Woot-woot! My first story! I don't normally write stories like this, but; this ones special! WARNING: No lemons, just drug abuse and drinking.

Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha.

Art Class

Chapter One: U'll See

I was always the girl with the 'in' crowd. I was the girl that sparked envy and hate in girls and lust and romance in guys. Not that I intentionally did so, my group of 'friends', the preppy, drug free, alcoholics, were mostly made up of immature jerks. I was the one that they always included and joked with, so I never really noticed.

My group was always the class clowns. Goofing off and getting in trouble, but somehow managing to pull an A-average in every class. We spent the weekends drinking and throwing killer parties. We were the ones behind the charities and drug-free walks, the car washes and the fundraisers. We were rich. And we were popular. That's the way it always was.

So here I am, on another Saturday night with half of the school crammed into my living room and kitchen, dancing to the overbearing techno beat that blasted from my sound system. Many wine coolers were in the hands of my friends, neighbors, and guests; but I had lost track of mine long ago.

I was lost in many things.

Lost in the beat, lost in my own mindless intoxication, and lost in the mob of people I was dancing with.

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Come Monday morning, I was in the center of a large mob of people, letting me know that I can throw a monstrous party when my parents are away. I was thankful, but still exhausted from the last-minute cleaning makeover I had to give my entire household. The bell rang and everyone hustled into their classrooms. I settled in pre-calc.

My pre-calc teacher was old, quiet, and hard to understand. It was nice that he wrote on the board, considering the fact that I could not hear a single word the damned old man said.

A folded piece of paper landed at the corner of my desk. I looked at the teacher first, whose old eyes didn't catch a thing, and then around the room. Ayumi smirked and waved to me.

I opened it and read, did u c the new kid yet?

I decided my answer and threw it back, A new kid? What new kid?

u'll see. 

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I didn't see the new kid or hear anything more about him until I entered my 3rd period, my only art class. While the rest of the class was trying very hard to complete our drawing of a hand (mine of which was completed last week) he strolled in with the walk that says all anyone needs to know about you. That you think you are king of the world.

He showed the art teacher, Ms. Kasich, his tardy slip. "I see you're late for your very first day, Mr. Taisho." Ms. Kasich was the kind of teacher who wore plastic shoes and really wanted to be the drama instructor.

"Who cares?" Taisho stated coldly as he breezed past me and sat down, right between me and Eri. He reeked of cigarette smoke, which only helped his bad-ass style.

His dark wash denim jeans had mud and paint splattered on them. He wore a crimson shirt with a faded black skull and a heavy, black cloth jacket. His long, silver hair was in a nappy, yet attractive mess; his half-demon dog ears somehow poking up from the mop. He instantly sunk into his uncomfortable chair and popped his head-phones in; listening to some screaming, death metal music way too loudly. (Me: I don't really want to explain how they stay in his ears. Why? Frankly, because I have no idea how they would.)

Minutes later, I scribbled a note on a folded paper and turned to him.

"Hey," I whispered. I was struck by his golden, blood shot eyes, but I didn't let it phase me. "Could you give this to the girl next to you?'

He snatched it with one flick of his wrist and tossed it next to him with another. It landed directly in the center of her desk. He continued to look blankly ahead of him. He seemed a little cold, didn't he?

Out of nowhere, a folded paper landed smack dab in the middle of my desk.

U think so? She replied.

We continued to pass notes back and forth (thanks to Taisho, whose real name I don't know) until the bell rang.

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Over and out! Thanks everyone! R&R! Next Chapter: Kagome gets drunk!