Ryan, Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay and the rest were all on the school trip. They were in France to experience the "culture" as their French teacher had said, but it was just an opportunity to miss school for them. They were on the coach and, of course, Chad and his basketball boys were sitting at the back. But Troy was, in fact, sitting next to Ryan. An odd pairing, no? But since the musical, Troy had started hanging round with Ryan. Sharpay had actually asked Troy what was wrong with him, because she'd never seen Ryan make his own friends before.

Sharpay, Gabriella and Taylor had now become inseparable, and Chad was extremely miffed about all of this. He was accusing Troy of "hanging with the geeks", mainly because Taylor had broken up with him, and no-one knew why.

Of course Chad had tried to get Troy back, but he was unsuccessful, so he abandoned his pitiful attempts. When they got there, they got put into rooms, three to a room. Kelsi couldn't come, for family reasons, so Taylor, Gabriella and Sharpay were together. Troy and Ryan were put into a room, and, to Ryan's dismay, so was Chad.

Chad didn't mind Ryan, but thought he looked cool in front of his mates if he made fun of him. Ryan usually got upset about this, and tried to stay out of his way. As the next day was the tour, they all went to bed, full of food and extremely tired.

Next morning, they all woke up early. They breakfasted fast and were off by 9am. Ms. Darbus and Coach Bolton had come to "supervise" the trip, but luckily, Coach Bolton was on the other bus. Ms. Darbus took them to The Louvre first, an amazing museum with everything from dead mummies to Louis 14th's jewels. Unfortunately, there was also artwork, so they were dragged round that part, too. The most interesting was of course the Mona Lisa, but all of the other's were boring and all looked the same. So, Ms. Darbus let them explore the museum by themselves.

So, Troy, Ryan, Gabriella, Sharpay and Taylor all slouched off together and sat by the dead mummy. "Can I have a private word Gabriella?" asked Troy. Gabriella nodded and followed him over to another bench, by some Egyptian hieroglyphics.

"Gabriella, I kind of like this person. I'm fairly close to them and I think they're so lovely and sweet and amazing. They're absolutely gorgeous, too. But I don't know what to do, because I'm scared of what people might think. What should I do?" Gabriella just looked at him, and then said "Flirt with her; I'm sure she'll get the message, and then you can tell her how you feel. Sorry, them! I bet they feel the same way?!" Troy muttered "Thanks" and they went back to rejoin the others.

"Come on, Ryan, let's leave the girl to it" said Troy and the walked off together. "Troy," Gabriella called. She winked, and said "it's safe with me!"