Disclaimer: I don't own em….

Post season finale…reviews greatly appreciated. I'm once again obsessed with this show…someone save me lol

Nikita's role as Operations was difficult for her to fulfill at first, however slowly but surely she managed to build a routine and become successful at living it one day at a time. Over time she became respected by the operatives she was leading and with a newfound confidence she managed to become more and more successful in her work.

Now that she was in the position of Operations she understood the previous Operations more and more. Ruthlessness was essential if she wanted to maintain her post. She no doubt believed that he had enjoyed his power and was certain he abused it at times; she now knew that there had been times where he simply had no choice. Standing in the perch alone she berated herself for even wanting to understand the inner workings of Operations…he was dead. She needed to move on to matters more essential. This proved to be more difficult than she thought.

Her thought process had gone back to trace back her beginning years at Section up and till the moment she had to say goodbye to Michael. It was true that during these moments she would mainly trace back every step and try to remember each spoken and unspoken thought between herself and Michael.

It was the hardest thing she had done in her life. Saying goodbye to Michael had changed her. As she watching him and Adam walk away from her she felt like dying. In fact a part of her had died when she said her final goodbye at the station. She remembered seeing Adam clutch his fathers' hand and knew then that he needed his father more than she did.

She could survive without him. She had to. Now as time had passed by she wasn't so sure anymore. Being Operations had taken a toll on her. Even though she had made every effort of surrounding herself with people that she could count on, on some level, she felt alone in the end. At times she would berate herself for feeling so selfish but other times she would cry herself to sleep longing for what she had lost.

The missions came and went. Section's success rate was at an all time high and Oversight couldn't be more pleased with Nikita. Truth be told, initially Oversight didn't favor the change in power and had agents placed in Section. Nikita however overcame every obstacle that was thrown in her way as her father knew she would. She had slowly but surely won the admiration of Oversight. For the moment they dismissed Section One from their radar but Nikita better than to believe it to be permanent. Still she ran Section her way and it appeared to be good enough for the time being.

While in front of others Nikita maintained Operations, fearless of anyone and ready for whatever came her way. As she retreated to the perch or her apartment, which she had decided to keep despite opposition from Oversight, she went back to the Nikita she knew Michael once loved.

One thing that Section could not touch and destroy was her dreams. In her dreams she was free, free to be with Michael and Adam. She was free to be happy and far away from Section. In her dreams she was what she wanted to be, a wife to Michael, a mother to Adam. She was happy.

She heard someone ascending the steps to the perch and had to leave Michael and what should have been in the deepest corner of her mind and heart. She looked to see who it was and smiled as she saw Walter appear. She had nearly cried tears of joy when he had agreed to stay at Section after the change in command. Walter had been her friend and confidante all along and he had now completely forgiven her for all that had occurred before she became Operations.

"Walter." His name rolled of her lips as a genuine smile formed. "How was your downtime?" She had put in place a different reward system than the previous Operations and it seemed to be successful although it was still in its pilot program. Walter however she knew was not in need of the same rewards system as the rest of the Section operatives. He had more than earned the respect she was giving him.

"Sugar, it was hmm and some more hmm," he replied knowing that she knew what he meant."

She laughed and was glad it went well. "That's great Walter. I'm happy to see you though." Suddenly she grew serious, "Walter, are you happy?"

"Sugar?" he didn't understand what she was suddenly so upset about. "What's the matter?"

She tried to hide the tears that were forming in her eyes, "Oh Walter, I don't know. Everything…nothing…it's just this place gets to me sometimes. I don't know how long I can do this anymore."

"You thinking about Michael again?" Besides Michael, Walter was the only person that knew Nikita…really knew Nikita.

She sighed. "Walter, he's in my thoughts constantly. I've tried to forget, I've tried…it's just not happening."

"You need to. Sugar, look at me. Nothing would please Oversight more than to get rid of you as Operations. Don't give them that chance."

They were interrupted by Jason's voice over the intercom. Jason was one of the people she had personally asked for to be placed at Section One, he was part of the few that she knew she could count on. "Operations? There's something I think you should see.

She faced Walter before she answered Jason, "Thank you."

Ok Jase, what is it?" She finally replied back and took a breath getting ready for another day in her personal hell.

"We received this video just now," his voice sounding somewhat upset or so she thought. She looked around and saw that the operatives surrounding them were watching the perch; some were pretending to be preoccupied but were definitely watching her.

"Jason?" she asked again.

"I'm sorry," he merely said before he clicked on his keyboard and played the message.

As soon as she realized what she was seeing she felt her stomach turn. The video message was directed at Section but more so towards her personally. She was looking at Alberto Bianci, the man that was behind countless deadly attacks worldwide. Soon after she gained command of Section Bianci's group surfaced as a new and strong-minded terrorist organization. For years she had fought groups such as Red Cell and had personally encountered their ruthlessness, but Bianci's group was a breed in its own.

"Signora Nikita, I send you my warmest greetings." Bianci in all his correspondences maintained the appearances of a gentleman, he really wasn't. "I have often wondered what the limitation would be of a woman such as yourself and am quite disappointed upon my latest discovery. I have come to accept you as one of my worthiest adversaries but now I am sad to see that you are just another woman. Your weakness is like any other and I am sad to see you will go down so easily."

Nikita becoming more agitated with Bianci paged Jason, "what is this?"

"I'm sorry this was all that came through. I've already began to back trace the point of origin. I'll let you know as soon as I know more."

"I want a report in an hour. We need to get to the bottom of this before he makes another move."

"Yes sir." Jason replied as he went to work.

Walter, who was still in the perch when the video was played, saw the look on Nikita's face and took a step towards her. "Nikita? What is it? Do you know what he wants?"

"I…I think so." Her reply came very hesitantly. "I'm sorry Walter I need to be alone."

"Sure Sugar, you know where to find me if you need me."

She gave him a nod and smile in return. As soon as he left she reached in her pocket and took out a communicator. She had promised him she would not use it unless it was a matter of life or death and this very well could be just that.

She typed in a line and clicked the send button without a further thought. She knew if she thought it over she wouldn't be able to send it.

Moments after she had pressed the send button an error message appeared. It was with that that her heart sank and all her previous anxiety and worry overtook her and she finally broke down. She broke down in Section, something she promised herself never to do. She managed to dim the perch before the operatives below realized what was going on.