Begin Chapter 17

It had been four days since the Akatsuki incident and Naruto hadn't brought up, AT ALL, how he wanted Sasuke to make up for what he did.

Maybe he forgot? Sasuke thought with hope.

The first two days after the couple got home, Sasuke nearly had anxiety attacks whenever he saw the blond. When he saw him, he feared that the words that would come out of his lover's mouth would be laced with debauchery. After days of Naruto just being his usual lovable self, Sasuke was more at ease.

When Sasuke heard the door of the adjoining bathroom open, he looked up and smiled at the towel-clad dripping blond.

"Mmm, you look so sexy," Sasuke said eyeing the boy.

Naruto walked over to Sasuke and kissed him. "Thank you." He looked over the raven and whispered in his ear, "You always look sexy."

The teens looked each other deeply in the eyes and kissed softly, smiling the entire time.

"So Sasuke," Naruto began, "what do you want to do today?"

Sasuke sighed happily, closed his eyes, and laid his head down on his pillow. "Anything you want," he replied.

The kitsune smiled brightly. "I was thinking you could buy me some ramen," he said to the raven and then walked over to the bed and crawled over to his lover. Whispering in his ears, he said, "then after that, I thought we could come back to our place and…"

"Uh huh?" Sasuke asked, goading the younger teen.

"You could make it up to me like you promised."

Sasuke's eyes shot open and he sat upright with a jolt, hitting his forehead against the blonde's that was hovering over him.

"ITAI, TEME!" Naruto yelled, rubbing his forehead.

The Uchiha was breathing erratically and his eyes looked like he had just seen a ghost.

"Ne, Sasuke!" Naruto yelled, pushing on his lover's smooth and creamy skin to wake him from his trance. "What's wrong?" he asked concerned.

"N-n-n-nothing!" lied the older boy.

"I know when you're lying!" Naruto exclaimed, hitting the other boy for lying to him and to further arouse him from his stupor. "So what's wrong?"

Sasuke rubbed the back of his head. "N-nothing. It's just, uh, you know, all those fangirls, especially those annoying girls Ino and Sakura, know you're back and know that I'll be with you. They might try to jump you at Ichiraku's so I spend time with them," Sasuke scoffed, then continued, "than with you."

"Well, you'll protect me, right?" the blond asked with a grin on his face.

"Always, of course," Sasuke answered seriously. Sasuke looked down and sighed before looking into deep blue eyes. "You know I love you, right?"

"Of course," Naruto said, hugging the forlorn boy. "And you know I love you, right?"

Sasuke nodded.

"And if anything is bothering you, you know I'd like you to be honest with me and so I can help you in any way, right?"

Sasuke nodded then sighed.

"So what's really wrong?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke closed his eyes and sighed. Might as well be honest. He'd know if I were lying anyway. "I was just worried about what you'd make me do to make up for how I screwed up our first time."

"That's what you're worried about?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke nodded.

"Why would you be worried about that?"

Sasuke shrugged, not wanting to tell Naruto all the crazy ideas he thought Naruto would ask of him because he was embarrassed and because he didn't want to give Naruto any ideas.

Naruto smiled goofily and hugged the raven tighter. "You didn't think I'd ask you to do some crazy thing to make it up to me did you?"

Sasuke shrugged, still not making contact with the kitsune.

Naruto chuckled and punched Sasuke playfully. "You're so silly!" he exclaimed.

The older teen looked up confused at the laughing boy.

Naruto hugged Sasuke tighter again and kissed him on the forehead. "You dumbass!" Naruto said, biting Sasuke on the ear, causing him to jump within the encircled tan arms. "I love you! I haven't seen you for so long and you think I'd waste my time making you do ridiculous things? No! Geez! I just want you to make love to me like you would have done if Akatsuki hadn't complicated things!...And buy me ramen…And tell everyone we're together." Naruto appeared as if pleading for something.

That's it Sasuke thought? He smiled, relieved and happy. "Of course. Anything for you."

"REALLY?" Naruto screamed. He knew Sasuke would do the first two things he asked, but he was uncertain of his last request. He felt Sasuke might be ashamed to come out or worried that he might tarnish the Uchiha name.

Sasuke nodded into the tan body that held him. "Yeah," he said, turning his head to look Naruto in the eye. "I will do all of that if that means you will completely forgive me for ruining our first time."

Naruto nodded nonstop happily. "I'm going to get dressed!" he said. "You should too! We can go into town and you can buy me ramen and we can tell people about our relationship!"

Sasuke tensed at what Naruto said. He loved the blond and didn't care who knew they were together. He just didn't realize that meant he would be opening up to people about him and Naruto. He hated telling people about his life because it was none of their business. The less people knew about him, the better.

"What's wrong?" Naruto asked when Sasuke stiffened.

"I just realized if people knew about us, they'd start asking a bunch of questions like how we got together, when he fell in love, blah blah blah, all that stuff."

"Oh," Naruto said, his shoulder slumping.

Sasuke felt it and could hear Naruto's tone. "Oh! Don't get me wrong! I don't mind telling people about us. I just…don't want to tell them about us? Does that make sense?"

"People can know about us?" Naruto asked.


"But you don't want to tell them about us?"

"That's right."

"What the fuck, Sasuke! That makes no sense at all!"
"Grrrr!" Sasuke growled. "I love you, Naruto. I don't care if the whole world knows. Heck, I'll tell everyone, but just don't expect me to answer their questions about us when they ask."

Naruto mulled over what Sasuke just said. "Okay, so you're fine if people know about us. Like I can tell them anything I want about us?"

"Yes and depends. I hope you don't tell them anything…too private."

"Of course I won't, dumbass! I'm not Jiraiya!"
"Okay!" Sasuke said, slightly angry. Yelling always put him in a negative mood.

"Okay!" Naruto echoed.

They just stared at each other, eyes slightly narrowed. After a minute, both sighed and they just hugged each other.

"I love you, Naruto," Sasuke said. "And I want the whole world to know that you're mine and I'm yours."

Naruto smiled into Sasuke's neck. "I love you too, Sasuke." He looked into Sasuke's charcoal eyes. "Now get ready!"

X jump x jump X jump x jump X jump x jump X jump x jump X jump x jump X jump x jump X jump x jump

At Ichiraku's, Sasuke watched as Naruto devoured as twelfth bowl of ramen. "Mmmmmmmm!" Naruto moaned, licking his lips. "I've missed this almost as much as I've missed you, teme," he divulged.

Sasuke smiled.

The lovers' lovely meal was interrupted as they heard two female voices growing louder and louder.

"Move it, Ino-pig!" Sakura yelled and shoved as they both ran side-by-side toward Ichiraku's.

"You move it, Wide Forehead!" Ino yelled and shoved back, running the whole way.

When they reached the teens, they gave dirty looks at Naruto.

"Why do you always spend time with him?" Ino asked.

"Yeah," Sakura chimed, "you already spend all your time training with him, but do you have to eat with him too? Look at him, he looks disgusting! Eating all that ramen! Gross!"

Sasuke glared daggers at them, causing the girls' blood to turn to ice and sending a chill over their entire body.

"For your information," he spoke slowly and clearly, "I spend all my time with Naruto because he is my boyfriend."

"WHAT?" yelled both girls incredulously.

Naruto just watched, delighted that Sasuke was telling them about their relationship and at the girls' reaction.

"S-say that again!" Sakura said.

"Naruto. Is. My. Boyfriend." Sasuke then grabbed Naruto by the back of the neck and kissed him hard on the lips.

When they both looked to where the girls were standing, they saw no one-just the beautiful Konoha behind that was behind them.

Then they looked down.

"WOW," Naruto said. "Bet you wish you told them this three years ago, huh, Sasuke?" Naruto laughed.

Sasuke nodded, amused at the sight on the floor. There there was the second hugest deluge of blood that he had seen in his life.

"Are they alive?" Naruto asked worriedly.

"I hope not," Sasuke said.

Naruto whacked him. "Don't be so cruel, Sasuke!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes and kicked them.

"Uhhh," was heard from the ground.

"Guess they're alive," Sasuke answered disappointed.

"Hm, I guess that means they think our relationship is hot?" Naruto queried.

"Guess so," Sasuke replied, slightly disturbed by the thought. "Now finish your food so we can head home," Sasuke said, winking at the boy.

Naruto smiled and slurped up the rest of his food.

Sasuke paid the owner and linked hands with his lover. They both stepped over the unconscious bodies on the ground, Sasuke "accidentally" kicking them as he stepped over them, and headed towards their home.

At home, Sasuke and Naruto went up to their bedroom. Sasuke still didn't know what he was going to do. He already ruled out candles and rose petals on the bed, thinking those were more of a girl thing.

He kept it simple, and truly the way he wanted it because he felt complicated things tended to go wrong. He hoped Naruto liked what he did. He kissed and nibbled and bit the blond slowly, giving attention to every part of the blond.

By the end of the night, the fox had completely forgiven the raven.



Reviews appreciated!

I was going to have Ino and Sakura die for massive blood loss, but I felt that was too cruel.

SORRY FOR NO LEMON! I'm not too comfortable writing those anymore.