-Harry's thoughts-

-Draco's thoughts-


The next day while Harry was getting ready for the day, Hermione and Ron came to check up on him.

"You look so different now Harry. Just when I was getting used to your other look, you go and change right back."

"Yeah well, it ain't exactly my fault." was Harry's reply.

"Don't worry Harry, Ron just wasn't thinking, like usual. Don't you even try to contradict me Ronald. Now Harry, are you all set? Any last minute questions?"

"No, I think I'm… Oh wait, right. I do have a question for you. You said that I would probably have two mates, right? Well, I only feel one pull. Does that mean anything?" Harry nervously asked.

"Hmm, are you absolutely positive that you only feel one pull?" At Harry's nod of agreement, Hermione continued on. "Well, the only explanation that I can come up with, is that, well Harry, that tells me that you only have 1 mate. But, that's so rare. I mean, from what I've read," at this both Ron and Harry rolled their eyes, " there has only been one written account of a wizard with two magical inheritances, has had both creatures satisfied with one mate. I guess it shouldn't surprise me though, right? Only you Harry could have something so rare happen to you. This is going to go down in history! Oh Harry, could I please write a book of sorts on this? Can you imagine the possibilities?!" Hermione babbled on. But before she could continue on any further, Harry cut her off.

"Alright alright. Of course I'll let you and only you write up on me But how about we just get through today first, okay? And it's not like you have to rush right? I mean, common, I still haven't found my mate yet."

"Oh, right. Of course Harry, I'm sorry."

"It's alright Mione, you don't…"

"Okay, enough of this. I'm starving! If we don't hurry up, they are going to be out of food by the time we get down there" Ron complained loudly. Harry and Hermione didn't even dare to say anything against Ron. When he was hungry, it was best just to agree with whatever he was saying. So quickly, before Ron could blow a cauldron, the trio headed off towards the Great Hall. When the three of them arrived, breakfast was in full swing. They were just in time to see the morning owls flying in.


"Hey Seamus anything interesting in the Daily Profit?" Hermione called out to the Irish wizard who was just a few seats down.

"Nah, just the usual. Quidditch, Death Eaters, and celebrity news. A'n don't ya worry Harry, there ain't anything about you today." Seamus said with a grin.

"Great, thanks Seamus." Harry called down to his friend.


Good, today is starting to look like it is going to be spectacular. Everything is just so clear today. I wonder if that is a sign for anything. Hopefully something good, maybe even something to do with my mate! Well, anything good really. I wonder what classes I'm going to be taking this year. I'm not going to be an Auror anymore, but I bet I'll still have to take Potions. Well, at least Snape and I are on semi-good terms with each other. That will make the class more tolerable, even if we have it with the Slytherins. Dumbledore still doesn't understand that the Slytherins and the Griffyndors don't get along. Annoying, meddlesome, headmaster whom I love like a grandfather. Ah well, this is my last year with the Slytherins, then finally freedom! Though I will be sad to leave…


Harry's head whipped around when the double doors, leading to and from the Great Hall, were thrown open.

"Now what the bloody hell is… that wonderful smell?" Harry asked, bewildered at the delicious smell of cinnamon and another smell that he couldn't quite identify.

"Harry, what are you talking about? It's just Malfoy and… Oh no." Hermione said anxiously. And that was the last thing Harry remembered when he woke up in the hospital wing.


"What the bloody hell happened, and why am I in the infirmary?!" Harry practically shouted.

"Harry language, and I'm sorry, but it's my fault that you are in the hospital wing." Hermione said quietly.

"Mione, what do you mean? I'm confused. The last thing I remember is you saying something about Malfoy. What did he do? If he's done anything to me, I swear I'll get him back." Harry said in a dangerously low voice.

"Harry, no you won't. It's my fault you are here. When you mentioned something smelling wonderful, well I just put two and two together and cast a sleeping spell on you. Now, don't look at me like that, I haven't finished explaining yet." Hermione took a deep breath. "You said that you only feel one pull, and it takes a pretty strong wizard to be able to satisfy two magical inheritances. Then when Malfoy threw open the doors tot eh Great Hall, like the self-absorbed wizard he is, and you said that you smelled something wonderful… Well, I just added those two elements together and it made sense. Malfoy is definitely strong enough to satisfy two magical inheritances. Now, you know what that means right?" Hermione could see the wheels slowly working out the answer in Harry's head.

"No, he can't be my m..ma..mate. We have been enemies for the past 6 years! Hermione, please tell me that for once in your life, you are actually wrong!" Harry said, desperately reaching for any clue as to contradict what he was already starting to accept as true. Hermione could only just shake her head at Harry.

"Harry, it can only get better now…" Hermione started saying, but upon seeing Harry's face she quickly shut her mouth. Harry was starting to glow a strange light blue color.

"I don't care if my inheritances say that Malfoy is my mate. I'm going to fight it. Don't even try stopping me Mione. I will not accept this. Malfoy already thinks that he is better than everyone else. I'm not going to give him the satisfaction of knowing that he's my mate. Now, I'm sorry but…" Harry grabbed his wand and pointed it at Hermione and cast a very powerful secrecy spell. It hurt him to do this to his friend, but he couldn't risk anyone finding out. Not even Ron and especially not Dumbledore.

"Harry, I'm very disappointed in you. Right now you are being mean, rude and selfish. Don't be too surprised if I don't talk to you for the next week or so." And with that said, Hermione got up and left the Hospital wing. After Hermione left, Harry realized what a jerk he was being. But there was nothing he could do now, so he decided to just wait until Madame Pomphrey came to check on him. When she had finally decided that Harry was fine, she let him go. He decided to just head to his room, seeing as it was already 8:30 pm.


Well now I don't know what to do. Hermione was my only source of information (well other than the library), and now she won't be talking to me for at least a week (and that's if she is being nice). Well, I guess I just have to make sure that I don't lose my composure when I'm around Malfoy. Maybe it won't be that bad. Ah, that's such a stupid thing to say. If what Mione says is accurate, I'm going to want to jump him every time I see him. Well then, if that's the case, then I will just treat it like a discipline. I'll train myself to ignore him. Yeah, great idea Harry. I might as well just hand my life over to hell, because that would be better than trying to ignore my mate. Guh. I can't even think right now. I guess that means early bed for me tonight.


Meanwhile, down in the seventh year Slytherin common room…

"Hahaha, Potter is such a ponce. Fainting as soon as you walked into the great Hall. I mean, everyone knows that you are one sexy man Dray, but have you ever had someone fainting over you?" Pansy asked, bursting into laughter soon after.

"Hey, Draco, mate are you okay?" the Head Boy asked while walking down to the common room. "You look paler than usual."

"Yeah, just tired. Stupid professors giving us so much work, and it's only the first day too! Hey, maybe you could find a way to get us a day off, eh Blaise? You being Head Boy and all." Draco just laughed at the look Blaise gave him. "Ah well, I think I'll just head off to bed. Merlin only knows what the professors will have for us tomorrow." Draco said as he got up from his chair and headed to bed.


Oh Merlin, what the bloody hell is wrong with me? I feel like me body has been ripped in half. No, not my body, but my heart. Merlin, where are those stupid potions that Severus made for me? Finally! I think I might have to go see Severus tomorrow. He will know what is wrong with me. Bloody hell, what is happening? Arg. I won't lose sleep over this… whatever it is. Now where did I put it… Ah there we go. I'm going to have get uncle Severus to make me some more potions.

And with that last thought, Draco downed the sleeping potion in one big gulp. Slipping into bed, little did Draco know that he was in for one very long night.