Hey everyone! This is my first fan fic so please be nice when you review! This story is really odd and has no point really but it is funny. I made it up in math class while looking at a picture of a duck. I give great thanks to Blondiexp and vampiress225 for helping me with the details. Please read and review.
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters in this story except for Quakers. I made him up. All of the other characters were created by the great Stephanie Meyer!
A/N- EDPOV is Edward and EMPOV is Emmet. (just so no one is confused.)
Emmet's New Pet
Chapter 1 Werewolf Attack
I must hurry and hunt so I can go home to my lovely Bella. I thought to myself. As I crouched in the forest giving into my senses I heard a loud "Quack" come from some where close. A duck would be good enough to quench my thirst for now. I stalked quietly through the forest hunting the duck. I heard another "Quack". Closer this time. I was near enough o here it's heart beat and the sweet scent of it's blood entered my nose. There it was! Sitting under a tree all by itself unaware of the danger that stalked it. I crept closer to the duck waiting for the moment to attack. When the time was right I pounced a growl escaping my throat. "Quack" went the alarmed duck before my teeth entered it's feathery neck. As I was consuming the sweet blood of the duck a twig snapped close by. I stopped and looked up. The reek of werewolf entered my nose making me cough in disgust. A howl came from the trees in front of me and out leapt one of them. It's fur caked with mud and leaves probably on the hunt. It wasn't allowed here but I wasn't about to chase it away. Before I could turn and flee trough the woods it ran towards me.
"Holy shit!" I said before running in the opposite direction. I could here the sound of it's paws gaining on me. Getting closer and closer. I finally reached the house, charging through the door.
"Werewolf attack" I shouted to an astonished looking Esme.
"Where? Here?" Esme asked with a look of horror on her face. "Are you hurt?"
"Yes it's outside. It chased m from the woods, but I'm fine. Where's Bella? I need to make sure she's safe and doesn't go outside until the werewolf is gone." I said looking around for my beloved.
"She's upstairs with Rosalie and Alice. The girls were bored and wanted to dress Bella up. I haven't heard any screaming so I guess Bella is still alive. Oh don't give me that look young man. I was just trying to make a joke. You need to learn to lighten up. You've become such an overprotective pain. Why don't you just turn Bella and then we don't have to worry about her as much." Esme replied with more than I had hoped for.
"I'm not getting into this. I have this conversation enough with Bella and I don't need it from you. I'm going upstairs to see them." I said and ran up the stairs. I could hear giggling coming from Rosalie's room and walked in without knocking.
"Hi Edward. Is the werewolf still outside?" said Bella from behind the closed bathroom door.
I walked towards the door but it was locked. "Why is the door locked? Alice unlock this door now or I will break it down!" I hollered. Who knew what those two could be doing to my Bella.
"Why? We're not going to hurt her Edward. We are making her look beautiful for you. She's sleeping over for the weekend and we thought you two could have a romantic night together." said Rosalie. Alice started laughing and said "Don't even try to read our minds. It won't work. Now leave or I will be forced to bite your girlfriend."
"You wouldn't dare Alice. You know I would kill you if you hurt Bella." I said as I walked out of the room knowing for sure that Alice probably wasn't joking. I walked downstairs and sat on the sofa next to Emmet who was watching for some odd reason Mean Girls. Don't ask me why he was watching that.
"Hey Edward the werewolf left. Carlisle and I chased him away. He probably won't be coming back for awhile." said Emmet not letting his eyes wonder from the plasma screen. "Have you ever noticed how hot Lindsay Lohan is?"
"I heard that Emmet. And if you keep it up you won't be getting anything for a long time. If you know what I mean." Rosalie called from the upstairs.
"Sorry hon! What I meant to say was how ugly she was compared to you." Emmet said with a sheepish grin.
"Whatever" was the reply.
"So Emmet….. would you want to go hunting with me later since my own hunting was cut short by that stupid fuzz ball." I asked.
"Yeah sure, but we have to wait until this is done. I love the part where she throws up on that one guy because she drank to much. Ahhh…. why don't we go hunting now. That death glare you just sent me is freaking me out. I know you want to hunt because Bella is staying over and you don't want to slip up and accidentally bite her." Emmet said. Before I could reply he was already running at full speed out the door.
So… Please review! I need encouragement to keep writing. There will be more. I just need time to gather my thoughts and plan out the chapter 2.