Disclaimer: The only thing I own right now are these fries... Never mind my boyfriend just ate them. So obviously I don't anything.

A/N This popped into my head as I watched last nights episode and now I really hate Parker so I thought why not harm emotionally!... this is in her point of view.

I see them, they laugh they smile sharing a secret joke I am not privy to, and it stings my heart. I know I should be happy this is what I have wanted... right? I wanted her to like me, she claimes she does. I wanted her to be our friend again to be happy for us. She is. I wanted her to be happy to. She claim she is, she is with Piz now and they seem to be happy. Logan and I are happy... right.

I have everything I wanted since that valentines day but why does it all seem fake, why do feel as though I stole it from her, when she left him. They all treat me with respect, I know it's all because of her, she tells them to be nice. They are polite but it stings how formal with me they are, they no longer my friends and now I realize they never really were, she was just nice enough to share them.

They all look at me with reproachful eyes telling me to go away, even in Logan's eyes I could see it. I know he doesn't love me but I also know he tries. We are not epic we are just plain, I once heard him talking to Wallace over the phone when he thought I had already left.

"Look Wallace I know that you are right, I do still love her, but just do what I do and picture Parker as my version of Duncan..." He was about to turn around and I quickly fled the room. The next time I saw Mac I decided to ask her about it, she still was my roomate but I knew it was because of Veronica I knew because of how distant Mac was now, no more friends just roomates.

"So who is Duncan?" I tried to sound uninterested so I wouldn't make her suspicous. She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Why do you want to know?" She didn't even try to sound polite now.

"I just found a picture of him and Logan in a dresser and wanted to know." I kept to myself the fact that I was not allowed to leave stuff at Logan's hotel room he never actually said it but anytime I would leave a sweater or anything else he would return it that same day. I also knew that in a drawer that was locked up he still kept a shirt of Veronica and that he still had pictures of her in his wallet I never said anything how could I, knowing I was just a placement holder until she came back to him.

"Well actually you should go ask Veronica." I dreaded those words I really didn't want to do that but I had to know why he was comparing me to Duncan. So I went to go find her, she was at the library listening to Piz's show a small smile of pride on her face.

"Hi," I said shyly.

"Hello." She said as she lowered the volume.

"Mac told me to ask you because I found a picture of a guy name Duncan and Logan and I wanted to know who Duncan was?"

"Oh well he was an ex boyfriend of mine and I loved him and then we broke up and we got back together and I thought I loved him but I think that he was really just someone safe you know one of those people you just go with because you know they will love you even if you don't love them. He was just sweet and such a gentlemen but we never had passion you know?" I thanked her and fled to the nearest bathroom where I cried until I had no more tears Logan didn't love me he always said passion was what he wanted I am not what he wants.

We are all here now all four of us, Veronica, Piz, Logan and me. It's a wonder Logan just doesn't throw Veronica on that table and have his way with her. The way he looks at her call her Ronnie, I'm just Parker no nickname for me. I look at Piz and I know he knows too that they are meant to be that they love each other and that we are just in the way. Piz has his arm around her waist and and Logan hands are close to hers and I know he desperatly wants to hold her too. I am in a corner all by myself no one to love me but I still smile and pretend that he loves me as much as I love him even though I know that soon I will be thrown away. I want to cry so bad because I know the reason I am so unhappy is because I stole her happiness and I tried to steal her life but I can't because she Veronica Mars the girl my boyfriend loves the girl with a boyfriend who loves her so desperatly he'll be with her even though she is in love with another. The girl who's friends might be nice and try to pretend that they will still talk to you but who will hate you the instant you cause her any pain and the pain you feel is greater than hers but you are still villian because you try to take what is not yours and everyone hates you for it even the one guy who claimes to love you.

A/N so what do you think? Please review it'll only take a second.