This is the beginning of my first Oh! My Goddess Story, so go easy on me. Also, one thing before the chapter begins. I have been known to make Mary Sues unintentionally, and frankly I don't understand them enough to avoid them. So, along in this story, could you please tell me my mistakes and how this story could not be a Mary Sue if turns out to be one. I wouldn't mind an explanation on a Mary Sue also. Thank you and enjoy my story .

Ch. 1-Strange Encounters!

How could this be? How could something so unrealistic happen to her? Those damn goddesses. . . She would make them pay! Her dark red eyes glimmered in the sky as she seemed entranced by the downpour of rain that had followed the dark clouds. She had tried so hard to get them to go back to heaven! She had tried sending evil henchmen to destroy what they held dear. She had tried abducting Keiichi and turning him into a bike to make them sad and leave back to Heaven. She put her head in her hands, frustration taking root.

"Ugh! What do I have to do to get them to leave!" She groaned in anger, sighing in frustration. "I need to calm down. I have to find a way to make the goddesses leave, but with my body in the condition as it is, and my mind in turmoil, I won't get very far." She sighed, beginning to think of a good vacation plan. Perhaps she should go to an luxurious hotel and calm her nerves in their hot tub and masseuse parlor? She growled and shook her head, "It would be too expensive and nothing interesting would happen."

Or maybe she could take her time and enjoy a relaxing bath in the public bath?

Her eyes widened, her memory returning as she remembered the first time she met Keiichi off duty.


Mara stood in the Men's Bath, knowing that it had been empty for a quite a long time. She didn't care if she had to be in the 'woman's bath' or 'men's bath' ; she just wanted a damn bath! She sighed as the water washed over her body.

"How long has it been since I last had a relaxing wash?. . . Heh, obviously too long," She smirked to herself, raising her hand up to wash out her hair.


Her eyes widened, coming to rest upon the damn mortal, Morisato Keiichi., "M-Morisato?!" She cried. She saw that he was naked and since he was in the men's bath, she could understand his confusion. . . ok, so maybe she couldn't. She saw his eyes trail down her figure, her fears coming to pass as blood rushed to her face. It was too much for her to bare! She lashed out, screaming bloody murder, her hand contacting with Keiichi's cheek and propelling him toward the wall that separated the mens' and womens' bath.


"It's settled; I, Mara, Demoness, First Class, with no restrictions, shall take a vacation at a hot spring!" She chuckled to herself, her large canines bared in a grin. The rains seemed to let up as well, setting her plan into motion.


Keiichi sighed as the warm water relaxed every one of his aching muscles. It had been a while since he had gotten to relax at a good resort and simply be, as some would call it, mellow-mellow. A large blush of content was present on his face, steam covering most of his body.

"Ah, finally I can put my worries about the goddesses to rest! No Hild, no Mara attacking me, no Peorth to seduce me (though I have to watch out for Urd). I really don't see what could go wrong at this moment." Yup! He was truly in pure ecstasy.

"Oi! Senbei!! I told you not to look you damn Hentai!!" He blinked, his dreams of peace and ecstasy finding a bitter end. Some how, he seemed to recognize that voice. It couldn't be. . . Her?! Could it? He gulped and sunk beneath the water, only his head visible somewhat. He moved through the water slowly, so as not to be seen or heard. He got as close as to the point of a potted plant on the edge before his eyes widened at who he saw.

Indeed, his predictions were true.

"Ai! Me so sorry! Aiiieee!! Senbei is leaving now!!!" He screeched, disappearing in a puff of spoke. Mara sighed, relieved that her supposed "perfect" genie had left her to peace. Maybe now she could relax. As she walked forwards, Keiichi's eyes widened.

"Crap! She heading this way!! W-what to do, what to DO!!" He looked around for a hiding place, deciding to simply dive under quietly and swim back to his chosen spot

No way was he going to repeat last times mistakes! His cheek stung for a week because his eyes saw her voluptuous bo- What the hell?! This couldn't be him thinking this could it?! He blushed under the water, heat making the water comically boil from his face. Unknowingly, as he blushed, Mara could see the strange bubbles coming from in the middle of the hot spring.

"H-hey! Who's there?! Come out immediately or face the power of a first class demoness!!" Keiichi gulped, really regretting ever coming to this hot spring alone. He would have taken Belldandy, if it wasn't for her recharging her batteries from their previous battle.

He moved slowly, not trying to make any visible movement on the top of the water. This only seemed to entice Mara more. "Damn you!" She jumped up, grabbing much air before falling down, her foot landing in the water and knocking poor Keiichi out of consciousness. She underestimated how slippery the hot spring was, falling down into the water and landing face first under it. She growled and opened her eyes, her heart skipping a beat as they came to rest upon Keiichi's sleeping figure in the water. She blinked and grabbed him, pulling him up from the water. If he stayed under the water in his condition he would have surely drowned.

She shuddered, remembering that certain memory well. She closed her eyes and gulped.

Wait a minute!

She thought about this carefully, Hmm, If I let him drown he'll die and when the Goddesses find his dead body, they'll be sad and leave back to heaven! She chuckled and leered at Keiichi evilly, her plan set. As she was prepared to let him drown, something inside seemed to make her hesitate. She growled, looking at his face again. He looked peaceful, angelic. . . She even dared to let the thought of him being cute enter her mind.

. . But the question is, can I do it? She stared at him longer, contemplation clear on her face. She finally sighed, hoisting him up from the water. "Damn my conscience. . ." She walked through the water, getting up and setting him down on the pavement. She looked at his face longer, chancing the idea that possibly he did drown a little bit and probably got water in his lungs. If that was the case then possibly she had to use CPR. Her eyes widened at the thought, her hand coming to touch her mouth.

Did she really have the will to let another man's lips touch her own, even if it was to save his life? Her eyes rest upon Keiichi once more, trying to settle her thoughts. She closed her eyes, a large blush on her face. "I-I'll do it. . ." She glanced down at him, her hands coming to rest on his shoulders. Her breath hitched in her throat as she gulped, trying desperately to still her beating heart. Never had she felt this way about another mortal before! She closed her eyes, not wanting to see his face when he woke up, lowering her face and letting her lips touch his, as she began the CPR sequence.

It wasn't long before she felt the rush of water, lifting her mouth from his and letting him cough up the water that had once inhabited his lungs. She stared at him, his head resting upon her lap as she growled softly. As he slowly began to come around, he looked up at Mara, his eyes half closed.

"M-Mara? I-Is that you?" She scowled and nodded.

"If you want to speak to me, then catch your breath and speak. If I'm done here, I'd like to leave." No, that's not what she wanted to do, but then again did Keiichi want her to leave? Keiichi shook his head. What had happened to him?

"Mara, what did you do to. . . ." He trailed off his sentence as his eyes went lower then her eyes, resting on her chest. Mara raised an eye brow and snorted. Strangely, she didn't seem to be modest at all with her showing him her body. She didn't know what came over her to make her smirk either. Keiichi gaped at what he saw, expecting a slap or a punch or something. W-why can't I look away. . .? Mara chuckled.

"Do you like what you see, Morisato?" He simply kept staring, slowly letting a nod become his reaction. She smiled coyly and lifted her hand to his face, caressing his cheek. In her mind, she didn't know what the hell she was doing either. She just let her body do the talking. She lifted his face to look at her face, a smile tugging at her lips as her fangs seemed to irk his curiosity. He wondered what they felt like. And oddly enough, he felt this indiscernible urge to find out. His thoughts came back to Belldandy, making him think twice about the situation he was in. He gulped and crawled out of her grasp, falling into the water but coming back up to breathe.

Mara simply stared at him, trying to contemplate what had just happened. One moment, he was putty in her hands, the next he acted as though her touch was burning his skin. She sighed and remembered just what she had done.

Her eyes widened. Wait a minute! She had done that and yet she wasn't ashamed of it? She shook her head, disbanding the thought of her and him. She stood up and walked out, shame evident on her face as she grabbed a towel, ending her small vacation.

Apparently, she wasn't able to relax much anymore.

Keiichi had dressed himself and dried himself off, getting on a bus that was heading in his general area. He contemplated what had gone though his head and began to feel a strange yearn for her.

He shook his head. No! I can't betray Belldandy! She trusts me so much, and to lose her to Mara would make her go nuts with jealousy. He sighed and dismissed the thought of him and her, not believing that he had a crush on her. That's all it had to be right? Just a crush. . .


Alright, I've finished editing this chapter and the whole story but, for those of you who are just now reading this story and haven't read the next chapter - go ahead and read it but know that it won't be updated till about a month from now or maybe less if I get the time and ideas.