Chapter Twenty Six-part one:

Chapter Twenty Six-part one:

Jude awoke to a sudden weight on her and then she felt it light kisses on her neck. She smiled and opened her eyes and said, "who let you in?"

"Sadie I brought coffee, but before you get yours you have to give me some kisses." He brought his mouth down on hers. She intensified it, and pushed him on his back. Somehow they ended up with the blankets tossed on the floor and her straddling a half naked Tommy. "God two days is just two long without you." Tommy said before pulling her face towards him. He shoved his hands into her shirt and slid it off her. He flipped her onto her back and started to pull off her underwear. She reached over and pulled out a condom from her night stand. "I bought some the other day." He smiled and slipped it on. He was hovering over Jude making her whimper because of waiting. He swooped into her swiftly as his lips crashed down on hers. She was caught off guard and loved it. She started to move with him, she bucked up and he winced in pleasure. She pushed him over and started to grind into him. He loved that she took control once and awhile. Jude placed both her hands on his hips and pressed down hard while she rose and fell in a steady rhythm. She came first, usually she was very vocal but she realized that Sadie was some where in the house. She collapsed on him and he smiled turned them over where she was on her back and he started to pull almost completely out of her and shove hard back into her. She was already at the brink of another orgasm, when he pulled all the way out of her and pushed himself back into her slowly. She grabbed the sheets making her knuckles white. He started to move in and out in a faster pace and soon they were both falling over.

Jude smile at him and said, "That was great…I think I need to go shower and get ready for school, you want to join me, looks like you'll need another one." He smiled and followed her into the shower.

They emerged thirty minutes later dressed and totally satisfied. Tommy followed her down the stairs into the kitchen where Sadie was sitting with toast and reading the paper. "Did it really take you an hour to wake my sister up?"

Jude blushed and Tommy replied, "A satisfying one at that." Jude grabbed a poptart and handed one to Tommy. He looked at her weird and she said, "Come on Tommy it wont kill you to have one, you're not going to gain ten pounds from one."

"I suppose." He sat next to Jude as they ate their pop tart. Tommy drove her to school and promised to be here right at three so they could grab something to eat before they had to be back for sound checks. She smiled leaned in and kissed him. Just as he said love you babe. Diana West walked past. Jude turned to see the slut posse stairing at them. She walked past them not giving them the time of day and went into her first period class.

Three o'clock came fast today, maybe cause she actually had to work, exams where next week and she had to pass them in order to graduate. That would be one for the press, Instant star is a instant flunk out. God how much more stress could they put onto her. She walked out of the school to see Tommy leaning on his viper talking to the slut posse. Oh well, kind of figured that since they herd him say he'll be here at three. She walked over to him slid in front of Diana kissed his cheek and said, "Come on hun, we got a lot of things to do." She opened the door which accidentally bumped Diana out of her way and climbed into the car. "Sorry Diana, I should be more careful. See you tonight."

Diana put on a fake smile and said, "Sure."

Tommy took her back to his place. "Why are we here, I thought you said were going to get something to eat."

"We are I'm going to make something while you take a nap, you look exhausted and you have to be perform tonight so I want you to take an hour nap, while I make us dinner."

"God, if I didn't already love you I would have fallen right then. Thanks for noticing."

"No prob now get your ass up those steps, and Sadie and Porsha are going to meet you at your school at 7pm there bringing us wendys too."

"Now I REALLY LOVE you."

An hour later Jude was awoken by Tommy's voice calling her down stairs. She walked into a dark room lit with candle light. On the table was spaghetti salad and French bread. Instead of wine she could see grape juice. "Grape juice."

"Well we have to be working in thirty minutes."

"Good thinking, you know its going to be funny when we walk in and see our crew setting up the gym, I mean I doubt our school could have ever got that good of crew. Plus the whole decorations crew is going to be drooling over the tec guys. You and Kwest clean up quite nicely."

"Yeah I know, they all want me."

"Shut up and eat before we end up covered in it." He laughed and filled his mouth with spaghetti. After dinner Jude ran up stairs threw on a baggy shirt of Tommy's and her hair up in a sloppy bun. She loved the fact that she didn't always have to look her best to land the man of her dreams. Plus she loved to smell him all day.

They amazingly made it to the school with a minute to spare. When they walked in G-Major has already taken over. They must have been there for awhile already Kwest waved Tommy over and Jude found her way over to the stage to start setting up the gear with SME. She was covered in sweat and dirt and crawling under the stage to plug in a cord. She came back out all dirty but feeling proud of herself, that's when she saw Diana, of course she looked all cute, every hair in place and prob. Smelled perfect to. She was on her way over to Tommy. Jude realized she's going to have to start the game of cat and mouse early.

Jude walked up behind Diana and said to Tommy, "hey do you want to go through a run, I just finished setting up with the guys."

Tommy looked at her and said, "Looks like you have, why didn't you have one of the boys do that."

"I'm not afraid to get dirty."

"Yeah I know your not, okay lets start. I'll give you the Q in a few minutes, I got some stuff I still have to get in order. The last time the board was used someone took it apart wrong."

"Ewww…Don't mess with Tommy's board." He laughed and pulled her close and wiped dirt from her face and showed it to her. "Sorry under the stage is mucky…is that even a word."

"Shut up, go get the boys rounded." He pushed her away and she looked back and Diana was still standing closely by him but not talking to him, which was smart because Tommy was one who doesn't like to chit-chat while he's working. Actually he gets kind of pissed off when you bother him.

She rounded up the guys and was standing on the stage when Tommy said through the mic, "Okay girl, its time everything is set up here, lets start with white lines."

"Okay," They all got set up and started to sing white lines. It ended up taking a bit longer then expected but that was okay in the end. They were going to end up singing three songs first was going to be Who am I Fooling, second Worth Waiting For, and last White lines.

They were still rehearsing when Portia and Sadie walked in carrying Wendy's and followed by three scared looking girls with make-up and every ones outfits. Jude saw the Wendys and in the middle of worth waiting for she stopped and said, "Food's here, be back in twenty." Everyone laughed as they saw her jump of the stage making a loud thump and grabbed the food from Sadie. She hoped back on the stage grabed a burger and bit into it. Tommy came up and sat next to her. "Harrison your always thinking about food."

She leaned over to him and whispered, "Food and sex, but mostly food." He smiled and kissed her deeply in front of everyone. The guys where standing behind them and said, "ewwww…." They rushed towards Jude grabbed the food and jumped off the stage and sat down and proceeded to chow down. Speid said with a mouth full of food, "Seriously Dude, how can you mack out with lord squinty frown."

"I don't know DUDE, how did I every mack out with you, oh wait I imagined Tommy."

Speid put his hand on his heart with a hurt look but then started to laugh and said, "Good burn Dude."

"Vincent how many times do I have to tell you I'm not a dude." Tommy leaned over and whispered, "That's for sure." Jude's mouth went open and she hit him in the arm which Tommy yelled and started to rub it. "I take it back you so are a dude." Tommy knew he had to run before getting hit again he jumped off the stage and started to run but Jude caught up to him and jumped on his back. He said, "What now I have to give you a piggy back ride." She leaned in and said, "yep! Back to my Burger!" Tommy proceeded back to the stage where her food was left stranded. The whole gang from G-Major were so use to this they didn't pay much attention to them, but as for the people still decorating they all stopped and watched.

It was five minutes later and Jude was in the middle of throwing pickles at the boys when she herd Portia announce from the stage. "Too all of you dysfunctional people I have to work with need to listen. I have set up proper arrangements for you in this place. The girls dressing room is in room 43 and the guys will be in room 42. If I so much as hear about some innocent student walking in on you all changing and have to deal with some law suit you will be fired so, lock the doors or else!" Then she grabbed Jude and pulled her along towards room 43.

Jude couldn't believe that she was stripping down in Mr. White's classroom, oh the irony of it all! She had a whole hour in half before they actually had to be back in the gym but it was all a rush. Sadie was getting dressed and freaking out about how her hair would not corporate. Portia was shoving a naked Jude into a robe so she could get her hair make-up toes and nails done. Come to think of it, she wouldn't have let this many people see her naked before Tommy, he really has made her appreciate her body more. The hair stylist started to fuss with her hair and finally Sadie noticed what he was doing to Jude and told him to shove off. Sadie replaced herself in front of Jude's hair and said, "This is your big night I'm not going to let some French idiot ruin it for you."

Sadie started to pull Jude's hair out of the up due and Jude said, "Thanks Sadie, I'm glad you're here."

"Me too." Forty minutes later they herd a knock on the door and it was Tommy and Kwest. They wanted to go.

"No Tommy were not ready, we wont be ready for awhile and don't even think about going into that gym without Jude on your arm, you aren't working tonight, you're here for her. So your just going to have to wait out there because were all still getting ready."

Jude said from her chair, "Let him in Portia."

"No, were not even dressed yet."

"So, not like he hasn't seen everyone in here naked before."

Portia rolled her eyes and said, "He's not to see you until you're done and that's how its going to be. So back off Tommy you can go wait in the other classroom."

"Fine whatever." Tommy rolled his eyes at her and left. Thinking about Jude's comment, I really have seen them all naked, I'm a slut. I need to make her believe that she's the only one I want to be with, but how.