Alright then. For those who still want it, this is it. The conclusion :)

I really really hope it's a satisfactory end! Because this is what I had in mind when I started writing my story, all those years ago. But at the same time, so much was added in the course of it. And it was really difficult to tie everything together. And it took a lot of time. And a lot of patience from all of you, my readers. And I'm really grateful for every single review and comment you've left for this story, that kept me believing in my ability to finish it.

So thank you all, my dear readers :) (I actually can't believe this is the end..)

But here goes:

It pained him not to be the one who with the ability to help her; he had to stand by and watch. Gradually, the wounds disappeared, but the pallor on her face stayed.

Natsume went to take Mikan's hand, then froze as he realized that she had stopped breathing.

Chapter Twenty-Four - Till The End

"Do something!" Natsume yelled. "I said do something!"

The fire caster was going crazy, his anger flaring up, and all the men feared he might explode at any given second and set the boat on fire.

Suddenly Mikan gasped, and started stirring without opening her eyes. Natsume immediately calmed down and gripped her ice-cold hand a little tighter.

The healer sat back, exhausted, and wiped his face with his hands.

"That's all I can do for her. Now, all we can do is wait and see if she wakes up."

"When she wakes up" Natsume corrected, but the healer avoided his gaze.

"Alright everyone, back to work!" Deisuke shouted, and Natsume realised that some of them had been watching the girl in silence. They had already traveled far enough from the island to consider themselves safe, but that was no reason to slow down.

Natsume sat down next to Mikan and took her right hand between both of his hands. He looked down at her face, taking in the light, bruise-like colour of her eyelids and the whiteness of her skin.

He lifted her hand to his lips and held it close.

"I promise I'll make him pay" he whispered, his lips touching her skin at every word, trying not to think about the pain she had had to endure. The traces of that were gone, wiped away by the touch of the healer, but the memory remained. "If it's the last thing I do."

Not much was said on the way back to the Academy. Natsume hoped Mikan would wake up, but she didn't move. Only her shallow breathing showed him that she was still alive.

When they finally reached the port, Natsume didn't wait for Deisuke to tie the boat up. He picked Mikan up in his arms and jumped ashore. A driver was already waiting to take him to the Academy.

To his surprise, Ryuzaki was waiting for him there and started running towards him as he saw him approach..

"Bad news, black cat, I can't find…" He stopped dead in his tracks, eyes wide with disbelief when he spotted Mikan in his arms.

"I swear, I'm going to kill him" Natsume breathed, his words sharp and filled with hatred.

"I'm going with you" Ryuzaki replied, determined.

"What good are you for this? I'm sorry, but you'd be in the way."

"I'm glad you think so, but there is no way I'm not coming with you. I'll explain later."

Natsume was too angry to ask what he meant, and started walking. It was the middle of the night, and he hoped that everyone was asleep. He didn't need witnesses.

He would first bring Mikan back to her room and ask Ryuzaki to wake Hotaru to look after her. This might buy him enough time to find Persona and finish him.

He didn't quite get that far. Leaning against a tree, in his usual cool fashion, the masked man was already waiting for him, barring his way.

"Go get help" Natsume muttered, trying to get Ryuzaki to go away. This was between him and Persona, and he didn't want anyone else interfering.


"Take her and get her to safety" Natsume snapped. He didn't want to let her out of his sight, but it was better if Mikan wasn't present in such a situation. That finally did the trick, and the other young man reached out to get her from him.

"The girl stays here" Persona ordered sharply. "I want to have a look at her."

"Over my dead body" Natsume growled.

"My dear boy, there is no need to talk like that."

"I won't repeat myself, do you hear me?"

"Are you threatening me?"

The black cat stared at his opponent, his crimson eyes blazing with hatred and contempt. He knew that Persona's alice was strong. He would just have to be stronger.

"When I say go, you run" he told Ryuzaki, who simply nodded.

"I don't think so."

Behind Persona, a group of his most loyal men appeared, closing off any escape. They were all wearing masks, and were patiently waiting. Turning around, Natsume realised that the path behind him was blocked too.

He tried to shout, maybe someone would hear him, but no sound escaped his lips. Persona smiled, and Natsume looked around frantically and found the reason behind his enforced silence. A man with the ability to shut someone up. It was stupid, at the same time as it was infuriating.

"You will speak when spoken to. Now hand her over."

Natsume breathed in slowly, then exhaled and put Mikan on the ground. He only exchanged one short glance with Ryuzaki before they both attacked.

It was like an explosion of flames and pain, a circle of fire and destruction that swept their opponents of their feet and sent them flying. Persona managed to dodge the flames, but went down on one knee as Ryuzaki's alice hit him with full force.

"That's enough!" Natsume shouted, but Ryuzaki didn't stop. He was now standing very close to Persona, looking down on him.

"I'm the one who's supposed to make him pay" Natsume repeated. "Stop it!"

Ryuzaki's concentration faltered, and that was enough for Persona to get up on his feet and jump onto the young man. One touch was enough, and Ryuzaki stumbled backwards, gripping his arm.

"Don't worry, it's not deadly. It just hurts a lot."

The young man was staring at the black mark that was spreading on his skin. Within seconds, his legs weren't strong enough to carry him, and he collapsed on the ground.

Natsume didn't stop looking at Persona. A ball of fire appeared in his palm as he readied himself.

"Don't be stupid, Natsume. I can help her."

"You've done enough!" the boy yelled, suddenly scared for Mikan.

"What if she doesn't wake up? You have to let me help her."

Persona took a step towards him, but Natsume held up his hands.

"Don't come any closer."

Natsume was suddenly swept from his feet and hit the ground, hard. Unnoticed by the black cat, one of Persona's men had snuck up behind him and was now trying to wrestle him down. Fighting with his fire, it wasn't very difficult to fend the man off, but from the corner of his eye, he saw Persona move. As he was got to his feet, he knew he wouldn't get to Mikan in time.

Persona was already kneeling next to her, reaching into his jacket pocket. He retrieved a small vial, and without hesitation, forced its content down her throat.

A cry of pure rage escaped Natsume's lips as he threw himself at the masked man, his hands ablaze. Persona jumped back, dodging the young man easily.

"Fight me!" Natsume yelled.

"It wouldn't do you any good."

"I said fight me!" Natsume was longing to cause him pain. For years already, he had carried that desire deep within his heart, but had never had the right reason or opportunity to follow it.

He created a large jet of flames and aimed it right at Persona, who jumped to the side. Natsume, having anticipated that, sent another salve flying into that direction, and hit his opponent square in the chest and on his right arm.

The masked man recognised that if he didn't do something fast, he would have no chance of escaping.

"You leave me no choice" he muttered between gritted teeth.

He advanced towards Natsume, who was breathing hard, recovering from the sudden loss of energy caused by his attack. With his outstretched hand, he was about to mark the young fire caster with his alice when he suddenly fell on his knee, clutching his sides.

Natsume followed his gaze and saw Ryuzaki, propped on his elbow, staring at the masked man intently and causing him more pain that was imaginable. The black cat admired his strength and his will. Admittedly, he hadn't expected as much from him.

"This is what you deserve" Natsume said darkly. Fireballs appeared in both of his hands as he took a step towards Persona, who was fighting against the pain. He raised his hands and allowed the flames to grow until he knew that the heat had become unbearable. The masked man turned his face away, not allowing himself to make a sound through his gritted teeth.

Suddenly, Natsume's flames disappeared, at the same time as Persona's pained expression. Ryuzaki fell back onto the ground and stayed there, inert.

Natsume looked around, slightly panicked because he couldn't access his ability anymore. He had only felt that once before. There was only one possible explanation.

And there she was, standing upright, looking him right in the eye.

"Mikan? What are you doing?"

"I'm doing what's right. You've killed enough, Natsume. Don't burden yourself any more."

He had a hard time understanding the young girl. Not because her words weren't clear, but because the way she said those words stood in stark contrast to the message she was delivering.

She stood tall in her ghost-like pallor, her legs trembling lightly under the effort. She was still so very weak.

"No, Mikan, you don't understand! If I don't kill him, he'll keep going. He won't stop."

"Not without his ability." Her voice was cold and distant, and suddenly, Natsume was very afraid.

"He's different, don't you see? No kill I have made before has mattered as much as this one. He deserves to die, for everything he's done."

"You're right, he's different. That's exactly why you can't kill him; if you do, something will change. You won't be able to handle it. Who are you to decide?"

"That's not going to stop me. I've already killed so many! That's not the difference."

"But you didn't choose to. You were told. That's what's different."

"Mikan. Get out of the way."


Mikan held his gaze steadily, her eyes fixed onto his.

"I have to do this. You, of all people, should understand why. Look what he's done to you."

The young girl ignored him and turned towards Persona.

"Get out of here. Leave, and never come back."

"No!" Natsume shouted. "As long as he's out there, he'll still be a threat."

Mikan didn't even look at him.

"What did you do to her?" he growled, directed towards Persona. The masked man simply grinned. He stood up and took a step backwards.

"You'll see me again" he said, contempt and amusement clear in his voice.

"You really shouldn't have said that" Mikan whispered darkly. It was as if she was acting under someone's order, not taking any interest in what she was doing. Bored, almost.

Unnoticed by the others, she had started reaching out with her alice and woven a net around Persona's alice. From her work with Ryuzaki, Mikan knew that there was a natural barrier in everyone to keep the alice from leaving the body. Using that knowledge, she combined her nullification alice with that barrier and made it permanent. In other words, she locked Persona's alice into his body, making it inaccessible for him.

Mikan could feel her energy drain out of her as she sealed Persona's poisonous ability into his body, closing it so that nobody would be able to free it.

A strange fear gripped the masked man at the sudden, unfamiliar feeling of emptiness. He could feel his alice somewhere, deep within but well out of reach, trapped in his own body.

"There was no other way" Mikan said quietly. Persona's cry of rage accompanied his strike against her, but she easily avoided him by stepping to the side. His hand brushed the skin of her neck, but nothing happened. His alice was useless.

But the excessive use of her alice had taken its toll. Mikan swayed dangerously on her feet before she fell sideways. Not for the first time, Natsume was by her side in a heartbeat, catching her before she could hit the ground.

From the corner of his eyes, he spotted Persona and threw a fireball that missed his former teacher by mere inches. Another fireball appeared in his hand, but he kept it in his palm.

"Get out of here" Natsume sneered. It would be so easy for him to kill Persona now, but something held him back. Mikan wouldn't like it, and he knew he wouldn't be able to lie to her when she woke up.

Besides, living without power might possibly even be more of a punishment than just death.

Persona recognised his own defeat. Without a look back, he disappeared around the bend and into the nearby forest.

Natsume would make sure to set up a patrol to search the parameter, as well as a group to deal with Persona's surviving men.

"Natsume-kun" Mikan whispered in his arms, and he looked down at her. Natsume realised that she had been conscious the whole time. She focused her gaze onto his crimson eyes and he was unable to look away.

They she looked around and suddenly went very still.

She stood up and tried to walk, but Natsume had to support her. He didn't know if she could move on her own.

The young girl knelt down next to Ryuzaki's inert body.

"He'll be fine, won't he?" she whispered, not taking her eyes off his face. A thin line of blood was running out of his nose and was staining his lips.

The obvious was screaming her in the face, the coldness of his skin was a clear indicator, but she wouldn't take it.

Mikan lightly touched his cheek with her fingertips, willing him to wake up. It didn't matter that his heart had stopped beating and that he wasn't breathing anymore. He couldn't just leave her, not like that.

Natsume was tempted to say something, to reach out and touch her shoulder, to comfort her, but the pain and disbelief that were written on her face kept him from doing so. And so he sat in perfect stillness, giving her all the time and space in the world.

Mikan's eyes filled with tears as she broke down completely, and she threw herself over Ryuzaki's chest, breathing the familiar scent as her shoulders shook uncontrollably.

"Why are you leaving me?" she whispered into his chest, her hands clenched to fists. She placed her right hand under his head and lifted him up against her, holding him in a tight embrace as she cried.


The empty question that escaped her trembling lips was full of heartfelt pain, of loathing, of hatred and love. And of loneliness.

Mikan cried until she had the feeling she was completely dried up and couldn't cry any more. And even then, her cramped chest heaved and the sobs wouldn't stop.

When she finally relaxed, the sun had started rising, colouring the sky orange.

Finally, Natsume dared to speak.


She turned towards him, her reddened eyes full of sorrow. Without a word, she threw herself into his arms and stayed there, shaking.

Hesitating ever so slightly, Natsume started stroking her hair and leaned to comfort her. His lips were resting against the top of her head. They stayed like that for a few more minutes until Natsume heard footsteps.

It was Hiroshi. Before the black cat could say anything, he spoke.

"I took care of Persona's men and the patrols. Standard procedures."

Natsume simply nodded, grateful that that task had been taken from him.

Hiroshi knelt down next to Ryuzaki and placed his hand on the dead man's shoulder. He bent his head down and closed his eyes, only his shaking shoulders betraying the intensity of his emotions.

When he was done grieving, Hiroshi picked his friend up and looked at Mikan. She nodded, trying hard not to start crying again, but the tears simply spilled over and onto her cheeks.

Hiroshi put his hand on her shoulder in a strangely comforting gesture before walking away, carrying Ryuzaki into the Academy where his body would be dealt with.

"We should go inside too. You need rest" Natsume whispered.

Mikan didn't move, but he took it as consent and lifted her up. As he started walking, the young girl protested.

"You don't have to carry me." Her voice was so quiet he almost didn't hear her.

Natsume had no idea why she was still conscious at this stage. After all the strain and torture, then the fight against Persona and finally Ryuzaki's death. The shock was probably keeping her awake. Emotion welled up in him again, for everything she had endured.

"I'm sorry" was all he could say, overwhelmed by what he was feeling. He didn't know how to tell her he loved her, he wasn't sure if he could ever let her know how much he cared about her.

"Don't be stupid" she muttered, sounding sleepy. Natsume looked down at her face and saw that she had closed her eyes, her expression finally settling into that of calmness. "You saved me."