A/N Well, here's a new fic I'll be starting. Hope you like it :D

Once Upon A Broken Heart

Chapter 1

Perfect Life

My life is like a fairytale, having an almost perfect life, having an alter ego, having the perfect friends, having the best dad ever, and the weirdest brother in the world. It seems just so perfect.

Then again, when you think about it, life isn't too perfect. You'll always have these flaws that will stick out, and yet I haven't found it. I enjoy living this way, but sometimes I feel like something is missing from my so called perfect life.

"Hannah Montana in ten." A voice called through the halls.

I sat up from my makeup desk and looked around. It felt like forever since I had some free time alone and for those first few minutes, just thinking about my perfect life, maybe it wasn't so perfect after all.

I had to live through a schedule whereas both my Hannah and Miley life had to fit together. Sometimes I didn't even have free time because I'm either off on tour, having a concert, doing a guest appearance, and so forth. Yet, I chose this path in life so what gives right?

I did a touchup on my makeup and looked at myself through the mirror. I looked pretty good, with my boots, jeans, sparkling top, and some jewelry on. I straightened out my outfit and walked out of my dressing room. Everyone in the area was running around, going crazy just to get everything ready for my concert.

I smiled to the thought that in just a few minutes I was going to greet a few of my fans. This is definitely exciting.

"Good luck Hannah." A voice had said to the right of me and I saw my dad/manager there showing a thumbs up to me.

I nodded at him and walked more into the room and onto the entrance of the stage.

I was doing a few new songs for my new album. One of them was a redone song by the oh-so talented Beu Sisters. They're awesome and cool and I wished I had talent like them. I didn't know exactly why I was doing this particular song by them, I couldn't relate to the song whatsoever, but my dad said this is what most of the kids listen to nowadays.

I did my warm-ups before I was certain that I was ready to go on stage. I took my microphone from the stage manager and ran my free hand through my blonde wig. Oh boy, tonight is going to be a big night since I am singing all the songs from my new album.

I looked around the area to see if I didn't forget to put everything on.

"Microphone, hair, clothes… seems like I have everything." I giggled and when I looked up I saw Lilly, also known as Lola, running up to me with her back stage pass in her hand.

"Hey Lola!" I enveloped her in a big hug and she returned the hug.

"Oh gosh Mi-Hannah, I'm sooo sorry I'm late, my dad drove so slow and I didn't have anyone else to drive me here." She said and I laughed. She had one of her crazy purple wigs on and she had the biggest grin on. She was looking forward to this concert for a while now since she hasn't heard any of my new songs yet. I hope that this will please most of my fans.

"It's okay, but I'm about to go on stage." I said and started to fan myself. The heat was starting to get to me, but it wasn't hot. Maybe I was just nervous or something. This is definitely not good.

"You'll do fine Miles." Lilly noticed me being so jumpy put her hand on my shoulder and squeezed it.

"Thanks." I lastly said just before entering the stage. I was greeted with all of my fans screaming and shouting for me. It was exciting and nerve-wracking at the same time and I tried to push these feelings aside.

"Hey y'all, you ready to rock to night?" I screamed through the microphone as the crowd erupted with them cheering and soon the beat to one of my new songs started to play.


After the concert, I was attacked by a bunch of fans asking for my autograph. I gladly signed them and took pictures with them. I was exhausted and I really wanted to go home already, but my dad had some things to do with the stage manager before we could go.

I sat on the couch in the center of my dressing room and closed my eyes for a moment. I heard the door open, but I ignored it thinking that it was either Lilly or my dad. They always were ones to open the door and never knocked, which is fine with me, but if other people did that, I would probably be in trouble.


The voice was familiar, but I knew that it wasn't my dad or Lilly. It was a boy, of course, but it wasn't Oliver's or Jackson.

I opened my eyes and glanced at the door. Jake Ryan stood there, the zombie slayer of Zombie High. I guest starred on an episode for his show once and since then has kept in contact with him. Although I hated his guts, he was a pretty good person to talk to when you're alone with him.

"Hey Jake, what brings you here?" I asked as he walked closer to the couch I was sitting on.

"I heard that you were singing new songs tonight from your new album and I just had to hear them. They're really good. I cant wait to buy the soundtrack." He grinned and sat down beside me.

"Thank you." I smiled. Now why is it when we're alone, he's never cocky, but at school, he's an idiot making a bigger idiot of himself when he does all those stupid stunts. Boy's are seriously confusing.

"I really liked that one song, Once Upon A Broken Heart. Why did you decide to sing that song?" He asked me and I shrugged.

"It was just on my album. I never really understood that song, but my manager said that it was one of those songs most people like to listen to." I closed my eyes and shook my head trying to get me to wake up, but I was just too tired.

"So you're telling me that you sing that song only because of what your dad says it's what us teenagers like to listen to?" He asked sounding quite shocked.

"Yes Mr. Jake Ryan."

"So it's not based on a crush or someone that broke your heart before?"

"No, I've never even dated anyone before nor have had my heart broken." I replied.

"So you're telling me that you," He pointed at me. "Hannah Montana, has never had a crush or fell in love before?"

I looked at him, his face looked as if he still didn't believe me. It was quite funny, I mean, why would he be so shocked that I never felt that before?

Then I knew it. That's what was missing from my life all this time. Me thinking I had a perfect life, when the thing that was missing was love. As corny as it sounds, I always put Hannah Montana in front of everything else. Maybe I should loosen up a bit after all and mingle just a little. But seriously, why would love be the only thing that's holding me back from everything else?

"Nope. I'm too busy to date or have boyfriends. I think I'm too young to fall in love, but I would want to experience it." I nodded, finally fully awake from this conversation. It finally made me see that maybe this is what I need.

"Oh really?"



"Now Jake, I have to get ready. I think my manager would want to take me home now. I'll see you another time?" I asked and stood up. He stood up as well and nodded.

"Yeah, I'll talk to you another time. Don't worry, I really do think you'll find someone that will steal your heart away. It's better to find a song that you can connect to rather than a song you don't even know the meaning to." Jake said as I led him toward the door.

"Thanks, maybe I will." I said and we both got out of the room.

He said good bye and I met my dad and Lola at the exit of the arena.

"Why was Jake here?" Lilly asked and I smiled.

"He just wanted to hear my new songs. He said some interesting things though."

"Wow, must've been nice." She giggled.

"It was okay, but I still think he's and egotistical jerk!" I exclaimed.

"Well you know what most people say, the person you hate is the person you end up falling in love with." She smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"I would never fall in love with him. He's dumb and he moves from girl to girl within days. Who knows who his next target is." I said and she shook her head.

"Something tells me it might just be you princess."

"Quit calling me that." I laughed. "And I really doubt he would go after Hannah Montana, he usually goes for the innocent fan girl type."

"Well, there is another part to Hannah Montana that most people don't know about, remember." She said and I lightly pushed her.

"Shut up. My life is perfect as it is right now. I don't need some boy entering it and screwing it up." I said as we started off to my limo.

"Yeah, well, Miss Perfect Life Princess, I highly suggest we hurry to your limo before your fans come and attack you." She said and we both rushed to the limo, with my body guards pushing my fans away from me.

A/N What do you think about this story? Should I continue? Is it good? I really hope it's not too corny…

LOL I was like, I should upload a new story on my 16th birthday for my 16th story… and look what today is… My 16th birthday XP.

It's somewhat based on the video I made, to those of you who have watched my videos on YouTube it's Miley/Jake - Once Upon A Broken Heart. It's not completely based on it, just a few parts.