"I told you I don't wanna!" Ichigo shrieked as Renji dragged him through the streets of Karakura.

"Too bad. Everyone else left before you so you're stuck with it." Renji growled in response.

"Renji! I'm not old enough to drink!"

"Who cares!?! If you act like you belong no one will notice… Ah, here's a place," he said pointing to a random bar.

"You're just going in the first bar you see?"

"I really need a drink. You're pissing me off."

"Why would you want to drink with someone who pisses you off!?!"

"Just shut up and get in there!" Renji yelled as he threw Ichigo through the doors. Ichigo rolled past the bar, slamming into the wall at the other end. The patrons grabbed their drinks and headed to a safer part of the room. Pretty much anywhere away from the new people…

Ichigo stood up and prepared to launch his attack on Renji who was making his way to a stool. He ordered two beers as Ichigo came after him, though I think having a big glass of a foamy liquid shoved in your face would make anyone stop in their tracks. At least Ichigo did. Screeching to a halt centimeters away from a facial impact with glass and liquid, Ichigo eyed the beverage suspiciously.

"I know you know what beer is kid."

"Of course I do! It just smells like pee..."

Renji chuckled to himself as he drank his. The female bar tender looked at the two quizzically. "He just turned eight-teen. We're celebrating properly now." Renji stated before the bar tender decided to care too much. "Just shut up and drink it Ichigo."

Ichigo reluctantly took the cup of pee, err, beer and sat down next to Renji. He finally took the time to take in his surroundings. He had never actually been in a bar before, so this was interesting to him. There were several people scattered all about; some in small groups, some by themselves. It seemed to be mostly business-like men, although there were a few women here and there. It had more of a lounge feel to it… Some people were singing karaoke at the little stage to the left, others playing poker or some random arcade game. He looked at the bar tender who was now at the other end flirting with some guy. Interesting… This woman… she was rather muscular. Not as big as Chad, but certainly bigger than Ichigo. Her hair was big and her make up over done. Very strong jaw line, and… wait… Is that an Adam's apple? She does have very large leg and arm muscles, not quite a five o'clock shadow… Holy… She's gotta be a he… Ichigo quickly took a sip of his beer only to sputter at the taste of it.

"It's about time you tried it Strawberry-san," Renji laughed as he finished his first beer.

"Renji, what kind of bar did you take me to?" Ichigo asked; trying to not sound freaked out.

Renji saw the uneasiness in his eyes though. "What's the matter? A bar is a bar! Just finish your beer before I pour it down your throat for you."

Ichigo took another sip, this time not sputtering as much. By the time he finished it, he had become accustomed to the taste and really didn't mind the idea of another one. The bar keep came over and asked in a masculine-trying-to-be-feminine voice, "Would you like another sweetheart?"

Being called sweetheart by what had to have been a drag-queen did make Ichigo slightly uneasy, but there was an ever so faint tingling in his head that he thought must almost be what people refer to as a 'buzz' and he was curious to see where that would go. "Yes, thank you ma'am," he managed to get out without laughing. Ma'am…

The 'woman' just smiled sweetly and gave him another. "This one is on me sugar," 'she' said. Obviously tickled with the young man. Ichigo graciously accepted it and began to drink it with more enthusiasm than the last.

Several beers and a few shots of some random liquors later, Ichigo was chatting it up with the man- um, woman behind the bar and a few men that had found seats near him. Renji seemed to be hitting on a few real women and not being very successful. They seemed more interested in each other… Everyone seemed to be interested in Ichigo. He had offers to buy him a drink from almost everyone. Forget the buzz. Ichigo was getting wasted.

"Ichigo, I'm going to take a leak and then we're leaving." Renji slurred out as he passed Ichigo and his new friends.

"Ha, yeah, sure! Have fun Rennnjiii-chan!!" was the response he got. Even though Renji was a bit drunk himself, that response still freaked him out.

In the bathroom Renji could hear the sounds of dance music blaring as apparently someone was about to hit the karaoke stage. "This place really picks up after nine o'clock," he thought. Granted, he wasn't sure what time it was now, but he was sure it was definitely after nine. Yeah, definitely after nine. He walked back out as the singer hit the chorus. He looked at the stage to see none other than Ichigo; singing; on stage; with other men… This scene he saw as the words, "be my bad boy, be my man, be my weekend lover but don't be my friend," came blasting from the speakers… Holy crap that had to be the funniest thing he had seen all night! He would have laughed except for the fact that at that point Ichigo spotted him.

Ichigo left the other people singing to stumble through the crowd of people in order to grab Renji by the arm and haul him up on stage with them. Renji couldn't be more mortified. It was hilarious when Ichigo was drunk and letting a bunch of men hang all over him, but Renji did not want to be forced to be one of those men. But then again… Renji couldn't really remember a time when he had seen Ichigo really smile. And his eyebrows weren't pointing down to his nose. Actually, he could be mistaken for being cute… What! Oh, God. No… No way was Renji thinking like that. "It's just the alcohol; it's just the alcohol…" he repeated to himself. But, Ichigo was dancing… Renji had never seen him dance before. Oh crap. Renji was starting to dance… He'd probably regret it in the morning, wait, he didn't know any of these people and Ichigo would probably not remember anything in the morning anyway… Why not just go with it? Ichigo seemed to be having fun. He could have fun too, right?

And so the night progressed. Renji and Ichigo really hit it off at this place where all the men seemed to be really friendly. They spent the majority of the night drinking and dancing and singing and what would appear to be… flirting? Well, anyone else more sober than them would consider it such.

oOEnd: Part OneOo

The chorus that was mentioned, "be my bad boy, be my man, be my weekend lover, but don't be my friend;" is from a song call "Bad Boy" by Cascada. Alright, now let's see if I can get part two up...