This Here Is A Cute Little Story A Friend of Mine Wrote And Wants Me To Put On FanFic And Because She Is So Dear To Me I Said Yes. So Here It Is: Dogs, Flowers, And Love.

Oh And We Don't Own InuYasha. . .But Wish We Did.

Chapter 1 To Love And Back Again!!

"We have to go now Honey!" A demon called for his wife.

"I'm Coming! Just Give me a minute" Said a miko raping a bundle up in a blanket.

"We don't have time you and the pup have to cross over now."

"But what about you. . . .Aren't you coming?"

"I can't I must stay here and watch over our land." He said then he lends over to her and kissed her on the lips.

"I will come back for you!"

"I know!"


"And I You!! Now go before someone sees you."

She looked one more time before she jumped into the well back to the other side.


The well was closed for four years and she watched as her daughter grows. She started to look just like her father but the differences was she had black streaks and dog ears in her white hair that looks kind of silver in the sun light and her eyes look like the purest of oceans blues in the world.

Yet, she wonders if she could ever go back to her true love.

One day while she was cooking her daughter went of to the well house by her self. She saw that she was in there and went to check it out. When she got in there she saw her daughter climb the side of the well and fell inside. She ran to catch here but fell in herself.

When She camed to, her daughter was no where to be found. See looked up and saw the sky and knew where she was.

"The Feudal Era! But How?" Then she got up and climb out of the well to look for her daughter. When she got to the top she saw her playing with a two tailed cat, which was weird. Then she heard another little girl with another cat calling for her.


"Sango-oneechan" Kagome yelled and ran over and hugged the little girl.

"I see you found the cat I left you."

"Kagome" She heard her mom calling her.

"Hi, Okaa-san!!"

"Kagome.How did you. . . ."

"I called her here!" She heard a voice behind her. Not just any voice . . . But the voice she wanted to hear for a long time.

"TenTenshi!?!" She turned to face him. The InuTaiyoukai she fell in love with six years ago. His long silver hair and golden eyes.

"It's been a while Koi! How have you been?"

She ran to his arms and kissed him.

"Ewww!!" Said the girls. Then ran off to play.

They broke a part. "How?"

"I called for Kagome three weeks ago and her camed here. She said you wanted to see me so I allowed it." He said sitting on the edge of the well watching the girls play.

"Jerk!!" She shouted at him as she hit him in the arm and sitting with him. "You Knew I Wanted To See You!!"

"I knew Koi. But I couldn't. . . .At least not right away."

"But why now?"

"Cause its safe now." He said not taking his eyes off the girls and their cats play.

"And who's the girl?"

"A local taijiya I'm. . ."

"Nani?" She shouted again. "You have a Taijiya playing with our demon daughter."

"Clam down Koi. She is the daughter of Kerry And Masao. Do you remember them?"

"How can I forget? They tired to kill you the day we meet them."

"Yeah well that was then and this is now. And Sango is their little girl. I'm watching her while their out helping another village with a demon problem."

"At least you're doing something useful."



Three years later Souta was born and a hiar to the northern lands. As the days went by him, Kohaku who was born two months before, Kagome, and Sango, were really close. They all lived in TusTenshi's castle together along with Sango's and Kohaku's parents who only left when they got a call for help or something.

Two years later a war broke out between the Southern and Northern lands. Sango's parents were killed and TenTenshi couldn't hold them back with his army for very long.

"Koi We Have To Leave, Now" TenTenshi yell to his mate. "Take The Kids With You!"

"I Won't leave you!" She yelled back to him.

He stops fighting and ran to her and the kids. "I really hate doing this, but you leave me no choice." He said as he out up a barrier up and put the kids in a deep sleep as he formed a large cloud for all of them to fit on.

"Iie!!" She said walking away from the cloud. "You know I hate flying."

"We got no time for this." He said. Then he picked her up and dropped her on the cloud and sent in the direction of the well along with Sakura and Kirara. Once there she heard him say to her "Once you're though I'm sealing the well again. I'm sorry koi." Then the cloud disappeared and they all into the well.

Please Review For Us!! Ja!!

The Japanese Words:


Inu-dog Taiyoukai-demon lord




Aishiteru-I love you



We made up TenTsuki's name from two words-Ten or Tenshi meaning-angel and Tsuki meaning-moon

Onee-older sister
