Mirrored Views

The Kazekage stood at the window of his office. It was mid day so the sun shone on the other side of the building. He looked out across the city not really seeing it at all; he in fact saw something very different.

It wasn't until after the Ichibi was removed from his body did he try his experiments with his sand, and his final master piece hadn't been finished till after Naruto became the Hokage. Gaara fingered the glass, feeling the ghost particles of the sand sift under his touch.

He had turned sand that he had made into glass.

He got the idea from reading a book in his childhood when he wouldn't sleep. He read about glassmaking and how it was made from glass. Thus the idea was born.

Since he still had complete control over the sand, Gaara started to experiment. His final master piece being two window pane sheets and a set of small hand mirrors made completely of sand that he made. He had set a mirror and a glass pane to Naruto as his present for being Hokage.

It had certainly been interesting the first time that Gaara had 'appeared' in Naruto's office.

"Naruto-kun are you suppose to be napping right now?" The glass-pane-Gaara had asked that day. Naruto woke up with a yelp.

"Ga-ga-ga-ga?!?!" He had stuttered. Gaara had given him a nervous simile. One of a person that really didn't know how to simile.

"Gaara-kun?!" Naruto finally stuttered out.

After awhile they both figured out fully how the window panes could be used. They could 'call' each other. Even leave messages. But what was most amazing was that the sand in the glass would mimic the touch of the person on the other side.

They would talk and talk and talk for hours on end. Every day. Every day Naruto would watch Gaara become more human, more open, his nervous simile become so much more confidant. Naruto watched him become it to a beautiful man.

Then it just happened on day. Naruto kissed his fingers and pressed them against the glass then left the mirror leavening a stunned Gaara stare at the empty mirror. He waited barely a minute when he sent Naruto a message. He kissed the mirror.

The next day they shared their first kiss.

The next month they would meet each other face to face for the Chuunin exams. That night they would make love for the first time.

As time went on their bond only grew.

Now Gaara stands at the mirror were his love once told him the feelings that were bottled up inside him.

"Gaara!" Naruto had yelled through the mirror. Gaara had his back turned he was working.


"Gaara! I love you!" Gaara spun in his chair to look at the grinning Hokage. "I, Uzumaki Naruto, Love Sandku no Gaara." Gaara had just stared.

"Kazekage-sama?" A light voice called for him. It was his assistant. "Uzumaki-sama is here."

Gaara brushed his now silver hair out of his face, and left his office for the last time.

A/N: Yeah for Gaa/Naru!! I actually had the idea for Gaara's glass when I went down to Williamsburg to see glass making!! Review if you like, Flame if you hate it, but simile at for the love that we all bring