Ok, people, this is the sequal to "GABRIELLA IS IMPERFECT" I got some good reviews, so I think I will keep writing about her. Again, this is Birdiaction's sister, Vanessa, not Bidiaction. I have an account (EYEluvALEXWOLFF) but it says that I have to have it for 3 says to use it so here I am using my sister's. Ok, well, here goes. AND I KNOW this isn't as funny as the last one. But i tried super hard. Oh, and theres one coming up about a penguin who wants to illegally cross the border of Kenya and Libya. Or something like that it is THE FUNNIES STORY U WILL EVER READ SERIOUSLY.
so stay tuned for it:D
Before Gabriella walked out of the stall, she tried to flush the turds. But they were too huge. "OH, GOSH!" She muttered under her breath. They just wouldn't flush. She kept pushing the handle and pushing the handle until a bunch of brown slimey water spattered all over her face and into her mouth. Then she puked and passed out.
Hours passed. There was no sign of Gabbi. That wanna-be, Monique Coleman told Troy that she couldn't find Gabriella anywhere. So Troy looked in the girl's bathroom. He found her laying on the ground of that one stall with puke on her shirt and brown water on her face.
"EWWW YOU SICK SPASTIC FREAK!" He screamed. "The walls make a prison, and bars are bold." Troy stated and with that, he fled.
Because of this terrible incodent, Gabriella had to make Troy like her again. So she put on a very revealing dress that showed a ton of cleviage. Then she walked up to Troy. He just stared at her. Then he began making faces. Then he shouted, "Ew. Ya know, your cleviage is desgusting, right?