Hey everyone, it's me here again, with some bad news.

4 years... That's how long it's taken me to get 30 or so chapters of my story written. And they're not even that long to be honest. I've been thinking about this story for a long time, and the truth is, I've always had the ideas of where I want the story to go, but I'm finally starting to accept the plain truth: it will never get finished. The story I wanted to write is just way too long.

So I'm not gonna beat a dead horse anymore. This story is officially on hiatus, and will likely never be continued.

I mean, let's take a look at things. Much as I hate to admit, I did look to reviews to keep me going, and while there were a lot of nice reviews, they were few in-between. About 1 or 2 reviews on average per chapter, and my last chapter got nada. I know it sounds a little selfish, but it is nice to know people are reading your stuff.

And as I said earlier... it's been 4 years. With the amount I have put out, that is WAY too little. I'm not surprised that I didn't get any reviews for the last chapter: clearly people are sick and tired of waiting around. I know I am. Sick and tired of waiting for my own stupid self to get out of this endless writers block. Yeah, I was in college for the first two of those years, but I've also been mostly unemployed for the last 2 years, so really there was no excuse.

So is that the end of me? Well, maybe not.

Recently I've been writing an Alternate Universe fics for Kingdom Hearts. At first it was just meant to be (like another private one-shot I wrote) but the words are pouring out of me faster than they did for Unbreakable Curse. Hopefully, I'm on to something, and I am, then I may post it up here.

But that's only if I can push myself to get the story kicking off. That probably means I won't start uploading chapters until I'm well into the story (maybe halfway) so I at least know where I'm going, and if I can finish it within a decent timeline.

So that all I have to say about this. If anyone out there still reads this and are saddened by this news, I do apologise. Feel free to review this chapter and tell me your thoughts, or hell, review the whole story is you want. I will read them, promise.

By the way, I wanted to use this chance to plug some fics on this website that inspired me to start writing myself. They may not be similar in style or even plot, but they were the ones I had to finish reading.

Kingdom Hearts: The Third Epic/Final Confrontation (LordCavendish)

The Interference (Newbie-Spud)

Court Of Souls (Rem-chan)

Multiple Stories (Vash's Girl) (Note: Yaoi fics inside)

And lastly, a special thanks to LordCavendish. By far the best fanfic i have ever read from start to finish, and a great guy who got me through the early stages of writing this fic. Thanks buddy.

See ya real soon!