Ok then folks this is the last chapter in Fatal Clash I want to thank every one who has reviewed and stuck by me in this story, a huge thanks to Jorrieprincess who has helped me on more then one occasion and without wouldn't have gotten as far as it has.

Fatal Clash

KC turned her head slightly before she continued to walk down to the corridor she knew the route of by heart but instead of going to visit Jeff for something good she was going to visit him and tell him anything they had was over. What was she thinking he already knew it was over he had seen her kissing Randy for Christ sakes how could he not no it was over?

She hesitated out side the locker room door for a second contemplating just turning around and ignoring the whole sticky deal, but she knew she couldn't she owed Jeff more then that she owed him a chance to call her a two face slut and that he was glad he was no longer having anything to do with her.

She sighed and knocked on the door her bare knuckles seeming to echo down the hall way and she could practically hear her own heart beating. It seemed like it was an age before the door opened but when it did she was not expecting the cold look of hatred that she saw on Matt Hardy's face, but she couldn't blame him she told herself, she had just spat on his brothers heart she would be doing the same thing if she was in his position.

"He doesn't want to see you" Matt said his voice cold and hard and KC nodded her head biting the inside of her mouth so she couldn't jump down his throat she kept telling herself to put herself in his shoes.

"Matt its ok" Jeff said coming to the door and laying a hand onto his brother's shoulder, Matt turned his head and sighed obviously asking him if he was sure. Jeff nodded his head and Matt turned his head once again to look down at the women he believed was the one for his brother.

"Just ring me if you need me" Matt said and KC stepped aside so he could pass, she watched as he walked down the corridor before turning her attention onto Jeff who motioned for her to come into the locker room.

"I guess you've come to tell me I didn't see what I thought I saw or that the kiss meant nothing" Jeff said turning his eyes on to KC and she finally saw what she had done to the man in front of her, she knew she had been playing a dangerous came from the start and she could blame know one but herself.

"I guess it's my fault I mean afire all I knew you had something for him but I really did believe we had something god im stupid"

KC opened her mouth in shock she couldn't believe he was blaming himself for what she had done she shook her head and moved forward her hand reaching his arm stopping him from pacing the small confines of the room.

"Jeff this is not your fault ok, there's always been something there with me and Randy but I denied It for so long because I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had and then I met you and I thought you would be the one to make it all go away but he was always there at the back of my mind"

KC allowed Jeff's hand to fall free and she sighed running her hand thorough her hair she could feel Jeff's eyes on her and sighed he looked so lost and hurt and she was the cause of it all.

"I knew this day would come" Jeff said causing KC to raise her brow and shake her head slightly silently asking him what he meant

"I always knew you were in love with him, I guess I tricked myself into believing that I would be enough for you" Jeff finished lowering his eyes as he tried to get his emotions in control.

"Jeff im sorry I never meant for this to happen" KC said her eyes showing just how much she meant it. Jeff turned to her and nodded his head walking over to her and resting his hand on the side of her face.

"I no you didn't, and as much as I want you to be with me I cant stop you being with the person you love, go and be happy" KC nodded her head all to aware that any minute a tear was going to spill over and she didn't want to do that she didn't want to cry in front of him.

"Jeff" Jeff nodded his head in understanding she didn't need to say anything, he knew she never meant things to turn out the way they did but they did and nothing either of them did was going to change that.

He leant forward and placed a kiss to the top of her head, it was going to be hard getting over her but he would, he would move on and he would find love somewhere.

"Just go" He muttered his hand dropping from the side of her face and turned around so she wouldn't see the tears that had escaped the side of his eyes. KC nodded her head and with one last long look at him she turned around and left the locker room the door clicking shut behind her.

KC made her way towards the gorilla position she knew Randy had a match she nodded her head in the direction of some of the superstars and smiled but she really didn't want to talk to any one she just wanted to get to Randy and have him hold her then, then she would let the tears go.

"Hey bitch" KC sighed she really didn't want to do this, did not want to see Melina did not want to have to deal with her, with a weary sigh she turned around and came face to face with a smiling Melina.

"What do you want" KC questioned tiredly Melina simply smiled and stepped forward.

"People call be a bitch at least I don't use guys" She replied before laughing and stepping forward again, KC squinted her eyes and stepped back slightly she was not going to fall into what Melina wanted her to do she wouldn't.

"You cost me my title and your going to pay" KC sighed Melina wanted to fight then fair enough she would have one but not here and certainly not now.

"Melina you suck ok you lost your title and you only got it because you cheated aint my fault you weren't women enough to keep it around your waist, why don't you open your legs to Shane and see if he gives you another shot, o wait a minute he wont lower himself that far"

Melina opened her mouth to say something but was to shocked to actually think of anything, she shook her head in anger and made it look as if she was about to walk away before she turned back around and slapped her across the face.

"You bitch" KC shouted jumping onto her and hitting and scratching any place she could get her hands onto, this wasn't a fight this was an all out cat fight.

"Hey calm down KC come on" Randy shouted pulling her of Melina who was sat on the floor trying to cover up. KC fought against his grip before settling down her eyes watching Melina as she made her way to her feet.

She squealed slightly in annoyance and stomped her feet on the floor KC shook her head in amusement.

"This is not over" She shouted pointing a manicured figure at KC

"I would be disappointed if it was" She replied and watched as she walked away.

Randy wrapped his arm around KC's back and sighed in content when he felt her lean into him. He smiled he had always wondered what it would be like if they ever got together wondered what it would be like for her to be in his arms, to touch her to taste her. And now he had the opportunity to find out he smiled again and kissed the top of her head.

KC nuzzled her head further into his chest and sighed when she felt him tighten his arms around her, it had been neatly four hours since they had left the arena four hours in which they had talked about what had transpired since she went to see Jeff and running into Melina, four hours in which she had been sat at his side.

She was finally glad that she was here with him she had waited so long for this moment that she thought it was never going to happen. She had no idea what her life held, no idea what tomorrow was going to hold, but she did have two certain things in her life, her brother and now Randy.

"Randy" She whispered softly and she felt him move at her side slightly

"Yea" He replied just as quietly his head resting on top of hers

"I love you I should have told you before but I do" She said not shifting to look at him because she knew he didn't need to see her to know that she meant every moment of it

"We both could have said it sooner" KC scrunched her eyes shut she had hoped he would have replied and told her that he loved her back.

"O and KC I love you to"

So that is it the end hope you all enjoyed it I know I did, there might be a squeal but it isn't in the works