
Inuyasha jumped through the well. The moon was full, and he had a tradition to keep. When he emerged on the other side, his brother was waiting on him. He tossed him the Tessaiga and grinned. "Are you frightened, little brother?"

"You're going down, Sesshomaru." Inuyasha yelled, transforming the sword and lunging at him.

It was the same every month. They'd fight, then talk and play with the amazing multitude of children that were born when everyone had settled down. They're like an army of runts. Inuyasha commented to himself. Sango and Miroku had five brats running around, Kagome and Sesshomaru had four daughters, and Shippou and Rin were working on adding their own to the mix, which seemed to be a sore spot for Sesshomaru.

"Not likely." Sesshomaru replied, returning an attack.

Inuyasha jumped into a tree and then lunged at Sesshomaru. "I think hanging out with all those girls has made you soft!"

"Inuyasha!" Kagome yelled. "Sit!"

Inuyasha grinned at her. "Yeah, right, my beads broke a long time ago, you're not using that trick on me again!" Sesshomaru held Tokijin to his throat and smiled. "I was just going easy on you anyway."

"You always have an excuse." Sesshomaru replied.

The argument was cut short by a chorus of light giggles which ended with Inuyasha and Sesshomaru being pummeled by four hanyou girls.

Kagome watched the scene from a distance and smiled. My first love and the love of my life. It's hard to imagine there was a time things were ever any different than they are now. Her life was a strange hodgepodge of memories. There was a world of skyscrapers and cars where she lead a happy life, then the frightening period of trying to collect jewel shards, which was eclipsed by the intense guilt and sorrow of Kikyou's death. After that, there was a fairly large chunk of she barely remember, and finally, bliss with Sesshomaru.

Kikyou. Ha. In the end, neither of us got Inuyasha, and it turned out to be the best thing. I wonder if he even remembers her. I don't regret any of it, really. In the end, everything that happened put us one step closer to where we are. And I wouldn't change a damn thing.

Kagome felt Sesshomaru grab her from behind and smiled. "Hey you."

"You looked like you were thinking too hard." Sesshomaru said, kissing her hair. "Nothing good ever happens when women think."

Kagome smiled and turned. "Brave words for a man who lives in a house filled with females."

He growled playfully and pulled her closer. "I'll get a son out of you yet."

"Uh-huh." Kagome said.

"Of course. This Sesshomaru always gets what he wants." Sesshomaru replied. "But right now, he wishes to kiss the lovely lady standing before him." Kagome gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Two enemies, brought together by a little clay and some dirt, hm?"

"Shh! That's not funny!" Kagome said, trying to hide her amusement.

"If it isn't funny, why are you trying so hard not to laugh?" Sesshomaru asked.

"That's just wrong." Kagome said. "You're terrible."

Sesshomaru grinned. "You always knew that, Little Miko." His eyes locked onto a single gray hair and he frowned. It was a reminder to him, like the wrinkles slowly forming on her face. He was immortal, she wasn't, and as time passed, her body would wither.

"What's wrong?" Kagome asked.

"I love you, that's all." Sesshomaru said. I have no regrets. I will love her while I can.

Special thanks to all my readers and reviewers!

Sorry this chapter is so short. I can only stand so much sugary sweet fluff at a time, if I write any more I'll need insulin injections.