Before anything actually 'developed' he was playboy extraordinaire a.k.a. King of Chilton a.k.a. Tristan Dugrey and she was the quiet, shy, yet outspoken Bookworm; Rory Gilmore. In the beginning before anything began, she wouldn't have minded stripping and being taken by the King himself right then and there, but she wasn't able to. But as time played its course, they each realized how right they were for each other.
And now here he was pacing back and forth in their apartment. The apartment that his grandfather had bought him after graduating in the third percentile of his class. The apartment that became theirs when he asked her to move in with him after he found out that she too had gotten accepted into Yale.
He continued to pace back and forth. He's been doing this ever since he realized that it was time to go to Stars Hollow and be with Rory and her town. He told her that he would meet her there after his last final on Friday. Tristan had completed his last exam about an hour ago…so, for the pass hour he's been constantly pacing back and forth in the apartment.
He was pacing because he was nervous. With the pacing came the fondling with a little velvet box that contained a certain diamond ring inside. Stopping, he slowly opened the box and revealed the perfect engagement ring. It contained a large diamond in the middle with two smaller ones on the side and they were on a white-gold band. The ring was truly perfect for Rory.
Thinking of Rory and how happy she has made him, he smiled. He would love spending the rest of his life with her. They survived the rest of high school and all of college in one piece.
It then suddenly hit him; what if she says no. What will he do? It was obvious that he would be heart broken. He couldn't possibly live if she denied him. But for now he couldn't think about the 'what ifs' he needed to get in his car and go to Stars Hollow.
That's just what he did; he grabbed his car keys, put the little velvet box in his pocket and was out the door to reveal his future.
Before heading to the Gilmore house, he went to the bridge. Since he was busy with finals he had asked Lane if she could please decorate the bridge with candle and flowers.
When he got close enough he was able to see what an amazing job she had done; he definitely owed her.
Getting back to where he parked his car, he got in and went to Rory.
"Mom!" Rory yelled as she came out of her childhood room.
"What?" Lorelai yelled back.
"Why are you yelling?" Rory asked as she met her mother in the living room.
"Because you're yelling?" Lorelai stated rolling her eyes.
Rory rolled her eyes, "Tristan will be here any minute and I can't find me shoe!"
Lorelai did not say anything, instead she just stared at the woman her daughter has become.
"Why are you staring at me?"
"I can't believe you're graduating college tomorrow…"
"Awww mom! Don't get sentimental on me now! I don't have time—"
"Hey! The painful experience of labor gives me the right to be sentimental at a moment like this!" Lorelai argued.
"Okay I'm sorry – but can you please help me find my other shoe?"
"Yeah it's under the couch," Lorelai said with a wave of her hand.
Rory bent down and retrieved her other shoe, "How did you know it was there?"
"Oh I kicked it under there so that I wouldn't trip over it," Lorelai calmly and normally explained.
"I've been looking for this for the past fifteen minutes! Why didn't you tell me it was under there?"
"I just remembered?"
Just then the doorbell rang.
"Oh! I'll get it!" Rory said excitedly.
"Hey," Tristan greeted his girlfriend of six years.
"Hey back," she leaned up to kiss him.
"Hello, Bible Boy!" Lorelai said bouncing to the door.
"Hey Lorelai," Tristan laughed, "We should get going," he told Rory.
"Where are we going?" she asked with a glint in her eyes.
"I want to show you something," was all he said.
"Yeah you two go and have fun, I'll be here all by my lonesome—" Lorelai said dramatically before Tristan and Rory said,
"Wow you guys really care," Lorelai sarcastically said.
"Bye mom," Rory said laughing at her mother.
"Yeah…whatever," Lorelai said as she watched the two walk off. Once they were out of sight she pulled out her cell phone and began to dial a number.
"Hey Sookie, it's me."
"No, Santa Clause!" Lorelia deadpanned.
"Oh! Are you calling to tell me I was a bad girl?"
"Yes, you were a naughty girl—Sookie focus!"
"Okay…I'm focused."
"Good, 'cause they just left and they are on their way to the bridge. Meet me at Luke's so that everyone can go together," Lorelai explained.
"Okie Dokie Artichockie."
"Over and out," once that was said, Lorelai began to make her way to Luke's where most of Stars Hollow waited, including Paris and James, for her to arrive so that they can all quietly watch Tristan propose to Rory.
"Oh my god, Tristan, did you do all of this?" Rory asked, surprised and shocked as they reached the bridge.
"Well, it was my idea, but Lane did all the work," he said truthfully.
"This is amazing."
The couple stayed silent for a few seconds taking in their surroundings, and Tristan had spotted the group of spectators behind some tree in the distance, but Rory was still oblivious.
"Rory, you know I love you, right?" Tristan asked taking a deep breath and standing in front of her.
"And you know that I would do anything for you?"
"There past six years of my life have been amazing because you have been by my side…We've had our ups and downs and after all of them we are as strong as ever.
"I want to continue my life with you—I can't imagine it without you—I've tried, God knows I've tried, but I just cant and I don't want to, I love you."
Tristan slowly gets down on one knee and pulls out the small velvet box and opens it, "Marry me."
Rory is stunned; she doesn't know that to say. She wants to say yes, but the word isn't coming out.
"Yes," she finally says, "God Yes!"
Tristan quickly stands up and crashes his lips to hers in a mind blowing kiss. All of his nerves disappear as he gives her his heart.
When they pull away Tristan slips the ring onto her finger and wraps his arms around her bringing her as close to him as possible.
A few moments pass by when Tristan turns to the group of people who were trying to be discreet and shouts, "She said yes!"
The group erupts in cheers and begins to make its way over to the newly engaged couple.
"Mom, look!" Rory says excitedly as she shows her mother her ring.
"I know Sweetie, I'm so happy for you," Lorelai says as she hugs her daughter.
"Let me see, Suga," Babette says. Rory shows her the ring, "Ahh! I'm blind!"
The group laughs.
"Rory, dear, you snatched yourself a good one," Miss Patty says with teary eyes.
"I know," Rory smiles.
"Well we'll be at the Dragonfly, with the guest—"Lorelai says.
"Guests?" Rory asks.
"Yeah, I invited them after Tristan came to me and asked for your hand in marriage—"
"You knew about this?" Rory asked her mother shocked.
"Yeah—we gotta go," Lorelai quickly says as she begins to walk away with the rest of Stars Hollow.
Rory turns to Tristan shocked that he had planned all of this, shocked that he had actually gone to her mother and asked for her hand in marriage, shocked that he was really hers.
The adults were gone, but James and Paris stayed behind.
"Congratulation you two," James says patting Tristan's shoulder, "It was nerve wrecking, wasn't it?"
"Hell yeah! I have no idea how you went through it with Gellar here," Tristan said motioning to Paris.
"It took me a while, but I did it," James smiles at his wife.
"I'm glad you did," Paris says, "Rory you have no idea how happy I am for you."
"Thanks Paris," Rory smiles.
"Well, we'll be at the Dragonfly; give you guys some time to yourselves," Paris says.
"Alright, see you in a bit," Rory tells them.
Once they were gone Tristan wraps Rory in his arms, "We're engaged," he states.
"I know," she says disbelieving.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
They stayed like that, in each other's arms, until Rory pulled back and said, "You we're right."
"I know," Tristan says arrogantly, but then adds, "About what?"
"Anything is possible."
AN: That was the true ending of "Anything is Possible". i hope you qall enjoyed it because i enjoyed writing it. Thank you so much to all of you who read and reviewed...you guys encouraged me to write. Thank you!