Prompt from the tumblr blog, writeworld. The first line is the prompt. The words count to 100 by manual count; this site's word counter is wonky. I have no idea how these two characters ran into each other. Originally published at my site January 10, 2016.
"Whatever they're paying you, I'll double it!"
Unmasked, cornered, his powers proved ineffective. Gaat offered the only thing he had left. He didn't realize the intangible currency passing between Tracy and Tuttle had no price.
"I reckon," said Tuttle, "the po-leece has a reward out for your mangy hide. But in the meanwhile-" He held out a hand, the one empty of shotgun. "How 'bout you hand over them plans."
Gaat's eyes glowed a sickly yellow, but Tuttle just laughed. "Ol' son, you know that don't work on me." He raised his gun, his voice turned hard. "The plans. Now."