To: Kureno Sohma

From: Arisa Uotani


This is Arisa, if you remember me.

Hey man, why'd you just leave that way? You just kind of left and then…I never saw you again. You jerk! You made me feel really special and everything, and then you just ditch!

You bastard!

I don't need you! You think you're that great, asshole? You got another think coming! Don't even bother writing back.

Go to hell.

To: Arisa Uotani

Kureno Sohma

Dear Arisa,
I'm sorry if I offended you, but I can't meet you ever again. I have a...person I must take care of. You are a special girl and will no doubt make someone happy. I don't think I'm that great after what happened. I'm sorry.

To:Tohru Honda

From: Kureno Sohma

Dear Tohru,

Well, I finally got a hold of Kureno. He said I was "really special" but that he had someone he needed to take care of and he could never see me again. I bet he's married or something. I don't know…I guess I do feel a little better. I still kinda want to be with him though. I was glad he wrote back, especially after the e-mail I wrote him. You should read it ;) I was really pissed! I can't wait to see you tomorrow! Love you!


To: Tohru Honda

From: Kyo Sohma


I did like going to the concert with you. I'm sorry I acted like such a jerk. Kagura was just pissing me off, but I kind of liked hanging out with you. Do you want to hang out this weekend?


Ps. DON'T INVITE KAGURA. For that matter, don't invite Yuki, Ayame, or...any of the other guys...

To:Tohru Honda

From: Kyo Sohma

Dear Kyo,

Don't worry! I had a great time too, but I'm mostly worried for Rit-chan. I think the strain was too much for him. The Killers had a bad effect on him, especially when they pulled him up on stage. I was scared too, because they were wearing weird outfits with scary black faces. Oh...I'm so sorry! I completely forgot you were asking a question. I'd love going with you somewhere! Why don't you want Yuki and the others to come? It would be so fun!


Ps. I was cleaning up your room, and I found a book called Springtime of Youth. I figured it must be for me, since I found my name written all over it! I loved that you gave it to me as a present! I haven't started reading it yet, but I'm sure it's good!

To:Shigure Sohma

From:Kyo Sohma


To:Tohru Honda

From:Kyo Sohma


Whatever you do, don't read that book!!! It's not from me! I think that perv, Shigure, planted it!

To:Kyo Sohma

From:Shigure Sohma


I don't know what you're talking about! Perhaps the sweater has gone to your head? I'm glad you finally decided to give the book back though! it's a very important part of my research, since the stupid law forbids…never mind! Aya and I have been discussing this, and your denial has made us we thought of many ways to bring you out in THAT world. I wanted something practical, too, ever since you developed that habit of kicking walls down. Or being smashed into them by Yuki. Walls cost money you know! So we have chosen the perfect thing! You will be working at Aya's shop! Aya told me that you would be thrilled, since you're so obsessed with his dresses!


Ps. Now that you admitted it, GIVE IT BACK! It was a first edition copy that came with a poster which I made Mit-chan get in exchange for 20 pages!!!

To:Tohru Honda

From:Kyo Sohma


Eh? Shigure...planted it? I'm not allowed to read it...? So Kyo-kun didn't really give this present for me? I'm so sorry for assuming...I'm always doing this! Even that time with the sweater....Yuki and I were just discussing the book too, though I haven't started reading it yet. He said it was just the kind of book that you would give me. I'm so sorry though!!


To: Kisa Sohma

From: Kyo Sohma

Hey Kisa,

I know this sounds really stupid but, do you know what you'd get a teenage girl for a present? It's just, Tohru thought I gave her this book that that damn perv Shigure planted, and now she feels all bad about it and it's pissing me off and I don't know why!!! Anyway, I don't want to ask Kagura cause…well, you know her.


Ps. Try not to mention this, kay?

To:Kyo Sohma

From: Kisa Sohma

Dear Kyo nii-san,

That's so sweet! Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. Hmm, I guess you could give her flowers or something. Or write a poem. Ooh, I know! Get her flowers, and then leave them for her with a poem you wrote! That would be so romantic! Anyway, tell me how it goes!!! ;)


To: Kyo Sohma

From: Tohru Honda


I really enjoyed the poem you gave me!! Thank you so much, even after I took your book. By the way, Shigure asked me if I had the book, since it was his, but I thought it was yours...? Anyway, I thought the poem was really good! About you beating Yuki, I really felt the passion! I am overwhelmed...i didn't even do anything for you, yet you were so nice. Thank you!!!


To: Kyo Sohma

From: Shigure Sohma

Oh Kyon!

I heard about the lovely gifts you have lavished upon our resident flower. You obviously picked up some good tips from my book. But I would really like to have it back now. Mitchan is getting quite worried, because I told her I couldn't start without some reviewing of my last book. Anyway, I hope all goes well with your attempts to woo the princess. If you need any advice, don't hesitate to call Ayame or myself for assistance.


Ps. I mean it. I want my book back. Now.