Author's Note: I bloody love this drabble. It's my favorite in this entire series. I believe this was a gateway drabble, in that it began like this and now I am shamelessly writing porn for kink memes. Noitora, you've corrupted me.

This drabble isn't only significant because it's my favorite. That's right: this is the last drabble in this drabble series! I thank you all for your kind comments, favorites, and everything else. I'm glad you were along for the ride! As far as it goes for more GrimmHime from me, it isn't likely in the near future. Right now I'm taking a break from drabbles and most romance. I'm very tired of introspection (not much in this series, but in other stories of mine there is a substantial amount) and emotions in general. So I'm gonna rest up my muses and just work on kink prompts and porn, where paragraphs of "oh god, should I do this? and what's my motivation?" aren't required. Speaking of which, I'll post that series up here too, in a week or so.

Again, thanks for reading! I hope to continue seeing you guys! You're all wizard!

XIII. "Forgetfulness"

Forgetting both Grimmjow and Ulquiorra's warnings to avoid the south wing, Orihime ventured there one morning before breakfast. Wandering down the many corridors, she was surprised by how deserted it was. Occasionally she would pass by one or two Arrancar, though they were all either clearly of low rank or very young. For the most part none of them noticed her, and she wondered what made this hall eerier than the others of the citadel.

Turning a corner, she arrived at a dead end. Glancing around for a moment, she shrugged and was about to turn and leave when she felt a hand run over her shoulder and up her neck. Thin lips grazed her ear ever so slightly, and whispered lecherously, "I've been waiting for you, pet-sama."

When Orihime spun around, she was greeted with the not all too unfamiliar sight of an Espada. This one was tall and lanky with sleek black hair, an eye patch and a single eye that narrowed with lust. His lips curled into a twisted grin as he tucked a few strands of hair behind her ear. He let his fingers linger as his nails lightly raked down the side of her neck, resting for a few moments over her jugular and her collarbone before retreating.

"My name is Noitora," he told her, his voice sounding equal parts paternal and odious, a mixture that deeply disturbed her. "But you may call me master, if you wish."

Orihime felt a hot blush paint her cheeks and gulped nervously. Sweat began to build on her brow and hands, both from the spiritual pressure Noitora oozed and from the way he kept touching her. "N-nice to meet you," she managed to say, glancing back at the empty hall. "But I should be going now."

"So soon?" Noitora asked innocently, letting a bit more of his reiatsu leak out. It was just enough to hold Orihime in place as he circled her like a vulture, letting his hand drag around her waist. He faced her finally, fingers traveling lightly up her sides to just underneath her breasts, and slowly closed the little space between them. "Why don't you have breakfast with me?" Orihime looked down tremulously as she felt his lips lightly brush her earlobe as he whispered, "Just tell Ulquiorra you were eatin' out."

Orihime contemplated screaming for help, but knew it was no use as it was enough of a struggle just to swallow. She tried to muster the strength to squirm when she felt his right hand snake around to the small of her back, slowly sliding lower and lower to the curve of her bottom, but she couldn't move a muscle. Again she tried to cry out, but didn't have the time to, for soon a loud gushing sound was heard and Noitora froze before cursing loudly.

Losing focus of his spiritual power, Noitora subconsciously regulated it and as a result Orihime slid to the floor. She saw the crimson that speckled her hakama and that dripped from the fresh wound in Noitora's abdomen as the lascivious Arrancar spun around.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" he asked, hand poised over his zanpakuto.

"Get lost, Noitora," a familiar voice said. "Or Aizen will do you a hell of a lot worse for hurting her."

Noitora glanced back at Orihime and growled something nasty before stalking off, holding his bleeding abdomen and seething.

Her savior approached her and picked her up, hoisting her into his arms and giving her an irate stare. "Remember what I tell you next time, you dumb bitch."

Orihime, despite her situation and the sweat caking her body, smiled and leaned her head against Grimmjow's chest.