AN: Thanks to my part-time job, we now have this little fic!! My mind tends to wander while listening to music and repairing books. Hope you like. I do have this fic partially planned out. I really want to finish this one, cause it's been stored in the back of my mind for too long now. The rating is for the character's potty mouths and some….innuendo. It's purely D/S.

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon or its characters. I know. Sad, but true.

'Damn alarm clock.'

Serena groggily lifted her head from her fluffy pillow and looked at her alarm clock with utter disdain for the small electronic device that was currently playing today's hottest pop tune at its loudest. She laid her head back down with a sigh and reached out to press the snooze button.

'Just 15 more minutes. I can spare it.'

It was 7:30 in the morning and she had to be up early enough to make it to her job at 9. Usually, she was already up by this time. But you see, with a deadly combination of yesterday being her 26th birthday, having a crazy girl named Mina Richardson as her cousin and three other crazy friends who all had an excuse to party….things had gotten a little out of hand. Serena could only remember bits and pieces, but she did remember an overabundant amount of alcohol being forced down her by her dear cousin and evil friends.

Serena groaned when her alarm clock went off, yet again blaring some pop song. This time, however, there was also a very wonderful aroma coming from her kitchen. It was the smell of freshly brewed coffee made by her favorite object in the apartment, her automatic coffee pot.

'I could kiss my brother for getting me that for Christmas, even if he did call me lazy and a scatter brain.' Serena thought, rising from her comfortable bed slowly while rubbing her temples to try and soothe her dull headache.

She made her way to her small kitchen, grabbed the biggest coffee mug from one of the few cabinets and poured herself some coffee. She would need the strongest coffee in existence to make it through the day.

'Never again. Never again will I allow them to drag me away to party on a work night.' She promised herself with a slight nod of her head which made the room spin a bit. The coffee wasn't doing its job fast enough.

By 8:30 Serena was dressed and out the door with her trusty iPod in hand. Her job, in the large city she called home, was only five blocks away from her apartment. So everyday, no matter what the weather conditions were like, she took the same route to the public library. The word 'huge' would not even begin to describe the Mora Shields Public Library at which Serena was employed. On the outside, the building looked like it was 100 years old, but on the inside it was very modern and classy even including its very own Starbucks on the first floor.

There were many different departments set up to run the library, from the director's office to the janitorial department. Hundreds of jobs became available when the library opened two years ago. One job in particular had caught Serena's interest. It was, after all, what she had gone to college for. There were only a few libraries in the country that had the department and she was very excited to learn that one near her hometown would soon be one of those libraries. Book repair was Serena's specialty. She could repair practically any book, even if it was falling apart at the spine or if there were pages missing. Preserving bits of history was how she viewed and described her job to others who inquired about it and she loved doing it.

Sighing to herself and still feeling the remnants of her hangover she walked up the wide, concrete steps to the entrance of the grand library. The automatic doors slid open to allow her access and she was greeted with a warm gust of air that felt wonderful and very much welcomed during the cold month of January.

Mentally scolding herself once again for letting things get so out of hand the night before, she walked into one of the many elevators and pressed the button that would take her to the fourth floor. Before the doors closed she was joined by a group of men and women dressed in business attire all making small talk about certain things dealing with the library. She recognized most of the people as her co-workers, one being the director of the library herself. Pushed to the wall of the elevator by the chattering group, Serena felt a bit out of place. She ignored the crowd and continued listening to her iPod, loving the sense of invisibility it gave her. She started to hum lightly and tap her foot. Little did she know, her actions were being observed by one of the passengers, bringing a small smile to his handsome face.

Pushing her way through the crowd to get off at her floor, Serena made her way to her office. Left, right, left, left again, and a final right turn brought her to her working station. She had her own cubicle with a computer and all the boring necessities, but she didn't like being confined to it. Instead, she spent her time at her other work table, which consisted of three large tables grouped together to form a square, another long row of tables (to set her work on to dry), and then a materials area, consisting of everything she needed for her repairs.

She smiled, noticing that Molly was standing off to the side of said work area, unloading books from a cart onto a shelf for books needing Serena's TLC. The girl was always here an hour early, so it didn't surprise Serena in the least to see her friend already hard at work.

"Hey Molly, how's it going? Not that I don't love what I do or anything, but…how is it a brand spanking new library doesn't have brand spanking new books that are all shiney and stuff?" inquired Serena, with a grin, as she approached her friend.

"Serena….you know very well that a good majority of the books we have now came from the old library. No one took care of them and that's why there're so freaking many. Look at as me giving me your next paycheck, because without books needing to be repaired, you wouldn't have one." She raised one of her elegant, red eyebrows at Serena.

"I know Mols, but when I see so many it gets me down. I mean, it just feels like I'm swimming in books. When I get done with one, I still have to process thousands more. I need a frappachino. Caramel. With extra whip cream. Badly."

"Well Serena, whining this early in the morning is a little off schedule for you."

"Ouch, that comment hurt." Serena aimed a well rehearsed puppy face at Molly.

"Hmm…right…you know that stopped working on me in like…10th grade, right?" The red haired lady grinned.

"Hmph! Fine. Then I'll just grab one of these poor books and go pout silently to myself while listening to a sad song. Don't bother to comfort me, I won't have it!"



"To help you out with your little dilemma, which I don't see actually existing…I've taken it upon myself to help you hire someone, who I know will be a very dedicated worker."

"What? You've actually found someone else who'd be interested in working with me? That's rare indeedy. So, who is it?"

"Well….I just set you up an appointment with him, so you can give him a kind of interview, to see if you really think he'd be up to your standards and all. But, his name is Melvin and I told him to be here around 10 today, is that ok? He's a friend of mine, so I'd appreciate it if you would do that for me."

"Ahhhh, I see……You're using me to get your new boyfriend a job!"

"He's not my boyfriend! He's just an old friend, is all. And I knew him before I met you, so no…you don't know him! He just moved back in town and I kind of told him I'd get him an interview…."

"Alright….fine. I'll do it, but only because you're you."

Molly gave Serena a quick hug and began to maneuver her cart toward the exit. "Thanks Serena, I owe you one!"

"Damn right you owe me one. I want a free caramel frappachino!"

Ten minutes later, Serena was seated and had all of her materials out to do a full book recasing for the one she'd chosen earlier. Ipod set off to her left, she began the long process of replacing the old with the new. Around 9:55, she suddenly noticed a tall figure move out of the corner of her eye.

'Hmm…such an early bird this Melvin is.' Serena giggled to herself at her own inner impersonation of Yoda. She stopped what she was doing, removed her headphones and stood to greet her potential co-worker.

"Hello there, you must be Melvin." She greeted the man standing on the other side of the table and then froze. Her mouth might have opened slightly as well, but she couldn't exactly help it. Before her stood a devilishly handsome man with short, well kept, black hair and the most incredible blue eyes. He grinned at her reaction and cleared his throat to try and bring her back from wherever her mind had taken her.

Serena could only think one thing in her frozen state: "Holy shit…I am in so much trouble."

Hm, so this seemed like a good enough place to stop. The only thing I can promise with this little fic of mine, is that I WILL continue to work on it. I can't promise any time frame for a next chapter, but hopefully it can be a monthly type of thing. Like I said, I have this partially planned out, so hopefully everything will just flow nicely. Thanks for reading! Reviews help the writer's soul flourish and uh….write more.
