Disclaimer:I own nothing
Authors notes: Chapter three of PhantomGate.
While Rodney adjusted the ghost shield, John had finished putting the strange man, who he had dubbed Roy just so that he didn't have to keep thinking of him as 'the strange man', into the cell. He was looking for Danny because John wanted to take the kid to get something to eat. And possibly get a few more of his questions answered. Maybe he could drag Rodney away from the lab to join them, Rodney had to have a few questions needing answers too. Then again, Rodney didn't care what people thought and just went and asked... maybe just Danny was better.
John found Tucker standing outside the labs, watching Rodney work.
"Hi." John said, an eyebrow raised. Why anybody would willingly watch Rodney McKay sitting and playing with a newfound 'toy' was beyond John. Tucker stayed silent, obviously not wanting Rodney to catch him.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Danny is, would you?" John asked him. Tucker shook his head.
"Maybe Sam does. I saw her heading that way." Tucker pointed in the direction that the balconies were in. John thanked Tucker and continued on his quest to find Danny.
He found Sam standing looking out over the water. He walked over and stood next to her.
"You wouldn't happen to know where Danny is, would you?" he asked her.
Sam looked at John.
"He went out flying. It calms him down, and, well... danny said he had a bit of excess energy he wanted to get rid of." She said, looking back out over the water, A very small, back-colored dot moving very quickly, and barely over the surface of the water, was visible.
"You know, he may not show it much, but at the same time he loves being here, he also hates it. He's on a planet in a different galaxy, so he can't just up and fly back to Amity. He the towns protecter, He's not used to being this far from home."
Danny closed his eyes as he sped up, turning slowly, but not noticing it. He slowly sped up more, and didn't notice he was heading straight toward atlantis.
Sam's eyes widened as Danny zoomed straight toward her and John. Both her of them ducked as Danny flew past them, into Atlantis.
Danny opened his eyes to see himself speeding through a hallway, people throwing themselves onto the floor, some back into the rooms they had just been in. Then, danny did just what he shouldn't have done. He began to panic. Completely forgetting about his ability to phase through things, he turned, attempting to dodge objects he would've crashed into. He began looking around franticly, accidentally zooming into a room being used by only one person. That person, who had just been leaning over, got up, only to see Dannys terrified face for a split second, before being hit by Danny at a high speed.
As Danny got up, he noticed who it was he had hit. It was Rodney.
Rodney grinned as he finished the adjustments to the ghost shield Danny had given him to play with. He turned it over in his hands, looking at the finished product. It couldn't be more perfect if it had been made by the ancients.
Shouts from the hallway caught his attention. Rodney looked to Tucker, who was standing in the corner now to get out of the hallway and out of the way of many people, throwing him a confused look. Tucker shrugged and Rodney rolled his eyes. Could he not get just a simple two minutes peace before all hell broke loose? Rodney turned back around to face the wall opposite Tucker and touched his earpiece.
"What the hell's going on in the hallways? Why are people screaming?" He demanded. It took a few long seconds for someone to answer him, and it was John.
"Danny's flying through them!! Rodney, get down and stay down!!" John shouted. Rodney gasped and did the opposite that John had said to, he jumped up. He had been planning on knocking Tucker down to the ground, getting the kid to saftey before getting himself to safety.
The sound of something moving quickly caught his attention and he turned to look out the door. For a split second Rodney saw Danny, before the obviously frightened boy collided head-on with him. Rodney crashed down to the ground, his head colliding quickly and painfully with the ground. Stars danced in front of his eyes and black dots lined his vision before falling completely into unconsciousness.
Danny rubbed his head.
"augh... Should'a gone intangible... but thats what I get for panicing, I guess." Danny said, attempting to help Rodney up, only to discover that the older man was, in fact, unconscious.
"oops..." danny said, noticing that a few people were grinning. He was sure he'd even heard somebody say; 'nice', another; 'finally'.
Danny walked into the hallway, where a few people were still recovering from what had just happened.
"Sorry!" Danny yelled. "It won't happen again! I hope..." Danny added as an afterthought.
He walked back into the room, and pulled rodney onto a chair, with much difficulty.
"I hope he didn't break anything."
Rodney groaned as he awakened. What had happened to give him such a massive headache? He had been working on the ghost shield... no... he had just finished working on the ghost shield. Something had been thrown at him. No, someone had been thrown at him. Danny had been thrown at him. Yes, that was it. Two idiot marines had gotten into another fight, Danny had tried to stop it, and ended up getting picked up and thrown out of the way. Because it was impossible for Danny to have been FLYING. It defied every law of physics for a human to fly.
Rodney rubbed his head and opened his eyes just as John charged through the doorway. The chief military officer of Atlantis looked worriedly from Danny, who was standing nervously nearby, and Rodney, who had yet to figure out how he had gotten onto a chair. Wasn't he standing when Danny was thrown?
"Rodney, are you alright? I told you to get down not up! Didn't you hear me, Danny was flying through the hallways!" John turned to said teenager. "Speaking of which. We need to lay down a few ground rules. Just because you're going to be here for a little while doesn't mean that you can just go flying anywhere over the planet. No going out without someone else. This base is top secret which means there's stuff here that you aren't allowed to see without proper security clearance, which I'm pretty damn sure none of you have." John told Danny seriously.
"I finished the ghost shield. It's all ready to be attached to the cell." Rodney told them.
Danny sighed. That meant he wouldn't be allowed to phase through the walls. At least, walls that lead to places he wasn't allowed to be. Or fly around.
He hoped he wouldn't get too jumpy with the sudden lack of ghosts.
"So You guys... What do you do here?" Danny asked, hoping he could help out with stuff to keep him busy. He knew John would probably not tell him anything, as 'top secret' meant he wasn't supposed to know.
Rodney rolled his eyes, throwing John a 'he didn't really just ask that' look. John just grinned.
"We do work. Or in Rodney's case he plays with really old junk to find out it's only a used toothbrush." John said. Rodney glared holes in John.
"That was ONE time. You know full well that this city wouldn't be here if it wasn't for my infinite genius and ability to pull answers to mistakes you and your military grunts make out of my ass." Rodney insisted vehemently. John just chuckled as he turned to Danny.
"You wanna see something cool?" John asked. "Your friends can come too, if they want."
Danny brightened at Johns question.
"Sure." He began to follow John, Sam and Tucker following behind.
Danny rolled his eyes as Tucker Whispered in his ear.
"You sure we can trust these guys danny?"
"Of course Tuck. And it's not like we can escape anywhere. When I was outside, it was water as far as I could see. And If they don't like Vlad, then they're good guys in my book." Sam chuckled, and turned to Tucker.
"Hey, these guys don't seem that bad. I wonder how Vlad got here anyway..." She thought out loud. Danny frowned.
"Yea... I mean, I know how we probably got here, but how could Vlad have?"
"We could ask him later, you know." Sam said to him.