Note : Same as the first seven (wheeee seven!) chapters, Sloth and Pride are me (sloth) and my friend (pride). NOT the characters from fullmetal alchemist. I underlined the inteviewers again to make everthing a little less confusing. But then again, I'm sure you knew that by now.
I don't own fma, never did. And most likely never will.
Nina and Elysia are from the anime but Selim is from the manga.
And I guess I should warn you about spoilers.
Yay! There's been seven chaps! This story has entered the seven-grouped things along with seven world wonders, seven deadly sins, seven days of the week, seven homunculi, lucky number seven, and other seven stuff. As a seven chapter gift, the interviewers will from this point on be wearing hats. But not just any hats, special hats. Sloth's hat is orange and shaped like a hamster with a picture of Envy on it, and Pride's hat is green and has a picture of Kakashi smoking a cigare and hitting Gaara on the head with a baseball bat.
Pride: Wooooowwww... Seven whole interviews... (pokes at her hat) We must be interviewing some real special and exiting people today! Right, Sloth?
Sloth: Let's see. (reads her paper) Elysia Hughes, Nina Tucker and Selim Bradley. ...Hey! You have a paper too! Couldn't you've had read your own?!
Pride: Meh, probably. Oh well, let's go in.
Sloth & Pride: (Walk into Hughes house, no one was in there but the three children, and they were all sitting on the floor cross-legged in front of the couch)
Nina: Hi big sisters! Came to play wit us?
Sloth: No, actually, we came to interview you guys.
Selim: Oh, com'n...
Elysia: Dat's borring...
Pride & Sloth: (Sit down on the couch)
Pride: First question! What's your favourite texture?
Nina: What a textour?
Elysia: No, Nina, it taxtear!
Selim: I'm positive it's textature.
Sloth: No, it's TEXTURE! T-E-X-T-U-E!
Nina, Elysia and Sleim: Tue, tue, tue, tue... tue ... tue, tue... tue tue... TUE-TUE! (Ect... they stood up and started to run in circles waving their hands in the air)
Sloth: (Looks annoyed)
Pride: You forgot the "r" in texture. And a texture is how something feels when you touch it.
Nina: Oh! Kay-kay then. (runs up and rubs Pride sweater) I like dat textour!
Elysia: (rubs the sweater too) Me too!
Selim: I like soft stuff!
Pride: All good answers!
Kids: (sit back down and clap)
Sloth: 'Kay. I'll ask the next one, listen up. If you could...
Nina: Do what big sistah? Do wha...?
Sloth: (looks confused) I'm not you sister? Ah well, if you could... KILL! KILL anyone who would it be?!
Pride: ...violent enough...?
Selim: I try to avoid papa when he gets violent like that. It's scary.
Elysia: My dady wouldn't kill anyone. He nice. I wuv daddy.
Nina: I don't wanna die! I don't wanna kill nobody!
Pride: Maybe a different question?
Sloth: I guess you're right. I'll answer for them then. Elysia will most likely never kill anyone.
Elysia: (claps) Yay!
Sloth: Selim is Pride so he'll obviously kill, a lot.
Selim: Me? (looks at himself confused)
Pride: Uh-huh!
Sloth: And Nina is going to die in less then a year, so that kinda means that she will never kill anyone.
Pride: Did you have to say that?
Nina: (starts to cry and looks up at Pride) Priiiiiiiiiiide... I don' wanna die... wahhhhahhh...! Why do I hafta die, Pride, why...? (pulls at the sleve of Pride's sweater)
Selim & Elysia: (start to cry too)
Pride: (looks down at Nina) Aw, Sloth! Now what do we do! Their parents are going to be so mad!
Sloth: (thinks) I know! We can give them candy! (pulls a bag of candy out of her hat and gives some to each of the kids)
Selim, Elysia & Nina: (eat the whole bag of candy. They start to run around the room, throwing stuff everywhere, jumping on couches, screaming loudly, and breaking vases)
Elysia: (steals Pride's hat and throws it out the window, landing in a lack)
Pride: NOOOO! MY KAKASHI HAT! Bad Elysia!
Elysia: (hits Pride in the head) Bad! Bad!
Pride: Stop it!
Elysia: (stops and continues running around the room)
Sloth: (takes her hat off and sits on it) You should be more carefull, nobody's gonna take my Envy hat! NOBODY!
Nina: (grabs the envy hat and throws it out the window) Yay!
Sloth: No! Envy!
Pride: (laughes)
Selim: (knocks a picture off the wall) Oops!
Nina & Elysia: (start playing tag)
Sloth: What should we do? Hughes is comming to pick them up in ten minutes!
Pride: I could try using my cell phone to call a baby-sitter. (takes out cell phone)
Sloth: Yeah!
Pride: (opens up cell phone and dials a number) ... hello? Edward, is that you? ... Could you come here? ... ... To help us out. ... With Nina, Selim and Elysia! ... No, they're not hyper or anything (smiles) ... Fast, please. ... Well, you see, we're kinda short on time. ... (rolls eyes) ... Yes, Ed, I am saying you're a shrimp ... Whatever, just come as fast as you can ... bye ... (hangs up the phone and puts it away) Well, that was annoying.
Sloth: So?
Pride: Ed should be here any second!
Nina, Elysia and Selim: (haven't calmed down at all)
Ed: (walks in) I'm here! What did you ne--- (gets hit in the head by a pillow)
Sloth and Pride: (laugh)
Pride: That's your fault for not finding out the details before you accept a job!
Nina: (pulls at Ed's Sleve) Big brother came to play?
Elysia: (jumps on Ed's back) Wee! Horsey ride! Horsey!
Selim: Eeeeeedwaaaard! (stares up at Ed)
Ed: Oh, no. (...)
Pride: Have fun, Ed. (walks out)
Sloth: Good luck. (follows Pride)
Nina: Bye-bye big sisters!
Elysia: Thanks for tha candy!
Selim: (pulls on Ed's braid)
Ed: Hey! Come back here you two! And handle your own problems!
Sloth & Pride: (are already two houses down)
Pride: He'll have fun. (sarcastic)
Sloth: Yeah!
If you want to, you can now suggest questions to ask or what characters to interview! (anime or manga!) Because I'm running low on ideas!