He was used to eavesdropping. It was one of the perks of being invisible. Though sometimes, it was what got him into trouble. Eavesdropping led him to listen in on secret information that he was never meant to hear. It's how he knew they were trying to figure out if she was on of "them" as they were called. And eavesdropping and snooping around led him to protect someone that everyone else thought was dead.
He didn't go looking for her. It was a complete accident; a chance encounter. He was downing beers after work and she was trying out a job as a bartender. He recognized her from the bag and tag but she didn't seem to remember him. Well, she hadn't actually seen him, considering he was invisible.
He watched her, quite amused, as she tried to pour drinks. She spilled vodka all over the counter. Frustrated at her clumsiness, she banged her hands on the counter. He noticed the flame that flashed out of her hand and he quickly jumped up. It was a smart move because flames erupted instantly where the vodka was. There were shouts and screams as people moved quickly toward the exit. He stayed behind and found that she was still behind the counter, shocked at what has happened in only a matter of seconds. He moved over to her and extended his hand.
"Come with me, love," he said with a grin.
She was a fast learner. He wasn't pyrokinestic but he was special like her. He trained her to control her ability so random fires wouldn't be started up by emotions. She was quick to learn but it was still a slow process. Many of his jackets were singed in the process.
He knew he had to turn her in. The Company would kill him if he knew what he was doing. He was risking her life and his life but it was for the best. They needed to be protected not observed like mutants. His faith in the Company grew less and less every day. He knew his partner still had faith. Some called Bennet a family man but he knew him better and he knew Bennet was company man, through and through.
He was sure Claire was special. Her mother definitely was, though he was never sure whether the father was as well. She didn't like to talk about him. All she knew was that he, along with everyone else, thought she was dead. She always insisted he tell her about Claire though. She wanted to know all about occasional Sunday dinners and birthdays that he had attended. When he spoke about Claire, it was the only time she smiled.
He's lucky to overhear the conversation. And he's lucky he found a bullet proof vest.
He goes back to see her one last time. She doesn't recognize him. She threatens to call the cops. He knows they've gotten to her, like they got to Sandra and Claire. He was completely gone from their memories. It hurts him more than anything but he knows he has to move on. A secret, solitary life was now his calling.
He hasn't seen Peter in days and he's back to his old way, stealing and drinking. He's on a stealing binge, looking for his next target when he eavesdrops. It's not the first time but it was a conversation that interested him.
"I need to find Peter Petrelli," the blonde teenager says to her companion.
"I've told you we can't," the man says, not looking at her. There's something familiar about him and his Haitian accent. He comes closer to the Haitian and the girl, to listen better.
"But…" she pleads.
"Claire," the Haitian replies, slightly annoyed. Now he's amazed. A blonde named Claire? Not uncommon but if she was Bennet's daughter and she was looking for Peter… He appears right in front of them. She's shocked but the Haitian is not. He smiles as though he knew it was coming.
"I know where you find Peter Petrelli,"