Er, actually, I was auditioning for….'

'HARRY POTTER!!! Harry really wanted her to play his role.

Hermione thought differently. 'Harry, don't you think she would be better playing my character? I mean, she is a girl, after all.'

Harry, pretending not to hear, told Emma when the first rehearsal was going to be. She was happy she got a part, but she had wanted to play Hermione, instead.

The next person was Rupert Grint. After he had shown them his acting abilities, Harry sent him away, too. After, the golden trio discussed the plan.

'Well, how many do we have to choose from?' Asked Harry.

'Including those last three, we have three.' Said Hermione. 'So, we'll have to use all three of them.' Ron and Harry nodded. 'So I think the girl should play me, the black haired guy to play Harry, and the red-head to play Ron.'

'No, the girl is going to play ME!!!' Yelled Harry. 'The black haired guy can play Hermione, and the read-head will play Ron, but we'll have to die his hair. No one would ever think he was Ron.'

After a couple hours of talking, Harry finally convinced Ron and Hermione to do it his way.

The next day

'Potter!' Snape came up to his most hated pupil. 'Do you know anything about the cameras in the gymnasium?

Harry blinked. 'We have a gymnasium?' He asked in amazement. He had known about the Quiditch field, but a gym….

'Yes, I installed one last week. And I didn't use dark magic, no, that would be bad. I only used potions, you hear? Potions! All of it! The whole thing made without dark magic! I swear! No dark magic at all! You can check it if you want! Wait, no! Don't check it! No! Please no! I promise, I only used potions to make a complete gymnasium!'

Harry blinked. He didn't fully understand what Snape had just said, but he did understand that they had a gym. He ran to where he and Hermione and Ron were suppose to meat. It was a big room with a shinny floor that had lines on it. 'Where are we?'

'The gym.'