So, I'm finally done with my third chaptered fanfic. I really don't know what to say…lol this fanfic was so fun to write; again I must say how much I love medieval fics. I'm sorry I took so long to update; I've just started my second year of high school. I'm so far having a good year and hope that continues. Well, aside from the massive writers block I had lol everything else has been great. I hope you don't hate me for the few twists in this chapter, though one should have sort of been expected…

Anyways, thank you for all the support & you're the best reviewers a person could ask for. I love you all!

Disclaimer: I don't own Kingdom Hearts, yeah, yeah.


The first months in the castle were neither as easy or as complicated as I thought they would be. Kairi's parents were still a little unsure of what to make of my presence. When I was with Kairi, they were all smiles and polite, but when I was alone it was still very awkward. I could tell they were warming up to me, though; the conversations were becoming less forced, and instead of disapproving stares they now more of watched me in curiosity.

I had to admit it was always going to be awkward talking to Kairi's father, especially considering the fact that I had to argue with him about where I was to sleep when I first arrived. After Kairi gave a speech about how she was now married and an adult, he gave up in a mutter and stalked off. Ever since then I had been careful to show only a certain amount of affection towards Kairi in his presence, and it seemed to be pleasing him.

I had not really had to worry about that lately due to the fact that Kairi hardly went out of our room anymore, her pregnancy almost at it's end. That subject had been another awkward conversation with her parents. I thought that we should have just let it become obvious and pretend that it was new news to us too. Kairi, however, wanted to be completely honest with her parents. I guess it was her way of repaying them for accepting me, but it was horrible being put on the spot like that; even if it was both of us and not just me.

Kairi's mother did not really say much to me at all, but she really was my ally. She often gave apologetic and comforting smiles whenever it was obvious that her husband's words had gotten to me in any way. She was also always the one to warn us when he wanted to have a conversation, also known as yelling match or arguing, with either one or both of us. It was actually sort of amusing how alike she was with Kairi personality wise.

Turning my head over to face my crimson haired angel, I laughed at her pose; her hand hanging over her forehead as if she fell back in exhaustion and fell asleep like that. Reaching a hand over the pillows to twist my fingers through her hair, I again wondered how I ever deserved someone so beautiful; swollen stomach and all. Seeing her eyes flutter open in a yawn, I muttered, "Good morning."

"Hello," She replied, attempting to turn over but instead groaning with both hands at her stomach, "I can't wait for this thing to be out."

"You say that now, but in reality it would be much more stressful." I pointed out, smiling as I brushed my hand against her cheek.

"Yes, but then it wouldn't only be me suffering." She giggled in reply.

"How kind." I stated with a laugh; thankful that, for now, I could still have a good night's sleep.

"I know." She flashed a smile, our conversation then interrupted by the creaking open of the door. Narrowing her eyes slightly, Kairi called out, "Hello?"

"It's me," Selphie slipped in through the door, leaving it open.

Grinning again, Kairi apologized to the girl as she neared the bedside, "Sorry I've yet to sit up. I don't feel like I have the strength to do anything these days, with the exception of eating."

Giggling as she took her place in the chair beside the bed, she answered, "It's okay." Looking over to me, Selphie added, "By the way, the King said he wanted to speak with you."

Wrinkling my nose at this and sitting up, I sighed, "I wonder what I've done wrong now."

"I'm sure it's nothing, Sora." Kairi frowned at my assumption. True, he did not always call on me to give a lecture or argue, but three times out of four that was the case.

"I certainly hope so. I'm not much in the mood to have a yelling match today." I answered as I jumped out of bed and started towards the door.

"I'm not in the mood to shut both of your stubborn mouths, either." Kairi replied with an annoyed tone.

Turning from the door to flash a smile, I stated, "I'll try to be on my best behavior."

"Good." She nodded with a smile of her own, still laying down.

Giving a slight wave, I closed the door and headed to the maid's quarters to change into today's clothes. When I first moved into the castle, the maids insisted on dressing me themselves; like I was still five years of age. I had to tell them many times that I was use to dressing myself before they finally gave up their attempts.

Quickly exiting after I had finished changing, I headed towards the main hall where I assumed Kairi's father was waiting for me. Indeed, he was there; an expression that held regret and worry upon his slightly wrinkled face.

Blinking a bit, I trailed out, "Your Majesty?" I had never conjured up enough courage to actually call him father. He would probably want to tear my head off for it, anyway.

"Ah, Sora." I held back a look of surprise as he turned around to face me. He never called me by my name unless Kairi was in his presence; and even then it seemed drawn out and unnatural.

"You called for me?" I questioned, trying to hide the nervousness that threatened to overtake my calm tone.

"Yes," He turned and walked towards the door leading to the courtyard, finishing, "I hope you don't mind talking a walk with me. I have confessions that need to be said."

"A-alright." I replied as I hurried out behind him, stunned by his words. 'Confessions? What could he possibly mean by that?' My mind raced with possibilities, all very unlikely.

"You obviously know we have had a grudge against your family for some time now." He started, I giving a nod in response and he continuing, "You of course have never been told the reason for that, have you?"

Furrowing my brow, I answered, "I've just always accepted it as a fact; I never really thought about the reasoning behind it."

Both of us continuing to walk forward, Kairi's father began again, "I haven't treated you fairly these few months. Not because of your parents, but because I knew that you and Kairi were messing around for so long and I had been so blind about it. More than that, the fact that you two became married without word to hardly anyone." Pausing and biting his lip, he finished, "Kairi grows older with each passing day, but to me she will always be that defenseless little girl."

Taking in his words and feeling a pang of guilt knowing that I realistically took her from him in a way, I asked abruptly, "…Not to be rude, but what does this have to do with the grudge against my parents?"

"Right," He answered, I noticing even the way he walked clearlyshowed power and authority as he explained, "I was wrong to treat you like I did for sneaking around with Kairi when I, myself, am guilty of doing the same thing. I did not have a forbidden lover, but I was betrothed to Kairi's mother since birth. Though I've come to accept the marriage now, I certainly did not agree when I was a young man. Thus, I became connected with your mother."

My mouth fell open at this statement, asking, "What?"

"I thought that reaction would come from you." His expression was smug but fell once again as he added on to this story, "Of course I promised her that she would be the one I married and all sorts of other impossible things. When she learned I was not going to call off my engagement, she became enraged. She did not want to be the one always in the shadows; she needed to be known and envied by all. Once I was married, I did not hear another word from her, but I did learn that she married the very next prince to arrive as soon as she could; your father. After you both were born and met each other, you know the story from there."

"Wow," I let out breathlessly, my lips still parted in awe of the King's confession, "I certainly would have never guessed that story."

"Most wouldn't," He replied, both of us now stopped and facing each other, finishing with a smile of gratitude, "I must thank you for keeping your promises with my daughter. Not that it was a mistake not to marry your mother."

Smiling a bit in amusement, I answered, "I understand your point, but I can't just say you're welcome to you. I married Kairi out of selfishness because I love her and wanted her to be mine, and only mine. It would be wrong for me to claim that I was acting selflessly, though I know it made her happy too."

Not expecting such a long and detailed answer, the king parted his lips; unsure of what to say. He was however saved by a servant dashing towards us. "It's happening!" He exclaimed as he came into closer view, "Princess Kairi is having her baby!"

Both the King and I looked back towards each other before hurrying off to the castle. Hearing a baby's cries and screams echo through the hallway, I had to smile. Though the thoughts of the following nights without sleep to come and the sound of the cries were dreadful, I could not have been any happier in my life.

Entering the room, the loud crying noises subdued to small whimpers. "Kairi…" I kissed her forehead before turning my attention to the bundle of blankets, sapphire eyes peeping out.

"A boy," She gave an exhausted sigh with a wide smile upon her face. Reaching a hand towards his head, I was surprised as I felt five small fingers grasp around one of my own as a rush of emotion ran through my body. It was strange how you could love something so much and only have just made eye contact for the first time.

"A name?" I asked as I stared in admiration as I received a curious look back from the baby.

Eyes closed, Kairi replied, "I figured I'd leave that pleasure for someone else."

Taking a look back to both of her parents, they shook their heads in protest. Turning back and biting my lip in thought, I stared at my new son and racked my brain for a suitable name. "Ven," I concluded, ignoring the fact that he was now sucking on the finger he had claimed, "for wind. Incase he becomes a great swordsman, more of like Riku than myself."

Everyone in the room gave a laugh from the statement; Ven giving a stare before attempting to smile himself, causing Kairi and I to laugh again. Giving another look to all of us, he closed his eyes; my finger now out of his mouth but still lingering against his face, I commented, "At least we'll be able to sleep tonight."

"I doubt he'll stay asleep. I, however, could sleep through about anything right about now. So have fun tonight trying to coax Ven back to sleep later, because I will be out."

Chuckling, I answered quietly, "Alright." Kairi indeed kept her promise; when Ven awoke in the middle of the night screaming out his lungs, she did not even flinch while the rest of the castle was easily awakened at once.

And so the pattern continued over the next few months, though Kairi eventually had to join the night party. Aside from the loss of an hour or two of sleep every night, everything seemed to be perfect. That is, until winter arrived. Many people began to catch all sorts of sicknesses, Kairi getting the worst of it. It was heart wrenching to watch her strength and consciousness slip away a little more each day and not being able to do anything to help her. She even seemed to be getting well again for a small time, but relapsed.

Grasping her hand and watching the small heave of her body as she inhaled and exhaled as much as she could, I raised her hand to my face and nudged against it as I sighed, "Kairi…"Even Ven could tell there was something wrong with her; frowning and making quiet whimpers whenever he spotted his mother. So I left him in the care of Selphie while I snuck in a quick visit to my wife.

Returning her hand under the covers and leaning over her to kiss her forehead, I murmured with a forced smile, "Keep fighting." My words somehow managing to seep into her subconscious, Kairi's lip twitched upward into a smile. Heart fluttering in accomplishment and my mood now flip-flopped, I announced for possibly the thousandth time in my life, "I love you, Kairi."

I felt a little pang of disappointment when she remained unresponsive, but overall I was jubilant in her progress. "I've got to go now, but I'll return later; I promise." I gave a last stroke of her crimson hair before exiting the room.

That was the last time I ever saw Kairi alive. I woke up the next morning and walked about the castle to be surrounded by sorrowful faces. Asking what was wrong, no one gave a reply and caused my heart to stop within my chest.

Bolting into the room, I let out an inaudible, "No." as I found her bed surrounded by her weeping parents and servants. Shoving past the encirclement of people, I desperately clung both of my hands around one of her own; it being cold and stiff. Tears brimming my eyes and beginning to spill over, I cried out, "Kairi!" As if that could possibly awake her from her eternal slumber.

All along we had been dancing the waltz of the damned, and we knew it; we were just too blinded by love to admit that it was going to catch up to us one day.