A/N: This was typed simply out of a whim. Hope it's alright. Words in italic are characters' thoughts.


"Wolfram, why don't you go sleep in your own room?" Yuuri said frustrated. If this continues, I don't know if I can hold it in any longer.

"Yuuri, I'm your fiancé, so of course I have to sleep with you." That wimp is really a wimp. If he wants to tell me something then he should just go right head and tell me.

Yuuri sighed in resignation and plopped himself down beside the blonde boy. He's so stubborn. Yuuri suddenly opened his eyes wide. Could it be he already knows? Relax, Yuuri, think it through first. Did you leave any hints that might give you away?

A hand ran across Yuuri's chest and Wolfram leaned over and stared down at the Demon King. Yuuri was taken by surprise as the blonde lowered himself to stare eye to eye with him.

"Yuuri, is there something that you want to tell me?" Wolfram asked with those suspicious eyes.

Yuuri blushed, "N-n-n-nothing at all! Oyasuminasai!" and he pulled the blanket over his face.

"Yuuri!" Wolfram tugged the blanket off and stared angrily at his fiancé's red face. "Tell me!"

"No." and the Maou snatched his blanket back.

"I won't get mad or call you a wimp!" Wolfram promised. Tell me tell me tell me!

Yuuri sat up suddenly and almost hit Wolfram's nose had not His Excellency been trained to hone his reflexes. He stared at the brunette with expecting eyes. Yuuri looks so serious.

Yuuri turned to Wolfram and placed his hands on the demon's shoulders.

"Wolfram, are you sure you want to know?" he said with piercing eyes. Let's hope these eyes will make him get scared and give up on knowing about it.

Wolfram hardened himself, "Of course! I want to know what you're thinking about that you can't even tell me."

"Honto?" Please say no, please say no.

"Honto desu!"

Argh! I might as well tell him. He'd find out eventually anyway.

Yuuri placed his hand under Wolfram's chin and pulled it close to himself so that their noses are almost touching. Wolfram felt the sudden intimate closeness his face began to turn slightly pink.

"Yuuri..." Is he going to confess?

"Wolfram, close your eyes." The boy did so. Lips slightly puckered, expecting what was to come.

He waited for quite some time. Is that wimp too wimpy to even kiss me? He slowly opened his eyes a bit to see...

"A key?"

Yuuri was holding out a key. "Well, actually, it's a key to that pool house you wanted." He held out Wolfram's hand and put the key in it. "Remember that time when you said you'd like to learn how to swim in somewhere other than the ocean?"

Wolfram nodded.

"Well, I got the men to build a swimming pool downstairs."

"So that's what the locked room was. I was pretty curious and everyone told me it was a new bathroom." Wolfram said. He looked carefully at the shiny gold key.

"Well, it's your birthday present." Wolfram looked at Yuuri in surprise. Yuuri smiled, "Happy (early) Birthday, Wolfram."

Wolfram felt happy tears well up in his eyes. He hugged Yuuri and nearly squeezed the life out of him. "Arigatou, Yuuri!" he squealed like a little girl. "I'm gonna learn how to swim and I won't become seasick that easily anymore." Although it's not exactly what I expected, this is much more better. Yuuri cares about me!

Yuuri smiled and patted Wolfram's silky blonde head. He really is too much like a girl.