Lights Out Tonight
Summary: (UxM) They were the perfect couple in high school, voted most likely to get married. He chose to walk away while she chose to stay. Now, they both plan to meet again, at a 5 year high school reunion.
Authors note from Summer's Sun: Hey everybody! We want to say sorry that we're so late with our update! It has been a busy week and I actually feel sick during the week. Sorry about this again! I hope that you understand. This isn't the longest chapter in the whole entire world, but we hope that you enjoy it! A longer chapter will be up sooner or later! Enjoy, enjoy!
Co-writers: Eponine xx, A Handful of Rain, and x Such Great Heights x
Disclaimer: We do not own anything.
Chapter 5
(Present Day)
Location: Outside the Tokyo Hotel
"Oops. Did I interrupt something?" A newcomer's voice questioned coldly and Usagi looked up, her face shell-shocked. She had no idea what was going on. She looked at Mamoru, confused and then looked back to Seiya who was dripping. She reached to touch her moist face and then sighed. Jealously, that was what was happening. She sat there for a moment before standing up and pulling on Seiya's arm to get up.
"Mamoru, I'm surprised at you." She said finally and Mamoru looked at her, quite shocked. "That was rude, but Seiya," she turned to him. "I am surprised at you also; I can't believe that you would try to do that. Let's get you cleaned up."
Mamoru stared after them, watching as they moved quickly towards the hotel, seeing them talk in hushed tones. He looked around him and realized that Beryl was watching him carefully. "You saw the whole thing," he sighed, "didn't you?"
"Of course Mamoru and I must say that you did a wonderful job of screwing things up. My offer to you is still open." She purred and walked over to him, holding out her hand. "All you have to do is say the magic words."
"I—I don't think I can. I just need to think Beryl, please respect that."
She almost growled as she watched him turn and walked towards the hotel after Usagi and Seiya. "You will be coming back to me Mamoru, mark my words. My offer will always be open, just you know that!" She called after him and sighed.
(Present Day)
Location: Minako Aino, Usagi Tsukino, Rei Hino, and Seiya Kou's table, now inhabited by Ami Mizuno.
"What. The. Hell. Happened. To. You?" Minako questioned fiercely as she laid eyes on Seiya and Usagi. "Did you guys get into a water fight? I didn't expect that there would be any water out there. What happened?!"
"He accidentally spilled something on us." Usagi said clearly and Minako nodded, handing Usagi a napkin to wipe up her face. "It wasn't his fault really, he just did it on accident, and Seiya is just a little upset about it still." She kicked her heel into Seiya's shin as he winced. She handed him a second napkin to dry himself off as they slid into the booth.
"You look terrible." Ami said and looked at Usagi's face clearly. "Do you need something?"
"No! No! I'm fine, really I am, I'm just tired that's all. All this drama is going to scar me for life." She declared and Minako laughed from where she was sitting. Clearly she did not believe Usagi at all. "What are you laughing about over there Minako?"
"Nothing, nothing, I'm just laughing to myself… in a corner, that's all."
Rei rolled her eyes and snorted. "And that's not weird or anything. It's just a natural thing for Minako to do. She's always laughing to herself in corners." She finished her sarcastic rant and looked over at Seiya who was still drying off his clothes. "You know, you should go use that hand-drier thing in the bathroom to dry your clothes off"
Seiya lifted his head and looked over at Rei who had finished her comment. He considered it and stood up. "Hey Rei, that's a good idea, I think that I will. You think that this bathroom has those hand-drier things?" They nodded, speechless as he made his way off.
"Wait—wait, I was just kidding." Rei said lightly.
Minako laughed as she watched Seiya disappear into the bathrooms. "Well, at least whoever walks into that bathroom can see him act as stupid as he actually is." She decided and sipped her drink elegantly. "So Usagi, what happened out there – really now, I can't just believe that Mamoru actually just accidentally spilled that drink on you. I think that something happened and you're not telling us."
"I'm pretty sure that she's just not telling us something." Rei commented and Usagi flushed, her face feeling hot underneath her skin. "Look, she's even blushing Minako! I wonder what you're blushing about Usagi, do tell?"
Usagi blushed again. "Well, Seiya tried to kiss me."
"What?!" Ami, Minako, and Rei shouted in unison as Usagi tried to shush them. She looked over her shoulder towards the bathroom and then back to her friends, a frown clear on her face.
"He tried to kiss me; even though I've told him many times that I am not like that. I do not feel that way towards him; he still tried to kiss me. So I was sitting there, wondering how I should break it to him when – BAM! I feel all this liquid on me, I have no idea what it was but it smelled weird and I looked up and there was Mamoru with a glass spilled over Seiya's head. I was disappointed in both of them; I didn't know that they could be so childishly." She giggled at the end of her explanation.
"I can't believe that he tried to kiss you." Minako declared. "I knew that he felt that way about you still, but I didn't know that he wanted to like kiss you. I can't believe that he would even try that after all that has happened. I guess he never matured and never got the sense that you didn't want to be with him anymore – like you ever did though."
"Oh Minako," Usagi sighed. "He's my friend; I do not want to hurt him."
"Some friend, he tried to make out with you." Minako replied curtly as she looked over to the bathrooms as Seiya emerged talking to another classmate. "Speak of the devil." She hissed under her breath and looked as Seiya approached the table with a smile on his face. "We were just talking about you!" Minako chirped happily.
He smiled and looked from Minako to Usagi. "You were, I hope that they were good things."
"Oh yes," Minako said quickly and cheerfully. "They were only good things; there are only good things to talk about when it comes to you Seiya!" Minako said sarcastically, but Seiya didn't seem to notice.
(Present Day)
Location: Mamoru Chiba and Motoki Furuhata's table
Motoki watched as Mamoru walked into the room, he had been trying to talk to Rita, but it had been too hard to talk to her after all these years. Rita was somewhere else, talking happily with some of her old friends. Mamoru sat down next to Motoki and sighed. "What did you do?!"
Mamoru eyed him as he leaned his head against the table and sat there for a moment in silence. He looked over to his best friend before speaking. "How do you know that I did anything? Isn't that a very general question, I could have done nothing."
"You look like you walked through hell or something, what happened with Usagi, what did you do to her?" Motoki questioned and Mamoru inhaled deeply, really not wanting to repeat the story to Motoki once more. He already regretted doing that to Seiya and Usagi and he didn't want his best friend to think that also.
"I spilled a drink of Seiya and Usagi, he deserved it though."
Motoki rolled his eyes. "Did he really deserve it?"
"Yes! He was about to kiss Usagi and I could see that she didn't want to kiss him. He just wanted to kiss her – but she didn't want to kiss him. He was going in for the kill and I threw a drink on him, so he wouldn't kiss her. She got pissed off and left with Seiya still." Mamoru explained and Motoki rolled his eyes again.
"How do you know that Usagi didn't want to kiss him?"
"It was in her eyes."
"…Wait, weren't her eyes closed?"
Mamoru tapped his foot impatiently, not really wanting this conversation with Motoki at all. "It was in her body language, she looked like she wanted to escape, her body was angled and everything. It was easy to read her body language and I could see clearly that she didn't want to be near him at all."
"Wow, so now you're like a body language expert? I thought that you were only a doctor!" Motoki cheered dryly and Mamoru rolled his eyes this time before shrugging and leaning his head against the table once more.
"She hates me now, I can tell. She keeps glancing over to this table, but I can tell that she's angry with me. Now what plan should I do?"
"Hmmm. So Plan A failed right?"
"Motoki…" Mamoru warned.
Motoki held his hand up defensively. "Just kidding, lighten up Mamoru there are some other plans that you could use if you wanted. You could just talk to her, just really talk to her and explain to her and then apologize. At least if she just ignored you – you could feel better that the air is cleared."
"What air?"
"It's a figure of speech Mamoru!"
"Alright, so is that what you're going to do?"
Is that what I'm going to do? Mamoru thought in his mind and looked over to Usagi's table where she was talking to her other friends, Minako glanced over to his table once, scowled and then turned away to chat with Ami. "Well – no that wouldn't be as fun."
"Oh! So this is a game to you?"
"No—no, this isn't a game to me! I just think that Seiya should suffer for everything that he has done. Usagi should never have come with him; he's a danger and threat to everything that I planned to happen at this reunion. I have to talk to Usagi, that's true, but I think that I'm going to plan something for Seiya first." Mamoru stated.
"That's really horrible, you know that right?"
"Uh—huh, that's why I'm doing it."
(Present Day)
Location: Corner of the ballroom in the Tokyo Hotel
Beryl shifted her position at the corner of the room and sighed, looking from Motoki and Mamoru's table to Usagi, Minako, Rei, and Seiya's table. She sighed again as she looked at Seiya. She had always been in love with Seiya and they had even gone out a couple times before he fell in love with Usagi after Mamoru broke up with her. She hadn't talked to him since the last day of high-school when he ordered that she should stay away from him. She tapped her foot against the hard-wood floor and started to form a plan in her mind. She could talk to Usagi again, she could bring her outside the Tokyo Hotel and to that pool and then accidentally push her into it. She smiled at that plan.
"Miss, is there anything I can get you?" A waiter questioned.
She looked at him and smirked. "Unless you can get me that man over there," she pointed to Mamoru. "Then no, you can't get me anything… but if you could get that man over there, then I would be forever in your debt."
The waiter backed away sheepishly moving to the next person who was standing in the corner of the room. She smirked again, happy that she had done that to the waiter. It just proved that she was as evil as she seemed. She pushed herself off the wall and walked towards Usagi table; her plan was going to go into action.
End of Chapter 5
Ending Note: So how did you like it? I hope that you liked it and I think that the rest of us who wrote the story hoped that you liked it also! Thanks so much for reading.
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