MERRY CHRISTMAS, EVERYONE! =] Hope you all could celebrate with your loved ones.

And happy holidays to everyone who celebrates other holidays or nothing at all! =]

Begin Chapter 15

For a good thirty seconds, the young teens just stared at each other, both with wide eyes and open mouths.

Naruto was the first to make any different movements-he gulped in air, his body suddenly realizing he had been holding his breath the whole time he was staring at the raven.


Just as Sasuke took a step towards the blond and raised a hesitant hand towards the tan face, someone came around the corner and put an arm around Naruto.

"Ah, Naruto, you're still here!" Kiba exclaimed looking entirely at the blond. Sensing tension, Kiba looked to where the blond had his eyes glued. Seeing the Uchiha, Kiba's eye immediately narrowed and the hand on Naruto turned into a clench. Without a word, the dog lover pulled the blond towards him and pulled him down the corridor.

Sasuke watched their retreating backs, his heart beat increasing the entire time. A rush of emotions was running through him that he felt as if he was having a heart attack. One hand went to brick wall nearby to support him while his other hand clutched at his heart.

"H-he's alive?" Sasuke said aloud, although he meant to just think it. "Wh-what?"

Sasuke literally felt like his heart was going to pop right out of his chest; it was beating so fast and hard and it was getting harder to breathe. His legs suddenly became weak and buckled beneath him, causing him to fall to the ground.

"I don't understand…" Sasuke said to himself. They said he was dead. I haven't seen him in weeks. Dead! They said he was dead! Was that really him I saw? Was I imagining things?

Sasuke shut his eyes tightly and envisioned what just happened.

He was walking down the corridor, heading to the ASB room. Someone turned the corner and bumped into him. The other boy was about to apologize but stopped and stared at him and he stared at the other boy. The other boy had blond hair, like Naruto. He had the same bright blue eyes like Naruto. His face had the same bone structure as Naruto's. The only thing different about his face were the three lines on each cheek that looked as if they were whiskers.

Sasuke let out a deep breath. Maybe I was imagining things? Maybe it was someone that looks like him? Or just someone else and I made myself believe it was him? But Inuzuka was there! So it must be Naruto! But he said Naruto was dead!

Sasuke's head began to spin.

Am I imagining things? Maybe that wasn't Inuzuka and I reformed some other boy to make him look like him?

Sasuke shut his closed eyes even tighter.

The boy he bumped into was wearing that same shirt Naruto wore often in middle school. The dog boy gave it to him as a gift and he loved it because he thought it was funny for Naruto wearing naruto.

Sasuke grabbed his head. Maybe it wasn't the same shirt? I didn't look too long at the shirt because I was busy staring at the boy's face. Maybe the shirt had a mint on it? Or I just made up what was on the shirt?

Sasuke clutched at his heart. WHAT THE FUCK? Was he going crazy? Fucking Inuzuka said Naruto died and his other friends looked like that was indeed the truth. That's what I've been believing for two weeks! Were they lying? Did I mishear Inuzuka that day at lunch?

Sasuke's brain was on overload. Various thoughts ran through his mind. Images of how Naruto used to look in middle school and how "he" looked now flashed in his mind.

"Naruto," was the last thing Sasuke said before his world turned black.

End Chapter 15

Sorry it's short. I want to finish up another story first before coming back to this. (And I like leaving things at cliffhangers)

Reviews appreciated! =]