Title : Yuuri's Secret Life.

Author : Elvina Potter aka Elvina P.

Disclaimer : I do not own Kyou Kara Maou in any way shape or form. No money is made from this. It is purely Fanfictional fun. Any additional characters were created for entertainment and have no ties with the real and living whatsoever.


Chapter 1

Life can be so boring.

That was how Shibuya Yuuri felt at the moment. He gazed at the baseball field where some team happened to be practicing—he had once been a baseball player like them, but due to a misunderstanding he'd gotten kicked off the team. He didn't mind so much—it was only another one of his hobbies. Yuuri preferred horseback riding or fencing these days.

His mentor in these had been a great and wise man who had also been very rich and powerful. He'd had an estate in Europe that he managed all by himself. He was a man of six feet tall, dark haired and lean built with not so bulky muscles complete with broad chest and shoulder. Emerald eyes that seem to sparked with mischief and old wisdoms coupled with experiences. His mentor was also strong in appearances. With his mixed European heritage, he has the features that could make a male model envious. When he is angry however; you'll get the impression you won't like meeting him in the dark. The air suddenly turned colder and his emerald eyes ablaze with a fury that gives chills those who looked upon it.

His name had been Lord Edmund de Lincole, and he was a very strange and mysterious person.

To Yuuri, he was not so strange. Yuuri knew him to be a good man; always kind and gentle to people who work for him and he took his responsibility of them very seriously. Yuuri wanted to be just like him. He looked up to Lord Edmund as a role model.

The Lord Edmund had once saved his life when he was four years old, and in exchange for this debt Yuuri wanted to helped him in any way possible... at least, Yuuri had once he'd been old enough to understand what it meant. Lord Edmund had been amused, then interested in the small child's wide-eyed enthusiasm. What happened after was some of the weirdest period of Yuuri's life.

He began to see his mentor often, sometimes finding himself spending a whole day with Lord Edmund for company, when his parent was too busy to pay attention to him. After a few months or so, he'd begun teaching Yuuri a few languages as a kind of hobby, and had eventually taken him as a protégé once he'd seen how quickly Yuuri learned things and decided he would teach Yuuri everything he knew. Everything. From manners and etiquette, to governing and manage things. Aside from learning Japanese, English and Italian language – Which was Lord Edmund's dominant language, Yuuri had learnt French and Germen. Lord Edmund also insisted he learnt how to fight; hand to hand combat, Martial arts as well as fighting with knives and deadly blade; bows and arrows, crossbow and shoot with guns. Despite his sensible attitude, Lord Edmund seemed to find nothing wrong with training a child with edged weapons — with supervision, of course. His mentor also taught him basic healing using herbs by reasoning one can't be too careful or something along that line.

Lord Edmund sometimes took his training further by teaching him how to blend in his surrounding, how to hide his personality and be a deceiver, a good acting skill basically and a useful tool to let people underestimate you. He didn't mind teaching said child how to sneak past professional guardsmen either. Stealth training had been good for Yuuri. It allowed him to move about with grace and speed. Yuuri would have been the perfect weapon... albeit the fact that he wanted nothing of the sort, and there was no one in a position to force him.

Nonetheless, he had shown little mercy when it came to getting Yuuri into top physical and mental condition, and keeping him there. Thanks to Lord Edmund's dietary regiment, Yuuri grew up very healthy. Perfect and accurate vision, and heightened senses. He can see and hear things from a great distance. A feat that Yuuri is sure is impossible for most people.

The Shibuya family didn't know more than a little about Lord Edmund until Yuuri was about seven years old. By then, he had decided to sponsor Yuuri's education and study in Italy while staying at his estate. The Shibuya's was hesitating at first for obvious reasons, after being persuaded for months, they agreed so long as Edmund extended his offer to Yuuri's brother as well, and they kept guardian rights and that they are permitted to visit anytime they wanted. Lord Edmund agreed to perform as a tutor for both children, and returned to Italy with both children. Once they were educated enough, he even brought them to political and social gatherings, introducing them as 'his wonderful students'. They both make a lot of connections and huge social circles of their own among aristocrats, military officers, the navies and the like. It's easy to pull favours if you are friends with the influential.

Sadly, Lord Edmund had died peacefully of an unknown cause when Yuuri was fourteen. The funeral was held at his home in Florence, Italy; and his estate and titles were left to his cousin on their mother's side, Lady Gabriella D'Sinclair, who was also a close friend of the Shibuya siblings. The siblings themselves returned to Japan to finish their academic education, having claimed but not used the money left by Lord Edmund to his students.

. . . . . . . . .

Yuuri was startled out of his thoughts when a baseball hit the fence right in front of his face. Shrugging, he stretched and began to walk home.

It's been a year since Edmund's death and things is pretty uninteresting nowadays. I wonder what the military boys or navy boys are doing... Probably doing something super secret... lucky them...

"Leave me alone!"

Yuuri frowned. Lovely. Now what..

"Hand over all your money and we might let you go."

"But...I don't have any money!"

Yuuri glanced into a nearby alley. Ken Murata – that was probably his name – had gotten himself cornered by a couple of gangsters. Poor guy. Murata from what little Yuuri knew about him, was one of the school's top student, dedicated to his books and laboratories. Yuuri scowled. If there is one thing that Yuuri didn't get about his hometown, is the high rate of bullying. Yuuri, as a trained fighter was unfazed by it. An amateur like these idiots will not frightened him and most of the time, he was the one who send them straight to the morgue.

It had taken Yuuri quite a while to realized that not everyone was as phisically capable as himself, but over the past few years he'd gotten used to the idea. Sighing, he bent down to grab a few rocks lying near his feet. Why not? A safe life is a boring one.

Oh well, Yuuri thought nonchalantly, shrugging. Better save him before he become the next patient to occupied the ICU.

Yuuri gritted his teeth and threw the makeshift weapons at the idiots, hitting a few of them on the head and giving ample time for Murata to escape. He threw the last stone with such force that could even split the air and quickly and quietly escaped from the scene unnoticed. Out of the corner of his eyes as he went, Yuuri briefly one of the stone hits the leader's head with a sick crack, blood ooze from the injury. The leader had gave a painful yelped before dropping to the floor and lost consciousness, effectively shocking the rest of the members. A few blocks away, he slowed down to a steady jogged and then walked like nothing out of ordinary, knowing that Murata wasn't too far behind him as Yuuri sometimes saw Murata headed home using the exact route and it wouldn't hurt to speak with the him. He was right. Murata came colliding into him from behind and send them both sprawling on the floor.

"Ow! Watch it, That could have gotten me a broken neck!" said Yuuri irritatedly.

"S-sorry," stammered Murata while helping Yuuri him to his feet.

Not bad. He got a fine grip. Pity he didn't use it much. He could make a great sportsman. Yuuri mused, judging Murata strength.

Murata again gave a low bow as a sign of apology and Yuuri take the opportunity to study him up close. From what Yuuri gathered from Murata body movement and posture, the bespectacle boy carries himself well. From what little information Yuuri knew about Murata is that said boy came from a middle class family, but parent was always too busy to be around. Like his situation once upon a time...

A perfect gentlemen with eyes set to be just what his parents want him to be.. with that thought Yuuri grimaced. Nowadays people have one way thinking. Parents didn't exactly gave their children a chance to find their own way in life. If the parent is working on a certain career choice, then they expected the kids to do the same. Close minded but that's how it is. The death charts increases every year from what Yuuri had heard. If not the pressure of their lives that kills them, a controlling parents will.

"Are you okay? Are you sure you're not hurt anywhere? I gave you a really big fall..." Murata was looking at him worriedly. Quickly pulling off a sheepish looked, he assured him that he was fine. Yuuri even turned a completely 360 degree with arms wide open to proved his point. "No, no, I'm fine. I'm okay, really!"

"Well... If you are sure..."

There was a rather awkward pause. Murata looked incomprehensively at him before recognition dawn to him when he realised with whom he was currently standing with.

"I'm Ken Murata. Are you Yuuri Shibuya? The one they're all saying is a pompous snobbish foreigner?" Murata asked attentively.

Yuuri eyes widened. Pompous snobbish foreigner?! Excuse me?!

Oh, come on. They couldn't do better than that?

Yuuri had noticed the looked of jealousy from his peers. He couldn't care less what the student body labelled him with as long as they leave him alone. While he got well with his classmates, Yuuri was generally aloof, preferring solitude instead of mingling around with noisy fan girls and his ever growing fan club. Their constant badgering left him with huge headaches.

With an affronted looked before melting into an embarrassed demeanour, Yuuri sheepishly said, "I don't know what people are saying, but yeah... I'm Yuuri Shibuya. I prefer the term transfer student though... I've been away from Japan for quite a while, so that's probably why they're saying I'm foreign. And I'm Japanese as much as you are!" at the last sentence, Yuuri finished with a deadpanned looked.

Murata hand's raised in placating manner and he looked mildly embarrassed himself and apologetic. "I'm sorry, Shibuya. It's just the rumours of the school... I haven't been officially introduced and since you are from a country somewhere in Europe, and... well, you are rich... and they..." Murata trailed off at Yuuri's upset expression and quickly bowed down apologising. "I'm sorry! That was rude of me."

"Oh great... I'm only at school barely a month and already the rumour mill whispered things about me," Yuuri groaned. People were talking about him. Therefore, people were paying attention to him. Attention was bad. Getting noticed, period, was bad. He had hoped for a smooth sailed intergration. "Man... this sucks!" Yuuri cried crocodile tears.

Murata eyes widened in alarmed and he panicked. "Oy calm down, Shibuya. Do not have a panic attack because of one rumour. Relax." Murata patted Yuuri's shoulder. It is clearly written in his eyes that Murata was surprised to find Yuuri was anything but pompous and snobbish and looked relatively normal to him.

Remember act normal. Normal for most teenagers, not for, say, American Navy SEALs. Yuuri gave out a nervous laughed. Maybe he should start mingle with more people, maybe a few girlfriends on the side. But he really couldn't give a damn about his reputation! As long they don't find out about his real personality, he's cool with it.

Yuuri cleared his throat and he asked instead, "Anyway, what happen to you to make you run like a madman Murata? You look like you're in an emergency?"

Murata sweat dropped and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm really sorry about bumping into you. I was actually cornered by gangsters earlier. The running was of me making my escaped."

"Well since you're unharmed and alive... I assumed that something happened?"

"Yep, now that you mention it. Out of nowhere, someone threw stones at them. I didn't see who they were but I'm thankful. That attack caught them off guard and I bolted out of there at the first opportunity."

"Good for you," Yuuri said smiling.


"Oh well... I better get home. Nice meeting you Murata."

"Mind if I walk with you? I'm heading the same way," Murata asked nervously.

Yuuri grinned and replied. "Sure I don't mind."

They walked in silence a for a few minutes. Then Murata began asking question about what activities that Yuuri took in school.

"Oh that... I still haven't decided yet... I used to take up baseball but that didn't last long. I gave up after a while," Yuuri said shrugging.

"What happened?" asked Murata. His curiosity is peaked. He wondered how good was Shibuya at baseball. Some of the sportsmen said he had a good baseball built.

"Had a misunderstanding with the coach back then. That's all," was all Yuuri said.

Murata bit his bottom lips, thinking. Shibuya seems to have a good understanding on baseball. And he definitely has the charisma to go pro. "Our local junior league is good. Why not joining?"

"I don't have the time," Yuuri answered honestly. "I actually have a lot on my plate. If I join any, I won't be fully committed to it."

"You won't know until you try, right? There's no harm in that," said Murata earnestly.

Yuuri eyed him cynically. "So persistent. What's the real reason you're asking me all this?"

Murata looked embarrassed at being caught. He laughed nervously before he admitted the truth. "Actually. The team is good, but they lack a good regiment. I'm hoping you'll... join us."

Ah, So that why he asked in the first place, Yuuri mused casually.

"I don't know Murata. I'm really busy. With my schedule, I don't think there is any position that I can contribute?" Yuuri trailed of asking Murata what position he had in mind.

"Coach" Murata answered him.

Yuuri blinked in surprise. "Coach?"

Murata grinned. "Yeah... Coach. You're good Shibuya. From what I've seen you during P.E, you have an impressive stamina. Plus, from your previous sports record, you have an in-depth understanding of baseball. I could really use someone like you."

"My record?" Yuuri spluttered in disbelief. "Where the hell did you people dig my sport record from? I had that thing purged!"

Murata sweat dropped, sheepishly. "Well... some of the computer geeks are really good at finding things and hacking..."

Yuuri's jaw clenched. If these people are not careful, someone is going to die and bodies might start piling. "Okay, but why a coach? Don't you mean team manager? And I thought we have teachers for that?"

Murata snorted. "Teachers are just club advisors. And I'm the manager. It won't be a frequent thing, Shibuya. I need someone to help the team stays fit. You could say, I want you as an instructor. I don't know if you noticed but you do really stand out in P.E."

"I'm not that good!" Yuuri denied vehemently.

"Just think about it, please. We already have the main coach, I just need someone to fill in as a secondary coach. You won't have to be there all the time. But at least you'll have something to do."

Yuuri stared at Murata, wordlessly. While Murata make it sounds like he won't be completely tied to the team, the fact remains that he will still need to find time for commitment. And right now, he really was against joining. "I really can't decide right now, Murata. I have to get back to you on that. Okay?"

Murata beamed content. "Cool, Shibuya. Take your time."

Yuuri smiled tightly. He wasn't kidding when he said he wasn't that good. All his time since he was a kid, he trained hard with his mentor. Baseball was just some hobby he had picked for fun. While he still remember everything about baseball, he did not want to give them any reason in making his position permanent.

And he did say he was bored...

"Oh damn me!" Yuuri chided himself, mumbling in a hushed tone. He guesses he could ask his brother for some advice.

Review on your way out.

- Elvina P.