Chapter One- Strange Eyes and Forgotten Worries Drown in Your Beauty

Reid yawned as Professor Mitchells continued to drone on about paganism in the late 17th century. Looking around he noticed that most of the students seemed to be following his own example. Except for Aaron and Kira. The two sat still, taking notes on how the witch hunter movement began.

"Hey, Baby Boy."

Tyler almost jumped as Reid poked him. "What?"

"Fresh meat." His half-gloved hand motioned to the door where a girl leaned against the frame.

She was different to the other girls that littered the class. For one her eyes were bright with a piercing intelligence, almost like she knew more than the others. Two, would be the fact that she was dressed casually all in black, the sleeves of her shirt ending just above her black gloves. Fingerless, just like his.

"Can I help you miss?" Mitchells looked up as she finally stepped into the room.

"Maybe." She shrugged and smiled. "All depends on whether I should be in a class where the only people not asleep resemble nerds."

Reid had to laugh. "Hey, Mitchells, looks like we gotta keeper. Hits us right in the hearts." He fainted dramatically as Tyler stifled his laughter.

Mitchells cleared his throat impatiently. "That's enough Mr Garwin. You'll see detention for that. And you too, miss…?"


"Ah, right. Transfer papers?" the girl smirked as she handed him the required sheets of paper. "I'm sorry. Where are you transferring from?"

"Montreal Prep."

Reid frowned as her eyes shifted for a moment. He looked at Tyler who shrugged.

"Ah, yes. Now I see it. Well Lana--."

"Laina. God is it really that hard to pronounce?"

"Curb your tongue, young lady." He scowled as she smiled sarcastically. "Introduce yourself to the class, and be quick about it!"

The girl raised an eyebrow as Mitchells folded his arms. "Right. Well, class, my name's Laina Mayrlene. I transferred from Montreal Prep. Oh, and right now? That's as much as you need to know. That and the fact your classmate here in the front is drooling."

Mitchells cleared his throat as the room filled with laughter. "That will be quite enough Miss Mayrlene."

"What? No Encore?"

"No! Take a seat with Mr Garwin and Mr Simms, I believe you'll get to know them quite well through detention." He turned back to the book he had been reading from. The girl simply folded her arms.

"Well, until then, how the hell am I meant to know who they are?"

He sighed in exasperation. "Mr Simms?"

Tyler's head shot up. "Yes, sir?"

"There. Now sit!"

Laina raised her hands in mock surrender before making her way up the stairs and sliding in between Tyler and Reid. Tyler smiled and offered his hand. She looked at him for a moment before shaking it.

"I'm Tyler."

She smiled back after a moment. "Laina."

Reid cleared his throat as he held his hand out. "Name's Garwin. Reid Garwin."

"007-much?" she laughed as she shook his hand.

"Someone's gotta keep this lot laughing."

Laina shook her head before looking over to where Aaron and Kira sat. "I didn't think trust-fund babies could ever be nerds."

"I resent that. But," Reid shrugged. "Aaron and Kira are always attentive in this class."

She nodded. "Paganism? People actually teach the history of it?"

"Nothing wrong with witchcraft." Tyler's voice was soft as his blue eyes looked up.

"Didn't mean anything by it. Hell, I'm wearing a pentagram."

"Miss Mayrlene! This is your first class at Spencer and already you have earned yourself a detention. Now, please try to be quiet." Mitchells fixed her with a stare that usually resulted in students cringing.

"Okay. I'll try."

Reid laughed before draping his arm over her shoulders. "You're gonna fit in real good."

"Meaning you'll be spending your afternoons in the library doing detention." Tyler smiled before Mitchells could say anything.

Laina's first class went by faster than she thought it would. She enjoyed the way Tyler would explain the terms that Mitchells enjoyed using and pointing out that unlike the mouse-like professor, most of the teachers would enjoy her quick wit. Reid on the other hand kept her occupied with the little stories he had about Aaron and Kira.

Reid had forgotten his earlier concern over the shifting of her eyes, passing it off as a trick of the light. Although he liked talking, he preferred it when she spoke, laughter rolling from her in a musical tone, highlighting the slight accent that caused her to draw out her R's. Her eyes would shine with mirth when she laughed and her pink lips caught his attention every time she smiled. The fact that she had chosen not to wear the uniform showed a rebellious streak that shined whenever Mitchells told her to be silent. That and the fact that sarcasm came easily and defiance seemed to be second nature to her.

Laina leaned forward at one point to fix up the laces on her khaki chucks, tucking the cropped strands of raven hair behind her ears as she did. With a sigh she grabbed her bag from before her feet. Somewhere in the bottom of it was her bracelet. As she dug through the contents she looked around the room, noting that Aaron was staring point blank at her.

"Hey, Reid?"

"Mmm?" Reid didn't even look up from where he doodled in his book.

"Why is Aaron staring at me?"

Reid raised his head and frowned down at his classmate. "he probably thinks your easy picking."

"Me? No way."

"Mhmm, yep. That and he most likely thinks you're like us."

"Like you? I'm not following." Her brows arched in confusion.

"Pretty much everyone here thinks we're more than a little strange." Tyler said as he began packing up as the bell rang. " Weird things happen around us. Purely coincidental of course."

She laughed as the three of them made their way towards the door. "Of course."

"Garwin, Simms, Mayrlene!"

"Not now." Reid grumbled as they stopped.

"The three of you will report to detention today. Two hours."

"What! No way Mitchells."

"Professor Mitchells. And it's your own fault, Mr Garwin."

Reid turned and began cursing furiously under his breath.

"Watch how you curse, Reid. Wouldn't want something I weird /I to happen to him." Laina laughed as Reid scowled at her.

"I wouldn't mind it."

Tyler shook his head as they made their way through the halls. "You wouldn't mind it if every teacher dropped dead for no reason."

Reid grinned and shrugged. "What can I say? I hate school."

"Well, five more periods. Wonderful isn't it?"

"I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, but it's not that bad." Tyler shrugged as he sidestepped a group of giggling freshmen. "We get free periods amongst it all."

"And don't we love it!"

Laina smiled. "And how would one spend these free periods?"

Reid slid his arm around her waist, grinning as she followed suit. "We go cook up a plan to piss off today's detention teacher."

At her bemused expression, Tyler spoke up. "Don't worry, we spend almost everyday in there."

"And that's supposed to be comforting?"

"Put it this way, Reid'll get you out early."