-1A/N: This is my first Fanfic ever. Please r and r. I'll post next chapter soon.

Disclaimer: I DO NOT own Twilight, New Moon, or the characters in this Fanfic. Everything is owned by the wonderful and talented Stephenie Meyer. Especially the first sentence of this story, considering this is the last line from New Moon.

I squared my shoulders and walked forward to meet my fate, with my destiny solidly at my side. My father's face was now a vibrant shade of indigo and I thought I saw smoke streaming out of his ears. I gulped and he exploded when I was in range.

"GET INTO THAT HOUSE RIGHT NOW YOUNG LADY." Charlie quivered with the anger boiling in his blood. I was as terrified as a deer in headlights and Edward was deadly silent. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL YOURSELF? BECAUSE IF THAT IS THE CASE THEN YOUR GROUNDING IS BECOMING A LOCK DOWN!"

"Dad…" I started cautiously, but he couldn't hear me over his own yelling.

"ABSOLUTLY NO EDWARD, YOU ARE TO DRIVE YOUR TRUCK TO AND FROM SCHOOL AND WORK, AND NO GUESS- NOT EVEN ALICE." The statement brought a sympathetic shudder to his shoulders. My father could be a confusing man at times, but right now he was a little terrifying. "NOW. GO. TO. YOUR. ROOM!" Charlie hissed pronouncing every single word individually.

Edwards arm tightened around my waist as if it was molded around it. I couldn't move even if I had wanted to, and then there was Edward's wondrous scent. It was making logic go out the window and plus it had been a few months since Edward had proposed to me in my room. This brought an idea to me as I stared my father down with my disgruntled face.

"Dad, you can't ground me from Edward." I stated in a tight voice that made Charlie go into a deeper shade of indigo. Who cared about that stupid bike anyways? I didn't I would gladly go and take a sledge hammer to it this instant, but that would have to wait.

"What did you just say?" Charlie inquired through gritted teeth. His eyes deadly on Edward now. If Edward had been any human boy, he probably would have skittered away from the death glare, but he is not human and the glare had no phase on him.

Instead actually Edward moved me behind him as he had done with Jacob a couple minutes ago. That didn't stop my glare and my solidly decided response. "Dad, look I know, while Edward was gone, you really had hoped for me and Jake to become something more. The thing is I can't imagine myself marring anyone but Edward. And so that is what I am doing."

Charlie lost his gaskets at this and yelled, but I also heard Edward's velvety voice say the same thing as he turned his head towards me, "What?"

With an almost smug smile on my lips for once I repeated myself. "I'm accepting Edward's proposal for me to marry him." Edward's eyes sparkled at me in his hidden joy, Charlie had stopped breathing and looked about ready to grab his gun; so her could to shoot Edward with it. My smile vanished and I quickly stuttered out, "D-d-dad, ba-ba-breathe, I'm going to get rid of the bike I promise."

"YOU ARE NOT DOING ANY SUCH THING!" Charlie snarled trying to reach for my wrist to pull me away from behind Edward. Obviously missing my last statement altogether. Edward was stepping back, which in turn pushed me back, and was making Charlie's eyes begin to bulge out of their sockets.

Right when Charlie was about to go inside the entire backyard filled with an overwhelming calmness. Edward had been standing perfectly still, not breathing for about a good five minutes now, and as the wave swept across the yard his 6'2 stance loosened as he exhaled. Charlie paused at the door it was very obvious that he was standing there taking comforting breaths. Charlie lifted his left hand up to his face and turned around to face us.

I pulled on the back of Edward's shirt, I squeaked "Dad?"

His eyes looked into my brown saucer-sized ones. "Bells, just get rid of the bike Well discuss everything later." The tone was by far calmer then it should have been and his face was pink as if he had just got done running.

I just nodded my head and thought Thank you Jasper. Where ever you might be at this moment. Edward stepped back to my side and wrapped his arm back around my waist. Charlie walked into the house leaving Edward and myself alone at the door. I looked around quickly to everywhere but at the smiling idiot beside me.

"Where is Alice and Jasper?" I whispered gently now looking up into those dazzling topaz eyes. Edward had my crooked smile playing on his lips as he stared down at me.

"What?" My question transformed and my eyes slightly widened once again. He swept me off of my feet in a huge bear hug. One I would have thought Emmet only capably of giving, "Edward, I can't breath." I murmured against his ear.

"Sorry, Love, but did you mean what you told Charlie?" My spine turned to liquid as his breath caressed my face and he set me back on the ground. I caught my breath, enjoying the cool air around us and his scent, his lips were so close to mine.

"Did I mean what?" I inquired my lips turning up to meet his already. I couldn't help it! He just smelt too damn good not to kiss those lips, that also happen to be the perfect mates to mine.

The sound of his chuckle came to my ear and then he pulled away from me slightly. My eyes had closed and were now wide open, I was glaring at him for an explanation. "I'm not giving you what you want until you answer my question."

"And that question was?" I asked rather frustrated that he had pulled away from me, once again. The tone I used matched my bubbling emotion. I truly was my father's daughter I thought at this moment and rolled my eyes.

"About you marring me. Or, rather, specifically you accepting my proposal without telling me." When Edward said you, the second time, his finger tapped the end of my nose.

I pouted, "Don't tell me, you wished to place a ring on my finger when I accepted."

That was when his chilled lips met the corner of my mouth, the topaz orbs glowing with humor. He whispered, "Alice is harassing the company as we speak."

Horror spread onto my face, I could tell he wasn't joking either. Edward raised a perfect eyebrow to my expression. Before I could say anything he looked into the house, brushing my face gently with a hand, Edward told me. "Your father is thinking about talking to you. So before he remembers you two were arguing, you should go in to see him. As for this conversation, we will be finishing it later." He finally kissed my hungry lips and then his lips moved to my ears. "I'll be upstairs when your done."