There can only be one… Slytherin

Summary: Highlander, post-Revelations xover Harry Potter and The Order of The Phoenix. Methos feels he must leave Macleod, and what better way to do that than to escape to another world, as Slytherin. Things become more difficult for him though when he finds out that Slytherin already has an heir and Hogwarts already has a budding Immortal.

Pairings: HG/DM, possibly H/G

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Highlander or any characters or plot that are featured or affiliated with them. I would love to own Methos but unfortunately a girl can't always get what she wants.


Methos needed to leave. He needed to separate himself from Adam Pierson, Watcher and former friend of the Highlander, Duncan Macleod. The name Adam Pierson was now linked to a memory that was threatening to bury him.

So he chose to bury himself in memories. Memories of times when there was only though for the future, teaching and knowledge. But before he was to enter a life with those memories, he had to make himself a new name and set in motion a plan that he had created a thousand years ago. A strategy that would help him survive in the modern world of magic.

'After all, over a thousand years all thing would be forced to evolve.' Thought Methos as, one by one, he slid three battered slivers of wood out of the framing of a heavy chest.

Chapter 1

8 weeks later…

"Lazarus Severus Slytherin whisked down the street on his bike, his chest aching from exertion, already late for his meeting with the deputy director of the services about the finalization of his resignation papers. The last two months had been a bit too stressful for his liking and he thought a change of career would be a good move.

He slowed down as he approached the lights through the clash of cars. All he heard was a scream from across the intersection, and then he saw the ashfault coming up to meet him.

1 week later…

"Could you talk to him Albus?" Pleaded Minister Fudge as he accepted a lemon drop from a man whose lip twitched though his long silver beard. "he may be an adult but he has no place in the Ministry… It's not like something like this hasn't happened before" Fudges voice suddenly changes to one of irritation and chagrin "Hogwarts has taken in every single student to have a delayed onset of their power." Moving over to pour each of them a brandy "I've had my secretary check it was one of the first rules laid down by the four founders"

Dumbledore chuckled, shaking his head, his gaze turning from sparkling amusement to that of rarely seen seriousness. "That may be Minister but they where all below the age of 18. This man is nearly thirty, his mind is to much ingrained into the Muggle world for him to accept the magical one. For Merlin's sake, for the last three years he has been working for what equals a Muggle auror unit. I…"

He was cut off my Minister Fudge forcing a glass into his hand and saying "Be that as it may Dumbledore. The documents found in the Muggle files clearly show that if anything Dr. Slytherin is a pacifist, if a bit cynical. He was planted with organizations purely to gather information; to train someone in his field of knowledge would take half a life time… But it is no matter to anyway, his past and the fact that he shares the last name with one of the four founders would be unsettling for many people, esp…

"You mean that Voldermorts's old supporters wouldn't be to keen on the idea?" Dumbledore shook his head, an almost sad look on his face as the Minister flinched and started stuttering, to try and defend the Ministry. "An assassination originating from your government, over someone who just happens to bear the same name, would certainly not look good in the press."

"For Merlin's sake! We will not get into this argument again Head Master. Anyway, he doesn't just share Slytherin's name…" Fudge sighed as his voice seemed to change to one of defeat as he crumpled into one of the large, overstuffed chairs that littered the room. "A thousand years ago the muggle's system of documentation was terrible, yes, but not non-existent. It took a whole week, teams of people working around the clock, to find the connection… Dumbledore, I have to be serious with you. There is solid proof that this man is Slytherin's heir. And I don't want to run the risk of a muggle – who has be trained as a spy – unlimited access to both ours and the muggle's world." Fudge's unsteady hand replaced the fire-whiskey on the side-table with a muffled thump. "You know that people whose magic starts showing later on in life usually gain tremendous amounts of power quite quickly and erratically. The possibility of accidental magic on that scale is enough to intimidate the most logical wizard. In Hogwarts he can be in a more controlled environment… I… am going to insist that you take him."

Dumbledore gave the barest hint of a smile, the amusement having crept back into his eyes at the news of 'Mr. Slytherin's' ancestry. "Very well Cornelius. I will visit the man in a few days. He has been in hospital for the last few weeks but thanks to his newly found magic he should be ready to leave soon… For a man, to be introduced to this world at his age… Oh well. Have a good day Minister" the Professor had already closed the door behind him before Fudge had even turned around to return the wish.

A/N: Reviews wanted, flames are great. They help keep me warm on cold summer nights. This is my first fic so please tell me if you think anyone is in danger of becoming a Marry Sue or anything seems overly OC. I haven't got a beta so I am more than aware that there will be quite a few grammatical errors that I have not been able to pick up. More exiting and longer chapters to come.

P.S. I've got a lot of work at the moment so I'll probably go over and start seriously editing this story in a few months

Thanx for reading XD