Disclaimer: I don't own this, no matter what I may tell people to impress them.

Author's Note: So I promised part 2, didn't I (I did, right?) Well here it is! A second part to the My Druggie trilogy. Yes, I did say trilogy. And I apologize for how long this took to get up here. I didn't want to post until I knew where I was taking it, and now that I know I shall post.

And also, to some people who were fans of the previous, you may not like the direction I'm taking this. This fic is my shot at taking some risks with my writing. I want to try out lots of different story lines and such so that I can find my Scrubs niche for future writings.

So here you have it, a sequel to My Druggie. I give you, My Personal Problem.

Chapter 1


"Hey Jizzle Dizzle, you gotta catch this par-tay tonight. We're celebrating the Todd landing his first real girlfriend. This chick is freaky! Call me back man!"


"J Dizzle, it's been three days since I last heard from you. You're freaking me out a little. I'm just gonna pretend you lost my number. Call Turk back, 555..."


"Bambi, Turk is freaking out. Please call him back, he's down to only two meals. I swear if you ever came out he'd run away with you. Call him back, I'm tired of hearing about how JD doesn't love him anymore."


"Scarlet, you've missed your past seven shifts. As soon as I get my hands around that scrawny little neck of yours..."


"Oh, your answering machine di-i-i-i-i-i-d NOT just hang up on me. You'd really better watch your ass when you get back."


"Hey JD, it's Elliot, I need someone to trade shifts with me. Barry's in town. If you could get back to me that would be great."


"sniff JD, it's Todd. The bed's not rockin' anymore. sniff Turk said you were good for emotional talks, so call me back at H-U-G-E-D-I-C, not even kidding, that's the number. Sad five, oh yeah."


"JD! Pick up the phone, now. I'm not kidding, man. Do you want your chocolate bear to have a heart attack? I started crying today! You know something, I think I'm gonna have to break into your house."


"Hey JD, thanks for nothing. I had to bring Barry with me to the hospital and he's run away with Stephen the dancing nurse! At least now I don't have to worry about you two."


"JD, it's Carla, notice how I did not call you Bambi. I'm angry at you Bam...I mean JD! If you won't call Turk at least call by Perry. I swear I've never seen a gayer trio and I saw Elliot's brother sing "All that Jazz" with Stephen and Glen!"


"Don't bother calling anymore, doc man. The Todd has got his mojo back. Air five!"


"So Samantha, your career is officially the number one spot on my list of things I don't care about, yes, you did beat Hugh Jackman."


"For the love of God, newbie, if this is your way of saying you want to quit then just say it!"


"Carla...no...I have to call...give me back the phone...I...click"


"Hey man, it's Turk, sorry for the whispering, I locked myself in the bathroom. It's been a couple of weeks, where are you?"


"JD, the hypochondriacs are back! We need you!"


"Mister Dorian, unless you have a damn good excuse don't bother ever coming back to my hospital."


Inbox is full.

Author's Note: And that is the first chapter. Intrigued yet?