The next day felt like it took for ever. I just sat there thinking about what had happened to me and hoped it did not happen to Soda.

"So what happened to you last night?" I asked Emily

"I talked to some guy for a while and then came home. What about you?" she asked.

"About the same thing" I answered "I wonder what the guys are doing?"

"I am not sure, but don't worry, Soda has a good head on his shoulders." She said re-assuring me.

It didn't really help because people had told me that I had a good head on my shoulders and look what I did, I ended up sleeping with my ex-boyfriend.

Honestly I never did find out what went on that night with the guys and no one, but Dally and I, knew what went on with me on the girl's night out.

We did not do anything except sit around the house all day and watch TV, and eat.

The next day was my wedding. I had a hard time sleeping that night because of the excitement and praying Soda didn't wake up next to one of his ex-girlfriends. That morning when I woke up me and Emily quickly ate breakfast and then headed over to the church. I didn't get to see any of the decorations yet, or Soda.

Instead, Emily rushed me into my dressing room so I could start getting ready. I quickly got dressed and Emily did my hair and make-up. Once both Emily and I got ready there was a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Emily asked.

"It's the gang, plus your brothers, and minus Soda." Two-Bit said.

Emily opened the door and let the group of guys flood in. Jake was the first one to give me a hug. "You look so beautiful" he said smiling "Yeah you really do" Ethan joined in and gave me a hug and kissed me on my forehead.

The Steve came up to me and gave me a hug "You look great Baby" and he smiled back at me and I noticed he had started to cry. I wiped the tears from his face and said "Thanks" then kissed him on the cheek. The next guy to walk up to me was Two-Bit "You know, I could have been the one you were marrying, but you know Soda is an ok guy." He said and I slapped him on the side of the head and gave him a hug while I was laughing.

Dally was the next guy to walk over to me, he didn't say much he just gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek and I could tell he was saying 'don't worry our little secret is going to be safe with me.' And then Pony gave me a hug and said "You'll be happy with Soda" and smiled at me.

Once all the guys had left I sat there thinking about that night when Dally had came home with me. I had sort of blanked out on that night. I did have a few drinks that night before we played that blasted game and I wasn't sure if anything really happened between Dally and I. I decided not to worry about it until after the wedding. Then I herd the music start playing and Jake ran in and said "Are you ready?"

I gave a smile and said "Yeah" and walked over to him. Emily had already left and gone down the isle escorted by Darry, since he was Soda's best man and Soda was waiting for me, at the alter.

We started walking down the isle and everything was beautiful. Everything was white and it looked so pure and clean, then I saw Soda. When our eyes met my heart jumped, he looked so handsome as he stood there smiling. It felt like it took forever for me to get to the alter.

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today…" the preacher said and he went threw the normal things. Then he got to the vows "The bride and groom have prepared their own vows, so sir." And he nodded to Soda telling him he could start.

He took my hand and smiled "Ashley, the first time I saw you, honestly, I just thought you were another gross girl, but what five year old doesn't think that of a girl? But once I got to know you, I learned that you were different from the other girls. You were fun but always proper. We always loved to pick on each other and threaten each other of the stuff that we might do, but never did. Then you moved away, that was one of the saddest days of my life, I had lost my best friend. Years went bye and I still thought of you, but my thoughts swiftly turned into distant memories, I wish they hadn't but I couldn't control what was happening. Then almost twelve years later you come back. I was extremely happy; I had thought I would never see you again. That was when I knew I would never want to loose you again, but my worst nightmare came true when my notes somehow got switched. I was crushed when you left me, and then you started to date Dally and it hurt me every time I saw you with him, and on top of that you wouldn't talk to me. I don't blame you for not talking to me, but then just a few months later we got back together again. From that moment on I knew I couldn't ever loose you again, so I decided to ask you to be mine, not just until death do us part but forever. I want you to know that I have seen you at your highest highs and your lowest lows, and that no matter where you are at I will always love you unconditionally."

I stood there and my eyes started to fill with tears. That had been the sweetest thing anyone had ever told me.

The preacher turned to me and said "Now, your turn Miss."

I looked at Soda and smiled and said "Well you stole most of my vows so I am just going to wing it at the moment." I laughed and took in a breath and continued "we have been a lot since we have known each other. Steve, Soda, and I used to get into a lot of trouble when we were little, but we always stuck together, honestly I had a crush on you when I was little that you did not know about. We always had so much fun with each other; I have never had a closer friend. Then that sad day came, when I moved. I cried almost all the way to our new house. I also used to think of you all the times, but my thoughts also soon faded into distant memories. Then my parents passed away and I was very sad, but the way I felt changed when I arrived and found you. I know we had hard times and we also will have more hard time, but we will get threw them and I will never stop loving you anymore that I do right now."

"Ok, now take the rings" the preacher said and we each grabbed the ring we picked out for the other. "Ok now you sir place the ring on her finger and say 'With this ring I thee wed…'.

Soda placed the ring on my finger "With this ring I thee wed..."

"Now you Miss place your ring on his finger and say "With this ring I thee wed…"

I placed his ring on his finger and said "With this ring I thee wed…"

"I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Sodapop Patrick Curtis. You may now kiss the bride." The preacher said.

Soda smiled and kissed me "I love you." And I replied back "I love you too."

We were finally together forever.

After the wedding we went back to Soda's house. I had to talk to Dally; I found him and pulled him aside.

"Dally remember a few nights ago…did anything happen?" I asked him.

"You don't remember?" he asked and I just stood there "Yeah, but don't worry no one will ever find out."

I stood there in shock for a moment and Dally laughed and just walked away. I was nervous, but I shook out of it and forced myself to forget it and had a lot of fun with Soda. We got quite a few nice gifts from everyone. We had decided to move into my house and just live there.

That night Soda carried me into our new house and sat me down on the couch and said "I love you and I always will…no matter what happens" and then kissed me.

The End

If you are wondering what happens with everyone after the wedding and want to know more, don't worry. I am working on a sequel to this story already. It will involve the next generation of greasers, and you will find out what happens to all of the characters in this story. So keep an eye out for my next story "Where's Mama?".