Disclaimer: I own none of the characters from Negima, they all belong to Ken Akamatsu. I'm just borrowing them for a bit.
Hero: A tale of Negima
Ayaka Yukihiro had two kinds on nightmares, neither pleasant. The one kind involved her little brother, imagining her parents bringing home the lifeless body and her childlike attempts to bring him to life. Her adult self knew it was useless, but she still continued to try.
The other kind of bad dream involved running.
Ayaka raced across the nightmare scenery, her long blonde hair swirling around her as she ran. Lightning flashed across the night sky, illuminating the twisted, dying trees and rough, stone covered ground.
"Negi," Ayaka cried out, hoping that the dream would follow a familiar pattern as the monsters began to catch up with her, "Negi-sensei!"
Suddenly a blurred figure raced by her, charging towards the demons then there was a bright flash of light. Stopping and spinning around Ayaka breathed a sigh of relief, the creatures fallen in a pile as the shadowy figure turned towards her.
"Oh Negi, I..." Ayaka started only to trail off as she realized the other person was carrying a massive sword, NOT the staff Negi did.
Firelight from the battle lit up the figure as it neared walked up to Ayaka and she soon realized it was a woman, dressed like some knight in a fairy tale. A steel breastplate gleamed brightly with the Mahora crest as a cloak fluttered about, a short skirt allowing free movement as she strode across the fire lit landscape. Her red-orange hair swirled around her gracefully and a small smile teased her lips. Ayaka knew her well, even in such a strange place, and she was not pleased to see her.
"Asuna, what are YOU doing in my dream?!" Ayaka protested irritably, "It's bad enough I was chased by monsters but not being saved by Negi-sensei spoils the whole thing!"
Asuna didn't answer Ayaka but her blue and green blue eyes showed warm amusement as she drew close. The sword, a massive weapon nearly as tall as she was disappeared once Asuna let it go, much like her armor also faded away revealing their usual school uniform underneath.
Still silent Asuna reached out to touch Ayaka's cheek, a soft gesture entirely at odds with her usual brash nature. "What...?" Ayeka began.
A soft finger was pressed to Ayaka's lips and oddly she found herself seemingly frozen, gazing at Asuna as she put her hands on Ayaka's shoulders. In a single smooth motion she bent forward, pressing their lips together in a lingering kiss. Ayaka wanted to fight but a rush of warmth seemed to sap her strength away...
"AAAAAH!" Ayaka cried out in alarm as she jerked up in bed, her heart pounding and eyes wide.
One of the many servants in her mansion entered, obviously used to her mistresses' morning cry. "Are you all right milady?" she asked politely.
"Damn that Asuna," she angrily muttered as Ayaka flung back her bedding, "it's bad enough I have to deal with her in school, but must she invade my dreams as well?"
"Would you like breakfast on the patio, madam?" the maid asked as she laid out a dressing gown for Ayaka.
"Yes, please," Ayaka got up, feeling how sticky with sweat her nightie was. In a few moments she was sitting out on the balcony, looking out over the gardens as she tried to wrestle with the remnants of the dream's images in her mind.
Having Asuna of all people rescue her! It was absurd. Yes, Asuna was very physically capable and she did have her harisen, the paper fan which she used in combat, and she had also heard that it could transform into a sword but...
"Arrgh," Ayaka made a incoherent noise.
And that kiss! It was so rude it was nearly impossible to describe. Yes, it must have been pure rtevulsion that froze her when Ayaka kissed her, and horror that made her knees weak. The sweet summery scent that came from Asuna, reminding her of the outdoors was so crass and primative, unlike Negi.
Then suddenly, Ayaka felt her indignation collapse like a house of cards. 'I dreamed that Asuna kissed me,' she realized, 'and I liked it!'
"You're breakfast, madam," a male servant arrived, pushing the tray. "Will you be going out later?" he asked respectfully.
"I don't know," Ayaka admitted glumly, then she groaned as another thought occured to her. 'They're all coming over today,' she mentally whimpered.
Meanwhile, a tired young women returned to her rooms, her red-orange hair flowing in twin streams, the bell designed hair clips ringing softly as she moved. "Morning Konoka." she smiled at her sleepy roommates, "morning Negi."
"Morning, Asuna-san," Negi smiled, the young boy as chipper as always. "Already went to deliver your papers?" he asked.
"Yeah," Asuna agreed, "all done."
"Do you know if we're all going out to Ayaka's house again?" Konoka asked, the black haired women smiling warmly.
"I think so," Asuna grinned.
"I'll go tell Set-chan then," Konoka positively bounced up to her feet, "I want her to wear the swimsuit I bought her."
"She'll be blushing the whole time we'e there," Asuna warned, having SEEN the tiny bikini earlier.
"That's part of the fun," Konoka answered as she headed out the door.
Negi smiled, his hair a slightly darker tone than Asuna's. "Do you think Ayaka will mind us coming over? Things didn't go so well last time," he fretted.
Asuna reached out and ruffled Negi's hair, "Don't worry, she's always glad to see you."
"She likes seeing you too," the pajama clad Negi noted, "even if she doesn't always want to admit it."
Asuna smiled slightly, "Yeah, maybe so."
It didn't take long for most of the students of their class to gather, then as a group they headed out to Ayaka's family residence. All of them wore baggy t-shirts, covering the more stylish swimsuits underneath.
"I'm looking forward to trying her pool again," Kaede smiled, the ninja girl's hair flowing in a long ponytail.
"I wanna ride the bannisters again," Fuka laughed, her twin Fumika right beside her.
Kazumi Asakura smirked as she checked over her everpresent camera, "I'm hoping for some more candid shots."
"For your private collection?" Sayo Aisaka asked teasingly, the ghost floating along side the infamous reporter.
Misa smirked, the cheerleader walking with her friends as she asked, "Have you seen Setsuna's suit yet?"
"What's it like?" Madoka asked, her short black hair falling around her face.
Sakurako whistled, "Pretty hot."
"Here we go," Negi said as they reached the front gate at last.
"Welcome, Negi-sensei," Asyaka smiled, wearing a expensive dress. She paused and added with a mock frown, "And the whole class, again."
Chisame scowled, "Like I wanna be here, too."
"You were forced then?" Chachamaru asked mildly.
"Never mind," Chisame growled, glasses gleaming.
"Try not to cause too much trouble for my staff," Ayaka yelled as the students hurried off to get into trouble all around the mansion.
"You all right?" Asuna asked a few moments later, having accompanied Ayaka and Negi to have tea.
"I'm fine," a visibly flustered Ayaka answered, her face faintly red and her heart racing as she remembered the dream. It didn't help that Asuna had stripped off her t-shirt to reveal a tight swimsuit over her powerful body, highlighting her various curves.
"You look feverish," Negi noted innocently.
Asuna got up, moving over to Ayaka's side as she ordered, "Hold still."
"What...?" Ayaka started.
"I'm gonna check for a fever," Asuna informed her as she swept their hair aside then pushed their foreheads together.
'Oh god,' Ayaka thought, the clean scent of Asuna's body washing over her. 'If I didn't have a fever before,' she mused, 'I certainly do now.'
To be continued...