Note: This is my second Dragon Ball Z fanfic, and it is indeed a heartbreaker… it involves the secret love affair between the tyrant, Frieza, and his henchman, Zarbon (I for one am shocked to find that there are little if no fanfics of these two!) Anyways, before you begin reading, this story does contain many very graphic sex scenes as well as some adult issues, so be prepared. This tale takes place one year before Frieza first arrives on Namek…

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing... but I sure wish I did!


It was a perfect late afternoon, though it was hard to tell from where he was… Space in itself was a mystery, just a swirling everlasting vortex of planets and galaxies… yet so quiet and peaceful it can lead you to a dangerous false sense of security. Yes… a tiny white alien could become lost in this wondrous vortex if he is not careful…

But what did he care? He was Lord Frieza, after all: the Second Prince to the Ice-jin throne and overall master of the universe itself. And if not that, he did practically hold the universe in his hand. Yes, he was sure to always keep a death grip on the universe, for fear that (God forbid) someone would try to steal it away from him. Frieza had worked very hard at his Planet Trade business with all his heart and soul for as long as he could remember, and he was not about to let all that become a waste.

And it was not like he could do anything else with himself or his powers… Frieza was forced at a young age to rethink his future, career-wise, when he found out that he was not going to inherit the Ice-jin throne outright… That honor belonged to his older brother, Cooler. And, understandably, Frieza had felt great jealousy towards his brother for this, and hatred towards his father, King Cold, for making this royal decision. But either way, perhaps it was a good thing that Frieza was slightly left out of the "royalty" part of the scheme: who wanted to sit in some boring castle all day thinking up Creeds and Laws, when he could be out and about making loads money and destroying loads of enemies? Call him a Black Sheep if you want, but Frieza wanted the universe to know, respect, and most of all fear him for his wondrous strength and intelligence, not just his blood…

The Great Lord Frieza continued to float elegantly in the cold, gravity-less atmosphere that was really his natural habitat (he is, after all, an alien, and therefore can breathe and thrive in total space). His very long, powerful tail slowly moved in a sequence of small waves out in front of his small body, allowing him to stay in control of where he was going; Frieza's arms remained folded across his chest and his legs were folded in Indian-style as well, the rest of him relaxing at a slight recline.

It had been a tough day of making business deals and traveling to planets he planned on selling off; so just for this moment, while his armies were away on mission, Frieza wanted some alone time to himself. It didn't even matter to him that he was being watched from a window of his grand spaceship by his two trusted right-hand men…