Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Kishimto, Disney stuff belongs to Disney, Starbucks to Starbucks, and Pokemon stuff to Pokemon co. Anything else I might've missed, that stuff belong to the rightful company/ person.

Chapter 9: OOC, a Band-Aid, and Piggy-Back Rides

Annie and Shanee ran through Adventureland, just barely missing a swing from the samehada. Kisame was walking, now bored because he figured out he couldn't get the girl. But that never stopped him from trying! The three ran past Pirates of the Caribbean (which was now in flames due to Kisame's boredom), and was cornered at a tree. Kisame grinned evilly and ran towards them, ready for the kill………………only to slip on a banana peel and fall face first on the ground. Annie and Shanee stared in shock as he sat up and did the most OOC anyone has ever seen Kisame do. He cried. The two girls rushed over to the sharkman and patted him on the back as he screamed for his mama (he really did say that). "It's okay Kisame. Now where does it hurt?" Annie asked, having enough babysitting experience.

He pointed to his right hand pinky, where a little cut was on the side of the finger. 'He needs a Band-Aid.' Annie thought. She stood up and yelled, "Does anyone have a band-aid?"

Anyone who was still in the park just stared at her like she was out of her mind. Who carried band-aids nowadays? Well, apparently someone did, because a band-aid appeared in front of Annie. "here's a band-aid for you."

Shanee tried to hold in her fangirl scream as she saw Kabuto appear, AKA (for Shanee) Mommy.


The poor sound ninja didn't have a chance to blink before was glomped to the ground. Annie just shook her head and applied the band-aid onto Kisame's pinky and kissed it. "There, it's all better!"

Kisame stared at the band-aid and smiled. "Gotta catch 'em all!"

Annie looked at the band-aid and sure enough it was decorated with pictures of the tailed demons. A sweatdrop formed on the back of Shanee, Kabuto and the other sound nin who just arrived and Annie's head as Kisame sang the pokemon theme song. 'This chapter is very OOC' Annie and Shanee thought. Kisame then ran towards the exit, probably smelling those yummy churros. "Err……is it me or is the Akatsuki acting very OOC today?" asked Dosu.

He looked around to see if anyone would answer, only to find them walking up towards Tarzan's Tree house. He just shrugged and walked to a café nearby.

The rest of the sound nin, Annie and Shanee were slowly looking around. Annie had prevented Shanee from glomping Orochimaru, AKA Daddy, by giving her the $10 starbucks gift card Annie received for Christmas. Annie looked around carefully, making sure no one was looking, and then jumped onto Kimimaru's back. The bone-using sound nin raised an eyebrow. Annie just smiled and said, "my feet are starting to hurt."

Behind them, Kabuto was running away from Shanee. He didn't make it far when the younger fangirl jumped onto his back.

: 5 minutes later:

Dosu was waiting at the exit as the group went out. Taking a sip of fruit punch, he almost chocked at the sight of Kimimaru and Kabuto giving the two girls piggyback rides. They glared at him, daring him to laugh. Towards the destroyed castle, the clock struck 6. "Ah! I'm late!" cried Annie.

She kicked Kimimaru on the thigh. "Ow! What was that for?"

"You're a ninja! Use your ninja skillz and take me to the castle!"

"Why should I?"

Annie grinned and whipped out a Dora the Explorer DVD. "Ever heard of cruel and unusual punishment?"

Behind them Sasuke raised a hand and Shanee patted his shoulder. Kimimaru sighed and ran towards the area where the castle once stood. Annie waved goodbye to Shanee and vise versa.

It took only a few minutes, having to dodge flames and debris, to find the teen's family. Kimimaru landed, threw Annie off and sped off back to the sound nin group. Kakuzu had just paid her parent and went off into the smoggy sunset of L.A. "Alright you two, you're grounded. You destroyed the park, and created chaos. No TV, computer, music, friends, etc until you somehow get the money to pay for the damages (and deaths) got it?" the father asked.

"Yes sir," the two daughters replied.

They walked out and drove back home all in one piece.
