{Final Chapter} -The Heroes vs. The Villains-

Meanwhile in Las Vegas, NV, Big Jet attacks David but stops him by using a piece of street with his superhuman strength like a shield, grabs Big Jet and spins him like a top, making him dizzy when all the sudden all the gamerzone villains arrived to help Big Jet battle David as he tells Rocket "Activate the Signal Light!" then Rocket lights up an "SE" light to signal the others to help David. As David gets ganged up on by all the villains, he uses an psychic energy blast to hit the villains but discovers that there are too many to hit until the gang arrives for a team up as Annie takes on Dr. Dogvile to his weakness on sensitive sounds, June takes on Mantipunk to his weakness of fire, Quincy takes on Sharpette to her weakness of Ice and Leo takes on The Cackler for him calling Annie a baby. David battles Big Jet with his strength as he removes Big Jet's Digitizer and notices that if it's destroyed, the villains can never be revived as David tells the gang to put all the villains in one area as uses his strength to hit the ground so hard that the enemies ended up in the sky by a quake that David made tells the gang to combined their powers. The powers fuse to make a beam called "The Einstein Cannon" blasting the enemies into dust as the Police Jets arrived to arrest Big Jet and his flunkies until the kids notice that their powers we're gone as they collapse on the ground as Rocket carries them to David's castle to recover as Leo wakes up and says "Mission Completion" waves his baton. At the final curtain Rocket activates the "SE" light. (The gang cheers) THE END