Gone - Prologue

Disclaimers: This is just for fun! All the characters belong to George Lucas. I am only borrowing them to take them out to play for awhile.

Rating: M (for overall fic)
Not suitable for children or teens below the age of 16 with possible strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language

Author's Note: This is the first time I've posted here so hope this works and that the formatting is ok! This fic is an AU as I am playing around with things in the EU as it suits this fic so consider yourself warned! Please note I am British so spellings will not be Amercanised! Sorry!

Fifteen Years After the Battle of Endor

Leia Organa Solo surveyed the massed crowd from the balcony to their apartment.The noise of all the citizens celebrating below cascadedtogether to make a wall of living sound. There was a magical thrum to the noise, almost beating like a pulse of a living entity. The
occasional flickering light lit small islands of revellers, the pools
of illumination bobbing along like waves on a sea. It was a
mesmersing sight. The lines of speeder traffic and shuttles moving
between the buildings were less then normal as Coruscant celebrated
the Peace Treaty. Overhead the sky was still lit up by brief flashes
of vibrant colour from the fireworks that were still punctuating the
sky. Leia just let the cool Coruscant night air wash over her senses,
observe the night's events. Leaning in to her husband, they both stood
wordless, watching the world go by.

Never even in their dreams would they have believed that this day
would occur. The day when the Imperial and New Republic forces finally
and officially ceased their hostilities. The Galactic Civil War was
now formally consigned to history. Yet both Leia and Han were well
aware that they were still factions out there they would still cause
problems. The diplomatic work had not finished as the Imperial
Reminant and the former New Republic Forces would be uneasy bed
partners until the fragile trust built more solid foundations.

The former princess had experienced this atmosphere several times in
her life but this time it was different. Despite her hard work
bringing about this day, Leia felt apart from the rest of the
celebrants. She appreciated the unique occassion but was unable to
feel free herself to enjoy the day like the many souls below. She
had lost too much on this journey. The atmosphere evoked memories of
another time and transported her back to another celebration where she
had felt a part of the festivities. It had been fifteen long years
ago when the Rebel Alliance celebrated the destruction of the second
Death Star. In her mind's eye, she saw a forest with fireworks
blooming from the X-wings flying overhead. The simple music and
dancing round the fires high up in the trees seemed a lifetime ago.
What she would give to be back there once more to enjoy that night
with the more simple celebrations of the ewoks. It had been a happy
time when she had partied on a timber platform surrounded by friends
and colleagues. Leia's thoughts drifted back to that time just after
she had found out that Luke was her brother. Unlike on Endor's Moon,
there would be no reunion with Luke. This time, all she had was Han
whose arms had tighten round her in response to her unconscious reaction.

Appreciating his empathy, Leia closed her eyes and let the moment wash
over her as she was wrapped in Han's warm embrace. His strong arms
holding her while his chin nestled on top of her coiled hair. He knew
she was feeling fragile and his support throughout today had meant
such a lot to her. He knew what she was thinking even without the
Force to let him know.

For such a brash, loud mouthed Correllian pirate, he really had such a
sensitive soul underneath all the gruff exterior. It had taken her a
while to see past the demeanor to the real man. Somehow her brother
had recognised Han's true spirit despite the galaxy worn exterior.
Without Luke, Leia knew that her and Han would have been unlikely to
get together as a couple. Especially in the early days, they were
always sparking each other off. Somehow, Luke had managed to keep the
balance and also the peace despite Han's unnatural talent for winding
her up. Smiling up at him as she turned round to hug him. She
whispered in his ear, "I love you."

"I know." The usual reply made Leia smile before his well made lips
claimed her own in a searing kiss. Leia just gave in to the moment and
let her thoughts drift away and let herself forget for a time.

Talon Karrde watched the holonet report on the proceedings, taking in
the Organa Solos appearance as Leia's recorded voice sounded round his
office. Her posture showing her regal upbringing during the formal
proceedings of the armistice while Han Solo looked more relaxed at
Leia's elbow.

"I would like to remember those who have helped bring about this day
but who are no longer with us to celebrate this momentous occasion
on the ending of years of Galactic Civil War. Please raise your
glasses and make this toast with me." Leia had paused at this point,
to raise her glass skywards.

However, Karrde was adept at reading body language and could read the
tension in both of them. The words of her formal toast had praised
the combined efforts of the Imperial and New Republic for achieving
peace and looked with optimism to the future but her words also warned
the gathering about the price of war. Looking askance at his aide, he
wondered what Mara Jade's reaction to this was going to be.

"To the future! And for those who are gone but never forgotten, we vow
to build it to be such a future!"

Karrde's thoughts turned back the years to when he also had been
intrigued by Mara's reaction to Luke Skywalker when they had stumbled
across the Jedi's X-wing literally dead in space. He had watched their
relationship develop from a be-grudging respect to a deep and sincere
friendship over the decade. Karrde always had a healthy respect for
Skywalker's abilities before he had met the Jedi but that he had
become to know, like and esteem the man behind the name. He had often
wondered about their friendship. He realised after news of Skywalker's
demise that Mara had definitely been more involved with Luke than even
he had known. She had taken it hard but never had confided him about
this obviously deeply personal matter.

The former Chief of State raised her glass and sipped the contents.
The holocam then scanned round the gathered politicans and military
leaders as they all echoed her words and actions before the feed went

"Mara?" Karrde turned around not really surprised that the red headed
trader had killed the holonet. He was just surprised that she had let
it run for so long.

"I wish she would just come out and say it." Mara Jade said bitterly,
steadfastly trying read the information on the datapad in her hand
for the umpteenth time, as she tried to blank out Organa Solo's voice
without success. "Gone but never forgotten... in other words dead. "

Talon knew at least one of the reasons behind her latest outburst.
Mara Jade had taken Leia Organa and the NRI to task when the failed
undercover mission had cost Luke his life. Mara still blaimed Leia for
his death and after today's events, Talon had a feeling that Leia
still blaimed herself too.

Talon Karrde knew the red headed trader was a lot more bothered than
she let on. He still wasn't sure of Mara's background, even after all
these years. The trader had pierced together enough information to
hazard a good guess and he knew after working with Jade for the last
decade that her talents and training had meant special ops within the
Empire. He just didn't know the details and he wasn't sure if he
wanted to.

"Galactic Federation of Free Alliances!" Mara snorted with derision.
"What a mouthful! Wonder how long they took in committee to agree on
that name!"

"Still, it isn't going to matter out of the Core." Mara continued. Her
tone mellowing as she concentrated back on business. "The impact of
this armstice is not going to affect the Rim Worlds for some time.
Most will ignore this apart from looking at the holonet reports before
continuing about their normal business in their normal way."

"That is what I am counting on." Karrde advised her. He had been
informing Mara of his grand plans for his organisation. He planned to
offer his information and intelligence servces to both the Imperial
Reminant and the New Republic whilst still remaining neutral.

Mara looked up at him again from the numbers he had sent to her
datapad. "I hope you are not misjudging our capacity too much. Our
network although good, could get swamped by yours plans and it could
back fire on you."

Karrde waved away her concerns. "We will learn, adapt and grow as we
have always done."

Mara said nothing just raised a shapely eyebrow. Her expression saying
it all.

Talon ignored her reservations. It had to work and he would make it
work. He had the greatest confidence in his people and knew they would
suceed. However, he knew Mara was right on both accounts but the Rim
was a law unto itself which was always a thorn to those only familiar
to the Core. Centralised government was not very effective out there
even at the height of the Old Republic and the Empire. Palpatine
indeed had more of a presence in the Rim than many thought but these
places were left to continue under the radar of the New Republic and
Karrde had a hunch that aquite a few former Imperial officers who
were maintain their bases, would look on with formation of the GFFA
with suspicsion and try to make the most out of this current news
before the Core caught up with them again. He was in the ideal
position to take advantage and hopefully his organisation would be
able to obtain quite a few of former Imperial bases and stations as he
had expansion plans in his trading as well as the intelligence game.

His information network would have to develop to handle the eventual
volume of information which would be required between all the Core
Worlds and the Rim. If it didn't, the whole thing would become a dead
weight around his neck but he foresaw that not a lot would immediately
change. His operatives were experienced and in the right places so he
was optimistic. All they needed was time to expand and grow their

The change in political balance could also provide a few new
opportunities for him to proft from. He suspected his organisation
could take advantage in several different ways. He already had plans
and it was about time to inform Mara of what he wanted her to achieve.

End post - prologue

Well? Do you want Chapter One?