Daniel walked in to the bleak child welfare office and grimaced at the pealing pant and scuffed to death carpets. The woman behind the desk looked up.

'Can I help you?' Maybe if I wanted to die from second hand smoke.

'I'm here about James McGuyver."

'I'll have a look.' Daniel waited as she painfully set about typing the name in to the computer in front of her with all the speed of a geriatric slug...on crutches. Relief overwhelmed him as the door to the inner sanctum of child misery opened and someone else appeared.

'Would you happen to be Dr Daniel Jackson?'

'Yes, yes I am.' He admitted whole heartedly wanting to get away as quickly as possible from the walking chimney loosely referred to as a receptionist.

'Thank you for coming Doctor Jackson.'

'Oh, please call me Daniel.'

'Very well. Daniel.' She pushed open the door to her office and indicated he take a seat before pushing a button on an intercom, 'Would you please ask James to come in.' She smiled at Daniel, 'Shouldn't be too long.'

'Umm, how old is James, you didn't say on the phone.' Daniel was rally not sure what he was doing here. he couldn't offer a stable environment in which to raise a child. Even if he got transfered off SG-1 he would have to be on and off world at the drop of a hat. He just felt so sorry for the kid. He had apparently been in over thirty different homes with members of the family since his parents died when he was very young , more recently his great uncle a college of Daniel's who in his will had decided daniel would make the best guardian for the boy.

'I believe he is just sixteen.'

'Sixteen? Oh, well I wasn't quite expecting him to be that old.' The door opened and a tall boy in Jeans and a baggy black T-shirt, with short brown hair, enters. 'Oh, Hello I'm Daniel.' He held out a hand awkwardly standing and facing the boy who starred at the limb dead pan.

'James' the boy said in a well practiced manner that said how many more times am I going to have to go through this.

'Well James I hear you've been having some bad luck with relatives and that my old friend left you with me. I'm afraid I'm not that experienced with teenagers but we'll just muddle along. I can't promise this will work, I'm really quite busy at work but what the hey. You don't know till you try...' Daniel trailed off acutely aware that James had no interest what so ever in what he was saying.

'Lets just get on with it.' James picked up his one and only bag and through it over one shoulder holding in one hand what should have been a rather large weight by the look of the bag.

'Dr Jackson There are some forms that will need filling in.' Daniel snapped back to focus on the woman at the desk.

'Yes, of course.' Daniel looks over his shoulder at James while being led out by the woman.


O'Neill walks in to Carter's lab. Randomly throwing a tennis ball up in the air to catch. It was easy to get bored just hanging around base.

'So, you know where Daniel is today?' Carter turns to look at him. Quickly pausing her computer simulation so as not to miss a second of the models progress.

'No. He left saying something about sorting out his flat.' She hadn't really been listening at the time, and he had been muttering.

'You know when he's going to be back?' Jack had been hoping to convince him to join him in the gym, he got tired of Teal'c. He just didn't get boxing.

'No. Why?' Jack didn't really want to admit to boredom last time he had Carter had tried to explain the naquadria generators to him.

'Oh, it's Hammond. He wants him to go with SG-12 and look at some writing.' Sam seemed satisfied with this explanation.

'I'll tell you if I see him.' He turned and wandered out the room

'Thank you.'

Daniel unlocked his door and carried James bag in. He followed behind looking unimpressed.

'What's with all the junk?' He said looking round at the artefacts scattered around the living room. There was even a white bored in the corner covered in a translation he was doing from ancient to latin.

'I collect them through work. I don't remember telling you before that I'm an archaeologist. ' James wasn't interested.

'Where's my room?' Daniel went over and opened the door to the spare bedroom. It was a rather spares set up that had never really been used, much like the rest of the flat. It was mostly abandoned because Daniel just crashed at the base.

'There you go. Make your self at home if you need anything my work numbers by the phone and I really need to get back.' James found it weird that the guy hadn't even bothered to take the day off to get him settled, it wasn't like he knew James yet. In fact he hadn't even taken the day to come to the profs funeral. Lord, He had been ditched on a workaholic...again.

'It's eight o'clock in the evening.'

'Yeah, I work shifts.' James wasn't going to ask. He wouldn't be here all that long. This geek would decide he was too much work and ship him off to the next one. That's what all the others did except the last one who had died after having James for a year. He just hopped the next one would live some were more interesting, and warm.


Daniel knocked before walking in to Hammond's office.

'Hello, Jack said you wanted to see me something about SG-12'

'Yes, first, where have you been? I tried your mobile.'

'Well an old friend recently past on and left his great nephew in my care I was collecting him. I didn't want to answer the phone while he was there. Not sure why, he just put me on edge.'

'Is this going to effect your ability to act as pat of SG-1?'

'No, he's 16, he can look after himself so it's not a problem'

'Well, make sure your house stays clear of classified material.'

'Yes, sir. I'll be ready to leave with SG-12 in thirty minutes.'

Meanwhile back Jackson's flat.

James had waited till Jackson left before logging on to his computer and seeing what this guy really did. A few years ago he had lived with a hacker for three months before he was arrested and could tell when people were lying. He looked them over they were like reading a sci-fi book. Some of the languages looked like ancient Egyptian, he had learnt that from the last one. This would take a while to take in fully. He might try to hang around for a bit.