A/N - As anyone that's read either of my two epic jobs (Traveller and If Things Were Different) will probably have got the idea by now that I am a smut hound. It's okay, I admit that freely. So this is my first foray into a bit of PWP. It's a one shot for now, depending on the response it gets. This was written with a lot of help from the wonderful Bkerbunny who has some superb Taker stories of her own on this site - go take a look at them as they are well worth reading.

Disclaimer: Don't own them. If I did would I be writing this stuff? Hell no! Seriously - I own nothing pertaining to the WWE or the trademarks thereof. All that is mine is the OC and the setting. No money is being made from this fiction which is written purely for entertainment purposes (and to satisfy the smut hounds).

Ever had one of those days that feels like it lasts forever? The nine to five feels more to nine to eternity and you can't help thinking of all the other things you could be doing or still have to do once the working day is done. Then to cap it all you end up having to work a little later than usual as something just comes up as you are about to leave. And why do those sorts of things always come up when you absolutely have to be somewhere after work?

Yet again my car had needed some work done on it. It went through phases of spending more time in the shop than out of it. Yes, I probably should have started thinking about replacing it but to be honest I quite enjoyed taking it to the garage that I used to do the work for me. The place wasn't too pricey and the mechanic was an absolute god, the most edible thing I had seen in a very long time.

Coupled with that he could be a fairly outrageous flirt too, which always went down well with me. If nothing else it made paying for the work a bit less painful if there was a little fun banter to go along with it, especially with someone that looked like Dave. He was always dressed the same – a pair of very well fitting ripped jeans and one of those T-shirts they only seem to sell to mechanics. Tight fitting and showing off every one of the highly defined muscles on that huge body. Look up the definition of tall dark and handsome in the dictionary and I'm pretty sure you'd find his picture.

Never discount the convenience of building up a good rapport with your mechanic. It had worked very well in my advantage this time as I needed my car back as soon as possible after he'd finished working on it but knew that there was no way I'd be able to get out of work inside the hours he was normally there to pick it up. And of course it was Saturday so if I didn't get a chance to fetch it then it would have been the following week before I would have been back on the road again. Luckily Dave agreed to wait for me so I could pick it up.

Still it was later than I had planned on when I got there and stepped hesitantly through the door. "Anybody around?"

He poked his head out of the office door. "Back here."

I wandered back. "Hey… I got here as quick as I could."

Dave wiped his hands on a rag while looking me and down, a slight sly smile on his face. "It's no problem. I told you I'd wait."

"I appreciate it," I grinned at him. "So, what do I owe you?"

Chuckling softly he nodded. "Straight to business today I see." Turning towards the counter he moved to grab the paperwork.

Laughing, I shrugged a little. "You should know me by now. No messing around."

"That's no fun, Megan. A little messing around is always a good thing." As he turned back towards me he smirked down.

Leaning on the counter with my elbows I raised an eyebrow. "Maybe I just need to meet someone I feel like messing around with."

His expression suddenly became more serious and he stepped closer. "I know of someone I've been dying to get my hands on."

Not sure quite why he was telling me this I stepped away from the counter and stretched slightly, leaning a hip on the desk that sat behind the counter. "That right? Why don't you just try your luck?"

A low growl sounded in the back of his throat and he rattled his tongue bar along his teeth. "You sure about that?"

My head jerked at the rattling noise and I had to fight for a couple of seconds to keep my breathing even. "Of course. You never get anywhere unless you try." As soon as I finished speaking Dave stepped forward, his hands clasping behind the back of my head as he pressed a hard kiss on me. Jerking again in surprise it was just about all I could do to grab his arms.

He pulled back, his breath fanning against my face as his eyes searched mine. "I've wanted to do that since you first stepped into the garage."

A little unsettled by the rapid turn of events I licked my lips and swallowed convulsively. "You… you have?"

Dave's eyes shot to where my tongue had darted out to wet my lips and he nodded, saying nothing as he lifted me up and carried me to a nearby car, pressing my back against it and kissing me deeply. "You have no idea."

Finally getting my head around what was going on I let out a deep breath on feeling the hard metal at my back. Moving my hands up to the back of his neck I returned his kiss hard.

Releasing my mouth he slid his tongue along the tender skin of my neck. "I've wanted to have you… Just like this."

With a harsh hiss through my teeth I tilted my head to the side to allow him greater access into my neck. "You never let on."

Dave lifted his head from my neck and pressed his body close to mine, his eyes locked to mine and boring into them. "You never told me to go for it either."

The thoughts crashing through my mind were torn in two completely different directions. Dave was making it very clear that he wanted me right there and then. Part of me found that a bit overwhelming, partly due to the sheer size of him that close to me. The larger section of my brain however agreed with him totally. With a deep breath, almost a moan, I pushed myself forward against him. "Go for it…" I muttered.

Growling hungrily he crouched slightly, cupping my bottom in his hands and bracing me against the car. "You have no idea what you've signed yourself up for."

Nervously worrying at my bottom lip with my teeth I looked up at him. "I guess you'd better show me then.

"With pleasure…" So saying Dave crashed his mouth down against mine, one knee going between my legs to hold me up while his hands made straight for the hem of my shirt. In reply I kissed him back just as hard as he was kissing me, dragging my nails down his back and yanking his T-shirt out of his jeans. Dave's hands moved to the smooth skin of my back, the tips of his fingers teasing just below the waistband of my jeans as a satisfied moan slipped from his lips against my mouth. Pulling his T-shirt up his back I dragged my nails down over the bare skin, helpless to stop my hips bucking along his leg slightly. Jerking a little under my hands he pulled at my shirt, trying to get it over my head. "You've gotta get this off. I wanna taste you."

His low deep voice, almost a whisper against my lips, made me shiver as I pulled the material off and dropped it to the side. "All yours," I replied in a whisper of my own.

"Beautiful…" he breathed as his hands glided along my ribs and his mouth moved to explore my collarbone and chest.

Shuddering under his touch my hands seemed to move of their own volition to his shoulders and my fingers dug into the mass of muscle there. "Jesus…" I murmured, starting to feel the intensity of the situation.

Effortlessly lifting me up he moved to sit me on the hood of the car. Stripping his T-shirt off and throwing it away he shifted to stand between my legs, hands resting on my shoulders. "I don't think there's any way I can be gentle about this."

Taking in the sheer size of him I shivered unconsciously. "I'm tougher than I look."

"God, let's hope so," he said, grinning down at me. Running his hands down my arms he grabbed hold of my ribs and pulled me closer to him, his kisses turning rougher now as his hands cupped my breasts. As I surrendered myself to the rising lust I felt I kissed him back with the same intensity, trailing my hands down towards his belt buckle. Grunting softly Dave pulled my hands away and pushed me back down onto the hood of the car. "Right now sweetness it is all about you." Quickly undoing my jeans he pulled them from my body.

I propped myself up on my elbows, looking at him down the length of my body. "So… just what are you going to do with me?" Unable to stop myself I licked my lips as I looked him over.

"Oh, I have a few ideas." Rattling his tongue bar he leant over and pressed an open mouthed kiss to my abdomen, letting me feel the little lump of metal move over my flesh.

The mix of sensation and anticipation had me dropping back flat on the car, my back arching up towards him. "Oh my god…" He grinned against my skin as his hands made it to the stringed side of my panties, pulling them from me as his mouth moved lower. The stubble along his jaw line scraped at my skin as his lips and tongue made their way over my body. The half scratching, half tickling sensation left me gasping and writhing under his attentions, especially when he nipped at the skin along the front of my hips and along the line of my pelvis then diving lower, opening me to himself and tasting me slowly.

The feeling of his mouth on me like that was too much for me to be able to keep quiet and I groaned as I stiffened, my hands curling into fists. "Shit Dave…"

Grinning, he lifted his head minutely and ran his stubble over my flesh making me arch even more towards him. "What's wrong, Megan? Can't take it?"

My head whipped up and I glared at him as I growled a response. "Don't you fucking stop!"

Chuckling he lowered his head once more and sucked my sensitive flesh into his mouth. Teeth scraping, tongue laving straight after he set a forceful pace like a starving man faced with his first meal in weeks. Once more my back arched sharply, thrusting my groin towards his face while my breath hitched and rapid panting noises were forced from my throat. Dave laid one large arm over my hips, holding me down then ran his free hand up the inside of my thigh, pushing a finger deep into me, continuing to furiously suck and nip at my flesh.

It was more than I could take and I bucked up hard into his hand, crying out harshly. His pace slowed as he rode out my pleasure before standing and, not giving me any time to catch my breath, pulling me up against his chest, his hands tangling in my hair as he kissed me forcefully. Wrapping my arms around his neck I held myself tight against him and returned it with just as much intensity.

Releasing me just a little Dave let his hands move from my hair down over my shoulders and released the catch on my bra, pulling it free and tossing it aside before crushing my chest once more to his. Pushing myself in as tight as I could against him, my own hands skimmed down his back, gripping his backside briefly then moving back round to his belt buckle again. Creating a little room between us he kneaded and cupped my breasts, his thumbs gently rubbing over my nipples while taking a step back to allow me to undo his pants. Leaning in I ran my tongue over the expanse of his chest, nipping from time to time as I undid his jeans and slipped a hand inside to rub his length lightly.

Sucking his breath in between his teeth Dave let his head drop back and moved his hands once more to my hair. I kissed a trail down over his chest and stomach, dropping to kneel in front of him and working his jeans down his thighs before nipping the front of his hip. Curling his fingers into my hair his head dropped forward to watch me as I moved down his body. Continuing to work my way further down I skimmed past his groin to his leg and then worked my way up the other thigh.

"Don't fuckin' tease me," he growled, his grip tightening.

I pulled away from his hold on me a little, looking up the length of his body at him. "Tell me what you want then."

With a deep groan he looked at the ceiling, the muscle in his jaw clenching and unclenching repeatedly. "Taste me…" he muttered in a husky demanding voice.

Smiling a little at the effect I was having on him I settled myself on my knees between him and the car, wrapping a hand firmly around his length. Taking the time to trace his flesh with my tongue I then closed my mouth over him and set to work, moving at a fair pace with my mouth and complimenting the movements with those of my hand. Sighing happily he moved his hips along with me. Determined to try and affect him just as much as he had me I raised an eyebrow at him and increased the speed and intensity of my motions, hollowing my cheeks to increase the feeling for him.

"Ah shit…" he panted. Feeling a smirk showing around my eyes I watched his face as I continued to pleasure him, raising my free hand to cup his balls. His hips bucked harder towards me as he smoothed my hair away from my face to watch what I was doing to him, a sheen of sweat starting to gather on his chest. Taking as much as I possibly could without gagging I worked him harder still.

Dave's legs started to shake as he leant over me, bracing himself with his hands on the car. "Stop…"

A little unsure, I slowed and then stopped, rocking back onto my heels. "Problem?"

He grinned down at me and pulled me back to my feet, kissing me hard. "I'm not going out like that."

Pulling away from him a little I grinned back. "So I was getting to you then."

With a nod he spun me round and bent me over the car. "As if you have to ask."

Tensing in anticipation I sucked in a deep breath. "Well a girl likes to be sure."

Dave leant over me and nipped me on the shoulder, his stomach pressed against my back as he pinned my hands to the car with his own. "You… are a minx."

Revelling in the feel of him over me I arched up into him. "You sound surprised."

"Maybe a little." Stepping back as he spoke he ran his hands down my back and over the swell of my buttocks, then positioned himself ready to enter me.

Fighting the urge to press back and do the job myself I groaned low in my throat. "And why is that?"

Dave chuckled and then loosed a sigh as he moved forward slowly, seemingly savouring the feeling of my flesh enveloping him. "First impression made me think you were a good girl… even if you did have a smart mouth."

Gasping at the initial sensation I gave a moan as he filled me. "Never claimed to be a good girl."

"Let's just see how bad you can be." Pulling out slowly he pushed back into me a little harder. Hissing sharply through my teeth I bucked back at him, holding myself as tight as I could around him. "Jesus…" he groaned, bending his knees and pushing deeper, setting a rougher harder rhythm.

"Oh shit," I panted softly. "That feels so good…"

"Yeah…" he grunted from deep in his chest, picking it up another notch. "So good…" Picking one of my legs up he moved it to rest on the car, his movements going even deeper as his other hand slid around my hip to press against my clitoris. A deep groan emanated from his chest as his actions caused me to clamp down around him harder. "So damn good."

"Oh my god!" I was starting to pant hard now, the sensations pooling deep in my belly. "Jesus… just like that."

Dave began to grunt with every thrust, his hips struggling to maintain the pace. "That's it, squeeze me," he growled. Concentrating hard with everything I had I clenched tight around his length, a moan being forced from me at his every movement. "Fuck," he gasped. "Let… go…"

The edge to his voice excited me even more and I started to buck hard against his every stroke, groaning harshly as my climax built rapidly. Dave pressed his fingers into me more roughly as he continued to drive me on to orgasm, his body starting to tremble and signalling his own fast approaching release. Suddenly I stiffened, throwing my head back and letting out a string of cursing as I crashed over the edge.

"Holy… hell…" Dave continued to ride me through my orgasm before his body bucked hard with his own climax, then collapsed against my back, breathing hard.

I dropped my head down to rest on my arm on the hood of the car, fighting to get my breath back. "Holy shit."

Dave's body moved slightly against my back as he nodded. "I agree whole heartedly."

"Not exactly what I expected when I set out to collect my car," I mused, propping myself up on my hands.

Dave moved back to stand, flexing and unflexing his legs to test their sturdiness and chuckling. "Not exactly what I set out to do when you got here to collect your car."

Once he had moved away I pushed myself upright, turning and leaning my butt against the car, raising an eyebrow. I was suddenly a little unsure of what I'd just done and it came out as flippancy. "Ah well, we killed some time."

Dave reached out and pulled me to him, kissing me swiftly. "Actually we've done something that I've been dying to do since you walked into my shop."

I pulled away, really not sure quite how to respond to that. "I'm flattered."

He looked away and ran a hand over his stubbled cheek. "Umm… yeah." Blushing suddenly he looked back at me with a questioning look in his eyes.

I regarded him thoughtfully. "What's going on in that head of yours?"

Shrugging, he released his hold on me. "I'm not sure." He paused, sighing before continuing. "Wow, you've got me speechless."

His uneasiness made me somehow more comfortable, the fact that he was as unsure as I was in a way reassuring. "If it makes you feel any better I've been thinking about that for a long time too."

He grinned suddenly, making his whole face light up. "Yeah, it does make me feel a little better."

Suddenly aware of the fact that I was standing in a garage totally naked I glanced down at myself and chuckled self-consciously, starting to gather my clothes together.

Dave reached out and stopped me, kissing me softly. "I don't want this to end… not right here."

Sighing softly I looked up at him. "Then what do you want?"

Gently he ran a finger along my jaw. "Come home with me… tonight… now." His eyes seemed to almost be pleading with me.

"I don't know…"

He turned my own question back on me. "What do you want?"

Laughing a little I avoided the question as I honestly wasn't sure of the answer. "You could be a psycho."

"I could." He looked me over. "But that won't change the physical attraction."

Sighing again I ran a finger down his chest. "This just isn't my usual territory."

"Mine either, but I want to get to know you." Kissing me deeply he cupped my face in his hands and looked me straight in the eye. "And I do mean all of you."

The tiniest smile crossed my face and I gazed up at him. "So… not an axe murderer?"

Dave shook his head and gave a full-throated laugh. "Not in the least."

I thought for a moment and made my decision. It wasn't like he was a total stranger after all and in all honesty just how much more risky could it be to go home with him given what I had just done? Despite all the flirting he did with the female customers he didn't have a reputation as a player. Seemed to keep himself to himself in that respect at least. And his reactions after we had just had sex intrigued me. I didn't think I had ever imagined him as being capable of blushing.

Looking back up at him I nodded minutely. "Alright then."

"Good. Let's go."

"Uh… can I get dressed first?" I asked with a laugh.

Shaking his head quickly he chuckled in reply. "Nope. It'll make it easier for when I get you home."

Adopting a fake frown I propped my fists on my hips, trying to ignore the fact that I wasn't remotely intimidating standing there naked. "Well then you'd better at least give me your damn T-shirt or I go nowhere." Unable to keep up the act I broke into a grin.

"Relax… I'm only kidding." Bending to pick up his clothes he grabbed mine as well. When I held out a hand to take them he grabbed me, pulling me in close to him and kissing me thoroughly.

As I started to pull my clothes on I broke out laughing. "You know, if I'd known that was an option I'd have had a lot more work done on my car."

Dave laughed with me. "If I had known it was an option I'd have done the work free of charge."

Grinning cheekily I looked over at him. "Can't we come to an arrangement?"