Sorry! I got grounded off the computer & then went to Mexico & i guess I'm back. So yeah i guess i don't own Naruto & i don't own the poem. so on with the show.
Stanza 2
As Hinata & Neji were walking down the streets until they stopped.
"Hinata-sama, I know you didn't just come up to me to ask me something, so why are you dressed up like that?" Neji asked suspiciously. Hinata stood still in place she was amazed at the fact her cousin knew her so well, it was as if he could read her mind. "So are you going to tell me?"
"Fine, I'll tell you." And she did tell him, everything every little detail in her incident. Neji looked pissed, almost if could kill the next person he saw.
"Those little bastards" he said as he punched a near by wall, making an inch deep hole into it.
"P-please Neji-niisan, I-I'll take c-care o-of this m-myself." She stuttered, scared of what he might do next. He said nothing; he was mumbling something under his breath. Hinata could not make out what they were, but she knew they were threatening.
Why should the world be over-wise,
"Are you sure of that Hinata-Sama?" Neji looked at her worryingly.
"Yes niisan." She said putting on a reassuring smile for him. She was sad at the fact that he did not think she could take care of her self, she couldn't blame him, and she was known as weak by everybody.
"Fine, but if they harm you in any way, they'll wish they never messed with a Hyuga."
"No worry, I can take care of myself. I promise Neji." She held her pinkie to him; he stared at it for a while & soon took his own & wrapped it around hers.
"Okay, but if you need any help you'll know where I'll be." He turned around & left. As soon as he was gone, Hinata smiled a devious smile. She now knew how to get them back, she had made a plan, but first she had to meet up with Kiba & Shino.
She started her way to the near by trainings grounds where she was to meet them. She saw Kiba, who was being attack by Akamaru, & Shino who was watching them. 'Time to start phase one' Hinata thought.
She began walking towards them with her head hung low & tears beginning to forming her eyes. She hugged her body & began to shake uncontrollably. She could her footsteps running towards her & felt arms wrap around her holding her closely.
"Hey, Hinata are you alright?" Kiba asked cradling her in his arms. "Did something happen?" Hinata hadn't answer too busy sobbing, thinking of what to say next. Hinata lifted her head from Kiba's grip on her and finally said
"I-I'm sorry, f-for c-c-coming here l-like this. I-I just need t-to let it out."
"Are you sure? Cause you came out here if though you saw someone die."
In counting all our tears and sighs?
"D-don't worry, n-no one died. It's just well…"
"Tell us please." Shino said.
Nay, let them only see us,
She had told them & told the whole story in as much detail as possible. She looked at them but, she didn't need to since she could tell Kiba's anger rising & Shino hands crack from clutching so hard.
was going according to plan' Hinata though as she kept her head
hung low so no one could see her smile forming on her lips.
We wear the mask.
Yeah sorry, it's short. I tried not to make Hinata too OCC but that was kinda hard so i made her evil on accident, i thinkNot sure but i didn't mean to. So i'll try to update next week if possible. Thank you for all being patient & living though a horribble chapter i'll try better. Oh please review it make me happy & so the voices stop nagging me.
Bye! till next time.